The Stowification
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 1 additions and 1669 deletions
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(setq package-install-upgrade-built-in t)
@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
;;; init.el --- Description -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Daniel Ziltener
;; Author: Daniel Ziltener <>
;; Maintainer: Daniel Ziltener <>
;; Created: November 13, 2023
;; Modified: November 13, 2023
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Keywords: abbrev bib c calendar comm convenience data docs
;; emulations extensions faces files frames games hardware help
;; hypermedia i18n internal languages lisp local maint mail matching
;; mouse multimedia news outlines processes terminals tex tools unix
;; vc wp
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; Description
;;; Code:
;;;; Requirements
;; Since I am using `cl-defun` in this init file, I need to require
;; `cl-macs`.
(require 'cl-macs)
;;;; Early Variables
(setq custom-file "~/.config/emacs/custom.el")
(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
(load custom-file))
(defvar init-dir (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
;;;; Elpaca
;;;;; Installation
(defvar elpaca-installer-version 0.7)
(defvar elpaca-directory (expand-file-name "elpaca/" user-emacs-directory))
(defvar elpaca-builds-directory (expand-file-name "builds/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-repos-directory (expand-file-name "repos/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-order '(elpaca :repo ""
:ref nil :depth 1
:files (:defaults "elpaca-test.el" (:exclude "extensions"))
:build (:not elpaca--activate-package)))
(let* ((repo (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-repos-directory))
(build (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-builds-directory))
(order (cdr elpaca-order))
(default-directory repo))
(add-to-list 'load-path (if (file-exists-p build) build repo))
(unless (file-exists-p repo)
(make-directory repo t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 28) (require 'subr-x))
(condition-case-unless-debug err
(if-let ((buffer (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*elpaca-bootstrap*"))
((zerop (apply #'call-process `("git" nil ,buffer t "clone"
,@(when-let ((depth (plist-get order :depth)))
(list (format "--depth=%d" depth) "--no-single-branch"))
,(plist-get order :repo) ,repo))))
((zerop (call-process "git" nil buffer t "checkout"
(or (plist-get order :ref) "--"))))
(emacs (concat invocation-directory invocation-name))
((zerop (call-process emacs nil buffer nil "-Q" "-L" "." "--batch"
"--eval" "(byte-recompile-directory \".\" 0 'force)")))
((require 'elpaca))
((elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)))
(progn (message "%s" (buffer-string)) (kill-buffer buffer))
(error "%s" (with-current-buffer buffer (buffer-string))))
((error) (warn "%s" err) (delete-directory repo 'recursive))))
(unless (require 'elpaca-autoloads nil t)
(require 'elpaca)
(elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)
(load "./elpaca-autoloads")))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'elpaca-process-queues)
(elpaca `(,@elpaca-order))
;; Use-Package Integration
(elpaca elpaca-use-package
(setq elpaca-use-package-by-default t))
;;;; Personal Information Setup
(setq user-full-name "Daniel Ziltener"
user-mail-address "")
;; I use `pass` as password storage.
;;;; Package Management Configuration
;; See:
(use-package el-patch)
;;;;; Guix Management
(use-package guix
:after magit-popup)
;;;; Helper Functions
(cl-defun conditional-keybind
(filter-fn target-fn
&optional (fail-fn #'self-insert-command))
"Creates a keybinding that checks `filter-fn`. If it succeeds,
`target-fn` is run, otherwise `fail-fn`. If no fail-fn is given,
`self-insert-command` is run instead.
`target-fn` and `fail-fn` must both be interactive."
(lambda (_prefix)
(interactive "P")
(if (funcall filter-fn)
(call-interactively target-fn)
(call-interactively fail-fn))))
;;;; Emacs
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
:after org
(completion-cycle-threshold 10)
(display-time-mode t)
(enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
(enable-remote-dir-locals t)
(fill-column 100)
(global-hl-line-mode t)
(global-prettify-symbols-mode t)
(indent-tabs-mode nil)
(menu-bar-mode nil)
(minibuffer-prompt-properties (read-only t cursor-intangible t face minibuffer-prompt))
(native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors nil)
(read-extended-command-predicate #'command-completion-default-include-p)
(recentf-mode t)
(pixel-scroll-precision-large-scroll-height 30)
(scroll-bar-mode nil)
(tab-always-indent 'complete)
(tool-bar-mode nil)
(newsticker-url-list-defaults nil)
'(("Tagesschau" "" nil nil nil)
("NZZ Neuste" "" nil nil nil)
("SRF News" "" nil nil nil)
("SRF Wissen" "" nil nil nil)
("Deutschlandfunk Nachrichten" "" nil nil nil)
("Deutschlandfunk Wissen" "" nil nil nil)
("RBB" "" nil nil nil)
("Guix" "" nil nil nil)
("Mastering Emacs" "" nil nil nil)
("" "" nil nil nil)
("Anil Dash Blog" "" nil nil nil)))
(default ((t (:weight normal :height 110 :family "MonaspiceXe Nerd Font Mono"))))
(fixed-pitch ((t (:weight normal :height 110 :family "MonaspiceXe Nerd Font Mono"))))
(variable-pitch ((t (:weight normal :height 135 :family "MonaspiceXe Nerd Font Propo"))))
(minibuffer-setup . cursor-intangible-mode)
(setq xref-backend-functions (list))
(advice-add 'risky-local-variable-p :override #'ignore)
(global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode t)
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode 1))
(use-package gnus
:ensure nil
(message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
(sendmail-program "msmtp")
(message-sendmail-f-is-evil t)
(message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("--read-envelope-from")))
(defun set-buffer-variable-pitch ()
(variable-pitch-mode t)
(setq line-spacing 3)
(set-face-attribute 'org-table nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
(set-face-attribute 'org-code nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
(set-face-attribute 'org-block nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
;; investigate: this face does not exist
;;(set-face-attribute 'org-block-background nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
(use-package outline-minor
:ensure nil
(:map evil-normal-state-map
("zoc" . #'outline-cycle-buffer))
;;;; Org Mode
(use-package org
:ensure (:repo "" :branch "emacs-sync")
(defun cc/org-local-stuff ()
(setq-local visual-fill-column-center-text t))
:after visual-fill-column
(org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t)
(scheme . t)
(shell . t)))
(org-mode . org-indent-mode)
(org-src-mode . hack-local-variables)
(org-mode . visual-line-mode)
(org-mode . set-buffer-variable-pitch)
(setq org-directory "~/org")
;;(add-to-list 'org-modules 'collector)
(use-package org-roam
(org-roam-directory "~/org/roam")
(use-package consult-notes
(consult-notes-org-roam-mode t))
(use-package websocket
:after org-roam)
(use-package org-roam-ui
:after org-roam
(org-roam-ui-sync-theme t)
(org-roam-ui-follow t)
(org-roam-ui-update-on-save t)
(org-roam-ui-open-on-start t))
(use-package org-modern
(org-mode . org-modern-mode)
(org-agenda-finalize . org-modern-agenda))
(use-package org-rainbow-tags
(org-mode . org-rainbow-tags-mode))
;;;; Design
(use-package color-theme-modern)
(use-package moe-theme)
(use-package catppuccin-theme
(catppuccin-flavor 'mocha)
(catppuccin-highlight-matches t)
(catppuccin-italic-comments t)
(font-lock-doc-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face
:foreground "#fab387"))))
;;(load-theme 'catppuccin)
(use-package unicode-fonts
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha-background 90)
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha-background . 90))
(use-package lambda-line
:ensure (:host github :repo "lambda-emacs/lambda-line")
(lambda-line-icon-time t) ;; requires ClockFace font (see below)
(lambda-line-clockface-update-fontset "ClockFaceRect") ;; set clock icon
(lambda-line-position 'bottom) ;; Set position of status-line
(lambda-line-abbrev t) ;; abbreviate major modes
(lambda-line-hspace " ") ;; add some cushion
(lambda-line-prefix t) ;; use a prefix symbol
(lambda-line-prefix-padding nil) ;; no extra space for prefix
(lambda-line-status-invert nil) ;; no invert colors
(lambda-line-gui-ro-symbol " ⨂") ;; symbols
(lambda-line-gui-mod-symbol " ⬤")
(lambda-line-gui-rw-symbol " ")
(lambda-line-vc-symbol " ")
(lambda-line-space-top +.50) ;; padding on top and bottom of line
(lambda-line-space-bottom -.50)
(lambda-line-symbol-position 0.1) ;; adjust the vertical placement of symbol
;; add evil indicator
(advice-add 'lambda-line-compose :around
(lambda (orig-fun status name primary tertiary secondary)
(funcall orig-fun
(concat name evil-mode-line-tag)
primary tertiary secondary)))
;; activate lambda-line
(lambda-line-clockface-update-fontset "ClockFaceRect")
(customize-set-variable 'flymake-mode-line-counter-format '("" flymake-mode-line-error-counter flymake-mode-line-warning-counter flymake-mode-line-note-counter ""))
(customize-set-variable 'flymake-mode-line-format '(" " flymake-mode-line-exception flymake-mode-line-counters))
;; set divider line in footer
(when (eq lambda-line-position 'top)
(setq-default mode-line-format (list "%_"))
(setq mode-line-format (list "%_"))))
(use-package lambda-themes
:ensure (:host github :repo "lambda-emacs/lambda-themes")
(lambda-themes-set-italic-comments t)
(lambda-themes-set-italic-keywords t)
(lambda-themes-set-variable-pitch t)
;; load preferred theme
(load-theme 'lambda-dark))
;;;;; Long line handling
(use-package visual-fill-column
(visual-fill-column-enable-sensible-window-split t)
(prog-mode . visual-line-mode)
;; :config
;; (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode)
;; (add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook #'visual-fill-column-mode)
(use-package adaptive-wrap
(setq-default adaptive-wrap-extra-indent 4)
;;(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook #'adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)
(visual-line-mode . adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode))
(use-package password-store)
(use-package password-store-otp
:ensure (:version (lambda (_) "0.1.5")))
(use-package pass)
;;;; Evil Mode
(use-package evil
(setq evil-want-keybinding nil
evil-emacs-state-tag " "
evil-normal-state-tag " "
evil-visual-state-tag " "
evil-insert-state-tag " "
evil-motion-state-tag " "
evil-operator-state-tag " ")
(evil-set-leader 'normal (kbd "<SPC>"))
(evil-set-leader 'normal (kbd "z") t)
(evil-mode 1)
(:map evil-normal-state-map
("<leader>f" . 'find-file)
("<leader>k" . 'kill-buffer)))
(use-package evil-collection
:after evil
:ensure t
:delight evil-collection-unimpaired-mode
(evil-collection-outline-bind-tab-p 1)
:commands evil-collection-init
;;;; Search, Completion, Execution
;;;;; Preliminary Packages
(use-package savehist
:ensure nil
(use-package orderless
:after consult
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot
(setq completion-category-defaults nil))
(setq completion-styles '(orderless basic)
completion-category-defaults nil
completion-category-overrides '((file (styles basic partial-completion)))))
(use-package embark-consult
(embark-collect-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode)
(require 'consult-flymake)
(require 'consult-xref)
(xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref)
(:map evil-normal-state-map
("<leader><SPC>" . 'consult-find)
("<leader>gs" . 'consult-eglot-symbols)
("<leader>b" . 'consult-buffer)
("<leader>gb" . 'consult-project-buffer)
("<leader>g/" . 'consult-git-grep)
("<leader>/" . 'consult-grep)
("/" . 'consult-line))
("C-<SPC>" . 'embark-act)
("C-M-<return>" . 'embark-bindings))
(use-package wgrep
(setq wgrep-auto-save-buffer t))
(use-package vertico
(use-package marginalia
(use-package nerd-icons-completion
:after marginalia
(marginalia-mode-hook . nerd-icons-completion-marginalia-setup)
(use-package which-key
(which-key-mode t))
;;;;; Code Completion
(use-package cape
(require 'cape-char)
(require 'cape-keyword)
(defun my/capf ()
(setq completion-at-point-functions
(list (cape-capf-super
(defun my/eglot-capf ()
(setq completion-at-point-functions
(list (cape-capf-super
(defun my/geiser-capf ()
(setq completion-at-point-functions
(list (apply #'cape-capf-super
(append geiser-capf--capfs
(advice-add 'eglot-completion-at-point :around #'cape-wrap-buster)
(org-mode . my/capf)
(prog-mode . my/capf)
(eglot-managed-mode . my/eglot-capf)
(geiser-mode . my/geiser-capf))
(defun my/corfu-combined-sort (candidates)
"Sort CANDIDATES using both display-sort-function and corfu-sort-function."
(let ((candidates
(let ((display-sort-func (corfu--metadata-get 'display-sort-function)))
(if display-sort-func
(funcall display-sort-func candidates)
(if corfu-sort-function
(funcall corfu-sort-function candidates)
(use-package corfu
(corfu-cycle t)
(corfu-preselect 'prompt)
(corfu-auto t)
(corfu-scroll-margin 5)
(corfu-quit-no-match 'separator)
(evil-collection-corfu-key-themes '(tab-n-go))
(corfu-popupinfo-delay '(0.1 . 0.5))
(setq corfu-sort-override-function #'my/corfu-combined-sort)
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'corfu-history)
(require 'corfu-popupinfo)
(require 'corfu-history)
(corfu-popupinfo-mode 1)
(corfu-history-mode 1))
(use-package nerd-icons-corfu
:after corfu
(add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters 'nerd-icons-corfu-formatter))
(use-package corfu-terminal
:if (not (display-graphic-p))
:after corfu
(use-package tempel)
(use-package xref-union
(xref-union-excluded-backends (lambda (b) (eq b #'etags--xref-backend)))
;;;; Basic Navigation
(use-package goto-chg
(:map evil-normal-state-map
("g," . 'goto-last-change)
("g;" . 'goto-last-change-reverse)))
(use-package evil-snipe
:after evil-easymotion
(evil-snipe-scope 'whole-visible)
(evil-snipe-repeat-scope 'whole-buffer)
(evil-snipe-spillover-scope 'whole-buffer)
(evil-snipe-tab-increment t)
(evil-snipe-override-mode 1)
(magit-mode . turn-off-evil-snipe-override-mode)
;; See
;; :config
;; (evilem-define "gs" 'evil-snipe-repeat
;; :bind ((evil-snipe-scope 'buffer)
;; (evil-snipe-enable-highlight)
;; (evil-snipe-enable-incremental-highlight)))
(use-package evil-easymotion
:after evil
(evilem-default-keybindings "<leader>"))
;;;; Lisp Navigation and Editing
;;;;; Helper Functions
(defun cc/move-sexp-backward ()
"Move balanced expression (sexp) to the right of point backward one sexp.
Point must be at the beginning of balanced expression (sexp)."
(transpose-sexps 1)
(forward-sexp -2))
(defun cc/move-sexp-forward ()
"Move balanced expression (sexp) to the right of point forward one sexp.
Point must be at the beginning of balanced expression (sexp)."
(forward-sexp 1)
(transpose-sexps 1)
(forward-sexp -1))
(defvar last-sexp nil)
(defun cc/clone-sexp ()
"Clone the sexp right after the cursor."
(call-interactively #'mark-sexp)
(call-interactively #'kill-ring-save)
(call-interactively #'evil-paste-before)
(call-interactively #'forward-char)
(call-interactively #'paredit-newline))
(defun cc/slurp-forward ()
"Slurps forward when the key is after the closing paren."
(call-interactively #'backward-char)
(call-interactively #'paredit-forward-slurp-sexp))
(defun cc/barf-forward ()
"Barfs forward even when the key is after the closing paren."
(call-interactively #'backward-char)
(call-interactively #'paredit-forward-barf-sexp))
(defun looking-at-opening-paren ()
(looking-at (rx (or "(" "{" "["))))
(defun being-past-closing-paren ()
(looking-back (rx (or ")" "}" "]"))))
;;;;; Basic
(use-package paredit
;; (add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'paredit-mode)
;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'paredit-mode)
;; (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook #'paredit-mode)
(evil-define-key 'insert paredit-mode-map
(kbd "r") (conditional-keybind #'looking-at-opening-paren
(kbd "w") (conditional-keybind #'looking-at-opening-paren
(kbd "s") (conditional-keybind #'looking-at-opening-paren
(kbd "c") (conditional-keybind #'looking-at-opening-paren
(kbd ">") (conditional-keybind #'being-past-closing-paren
(kbd "<") (conditional-keybind #'being-past-closing-paren
;;;;; Visual Aid
;; (use-package rainbow-delimiters
;; :hook
;; emacs-lisp-mode
;; scheme-mode)
;;;; Programming
(use-package editorconfig
:delight editorconfig-mode
(editorconfig-mode 1))
(use-package flymake
:ensure nil
:delight '(:eval (cons " " (flymake--mode-line-counters))))
(use-package eglot
:ensure nil
(eglot-connect-timeout 90)
(eglot-autoshutdown t)
(eglot-report-progress t)
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'((clojure-lsp (maxCompletions . 300))))
(eglot-managed-mode . (lambda ()
(add-hook 'before-save-hook
(lambda ()
(call-interactively #'eglot-format-buffer))
nil 'local)))
(eglot-managed-mode . eglot-inlay-hints-mode)
(clojure-mode . eglot-ensure))
(use-package consult-eglot
:after (consult eglot))
;;;;; Clojure
(use-package clojure-mode
(defun embark-eglot-rename (from to)
"Renames the symbol at point."
(interactive "sRename: \nsRename %s to: ")
(funcall-interactively #'eglot-rename to))
:delight ""
:after (embark cider)
(defvar-keymap embark-clj-identifier-map
:parent embark-identifier-map
"c" #'embark-eglot-rename)
(add-to-list 'embark-keymap-alist '(identifier . embark-clj-identifier-map))
(clojure-mode . (lambda ()
(setq xref-backend-functions (list))
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist
'(("fn" . "λ")
("comp" . "∘")
("and" . "∧")
("or" . "∨")
("not" . "¬"))))))
(use-package cider
;;:elpaca (:host github :repo "clojure-emacs/cider" :tag "v1.12.0")
:delight (cider-mode '(:eval (concat " [" (cider--modeline-info) "]")))
(evil-define-key 'normal 'cider-mode-map
(kbd "<localleader>ce") #'cider-eval-sexp-at-point))
;;;;; Scheme
(use-package geiser
(geiser-chicken-match-limit 200)
(defalias 'run-geiser 'geiser))
(use-package paren-face
;; :config
;; (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook #'paren-face-mode)
;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'paren-face-mode)
;; (add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'paren-face-mode)
(use-package highlight-parentheses
;; :config
;; (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'highlight-parentheses-mode)
;;;;;; Chicken Scheme
(use-package scheme
:ensure nil
(scheme-mode . (lambda ()
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist
'(("lambda" . "λ")
("compose" . "∘")
("and" . "∧")
("or" . "∨")
("not" . "¬"))))))
(defun flymake-chicken-init ()
(add-hook flymake-diagnostic-functions
flymake-chicken-backend nil t)
(use-package geiser-chicken)
;;;;;; Guile
(use-package geiser-guile
(when (executable-find "guix")
(add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path
(expand-file-name "~/.config/guix/current/share/guile/site/3.0"))))
;; (use-package flymake-chicken
;; :hook
;; ((scheme-mode . flymake-chicken-init)
;; (scheme-mode . flymake-mode))
;; :custom
;; (flycheck-global-modes '(not scheme-mode))
;; :config
;; (add-hook 'flymake-diagnostic-functions #'flymake-chicken-backend nil t))
;;;; Other Languages
(use-package zig-mode
(zig-mode . eglot-ensure)
:mode ("\\.zig\\'" . zig-mode))
;; (use-package lsp-tailwindcss
;; :init
;; (setq lsp-tailwindcss-add-on-mode t
;; lsp-tailwindcss-experimental-class-regex ["\"([^\"]*)\""])
;; :config
;; (add-to-list 'lsp-tailwindcss-major-modes 'clojurescript-ts-mode)
;; (add-to-list 'lsp-tailwindcss-major-modes 'clojurec-ts-mode))
(use-package dhall-mode
:mode "\\.dhall\'"
((dhall-mode . lsp)))
;;;; Version Control
;;;;; Git
;; Magit requires 'transient' >= 0.5.0, but due to bad defaults, Emacs' package manager refuses to
;; upgrade this and other built-in packages to higher releases from GNU Elpa.
(use-package transient
(progn (unload-feature 'transient t)
(require 'transient)))
;; To fix this, you have to add this to your init file:
;; (setq package-install-upgrade-built-in t)
;; You must also make sure the updated version is loaded, by evaluating the `progn` form below.
(use-package magit
:after magit-popup
(progn (unload-feature 'transient t)
(require 'transient)))
(use-package hl-todo
:ensure (:version (lambda (_) "3.6.0")))
(use-package magit-todos
:after (magit hl-todo)
(magit-mode . magit-todos-mode))
(use-package magit-popup)
(use-package forge
:after magit
(advice-add 'magit :after (lambda (&rest _args)
(call-interactively #'forge-pull))))
(use-package git-gutter
;; :config
;; (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'git-gutter-mode)
;;;; File Formats
;;;;; Asciidoc
(use-package adoc-mode
(adoc-mode . visual-line-mode)
(adoc-mode . (lambda () (setq-local visual-fill-column-center-text t))))
;;;; LaTeX
(add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions
;;;; Communication
;;;;; IRC
(use-package rcirc
:ensure nil
:after password-store
:server-alias ""
:port 6697
:nick "zilti"
:full-name "Daniel Ziltener"
:user-name "zilti/"
:password ,(password-store-get "Privat/Soju")
:encryption tls
:channels ("#chicken")))
:server-alias ""
:port 6697
:nick "zilti"
:full-name "Daniel Ziltener"
:user-name "zilti/"
:password ,(password-store-get "Privat/Soju")
:encryption tls
:channels ()))))
;;;; Wrapping Up
(use-package envrc
(provide 'init)
;;; init.el ends here
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
#+TITLE: Emacs Init File
#+AUTHOR: Daniel Ziltener
* Initialization
** Requirements
Since I am using ~cl-defun~ in this init file, I need to import ~cl-macs~.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'cl-macs)
** Personal Information
#+NAME: pers-info-table
| Name | Mail |
| Daniel Ziltener | |
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=pers-info-table
(let ((row (car input)))
(setq user-full-name (cl-first row))
(setq user-mail-address (cl-second row)))
For storage of passwords, I use [[][pass]]: src_emacs-lisp[]{(auth-source-pass-enable)}
** Customizations
Since this init file is version controlled, and I set all customizations
myself in =use-package= blocks, I want Emacs to use a separate file
for authorized =.dir-local= variables and similar stuff.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq custom-file "~/.emacs.d/custom.el")
(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
(load custom-file))
** Package Manager
Most packages are being installed using =Guix=, for the few remaining ones that have to be fetched from Git, I use
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar elpaca-installer-version 0.6)
(defvar elpaca-directory (expand-file-name "elpaca/" user-emacs-directory))
(defvar elpaca-builds-directory (expand-file-name "builds/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-repos-directory (expand-file-name "repos/" elpaca-directory))
(defvar elpaca-order '(elpaca :repo ""
:ref nil
:files (:defaults "elpaca-test.el" (:exclude "extensions"))
:build (:not elpaca--activate-package)))
(let* ((repo (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-repos-directory))
(build (expand-file-name "elpaca/" elpaca-builds-directory))
(order (cdr elpaca-order))
(default-directory repo))
(add-to-list 'load-path (if (file-exists-p build) build repo))
(unless (file-exists-p repo)
(make-directory repo t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 28) (require 'subr-x))
(condition-case-unless-debug err
(if-let ((buffer (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*elpaca-bootstrap*"))
((zerop (call-process "git" nil buffer t "clone"
(plist-get order :repo) repo)))
((zerop (call-process "git" nil buffer t "checkout"
(or (plist-get order :ref) "--"))))
(emacs (concat invocation-directory invocation-name))
((zerop (call-process emacs nil buffer nil "-Q" "-L" "." "--batch"
"--eval" "(byte-recompile-directory \".\" 0 'force)")))
((require 'elpaca))
((elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)))
(progn (message "%s" (buffer-string)) (kill-buffer buffer))
(error "%s" (with-current-buffer buffer (buffer-string))))
((error) (warn "%s" err) (delete-directory repo 'recursive))))
(unless (require 'elpaca-autoloads nil t)
(require 'elpaca)
(elpaca-generate-autoloads "elpaca" repo)
(load "./elpaca-autoloads")))
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'elpaca-process-queues)
(elpaca `(,@elpaca-order))
A few additional lines are necessary to integrate it with =use-package=:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(elpaca elpaca-use-package
(setq elpaca-use-package-by-default nil))
* Helper Functions
Those are meant to reduce code duplication, and add some basic useful features.
The first one is a function to create conditional keybindings.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(cl-defun conditional-keybind
"Creates a keybinding that checks `filter-fn`. If it succeeds,
`target-fn` is run, otherwise `fail-fn`. If no fail-fn is given,
`self-insert-command` is run instead.
`target-fn` and `fail-fn` must both be interactive."
(lambda (_prefix)
(interactive "P")
(if (funcall filter-fn)
(call-interactively target-fn)
(call-interactively fail-fn))))
* Core Emacs Customization :important:
Enabled core modes:
#+NAME: enabled-core-modes
- display-time-mode
- global-hl-line-mode
- global-prettify-symbols-mode
- recentf-mode
Disabled core modes:
#+NAME: disabled-core-modes
- indent-tabs-mode
- menu-bar-mode
- scroll-bar-mode
- tool-bar-mode
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var enabled=enabled-core-modes :var disabled=disabled-core-modes
(use-package emacs
(completion-cycle-threshold 10)
(display-time-mode t)
(enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
(enable-remote-dir-locals t)
(fill-column 100)
(global-hl-line-mode t)
(global-prettify-symbols-mode t)
(indent-tabs-mode nil)
(menu-bar-mode nil)
(minibuffer-prompt-properties (read-only t cursor-intangible t face minibuffer-prompt))
(read-extended-command-predicate #'command-completion-default-include-p)
(recentf-mode t)
(scroll-bar-mode nil)
(tab-always-indent 'complete)
(tool-bar-mode nil)
(default ((t (:weight bold :height 113 :width normal :family "VictorMono Nerd Font"))))
(minibuffer-setup . cursor-intangible-mode)
(advice-add 'risky-local-variable-p :override #'ignore))
** Sending Mail
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
(sign "-- DZ " (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
(vip-title (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) " " (make-string (length str) ?=) " " n
(if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) " " (s str) " " n
(if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) " " (make-string (length str) ?=) " " n)
(fixme (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "FIXME ")
(todo (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "TODO ")
(bug (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "BUG ")
(hack (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "HACK ")
"(\"rust-" crate-name "\" ,rust-" (s crate-name) "-" p ")")
"(define-public rust-" (s egg-name) "-" (s maj-version)
n> "(package"
n> "(name \"rust-" egg-name "\")"
n> "(version \"" maj-version "." (s egg-version) "\")"
n> "(source"
n> "(origin"
n> "(method url-fetch)"
n> "(uri (crate-uri \"" egg-name "\" version))"
n> "(sha256"
n> "(base32"
n> "\"0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s\"))))"
n> "(build-system cargo-build-system)"
n> "(arguments"
n> "`(#:cargo-inputs"
n> "(" p ")"
n> "#:cargo-development-inputs"
n> "(" p ")"
n> "#:cargo-build-inputs"
n> "(" p ")))"
n> "(synopsis \"" (s synopsis) "\")"
n> "(home-page \"" egg-name "\")"
n> "(description \"" synopsis ".\")"
n> "(license license:" (s license) ")))")
"(define-public chicken-" (s egg-name)
n> "(package"
n> "(name \"chicken-" egg-name "\")"
n> "(version \"" (s egg-version) "\")"
n> "(source"
n> "(origin"
n> "(method url-fetch)"
n> "(uri (egg-uri \"" egg-name "\" version))"
n> "(sha256"
n> "(base32"
n> "\"0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s\"))))"
n> "(propagated-inputs"
n> "(list " (s inputs) "))"
n> "(native-inputs"
n> "(list " (s native-inputs) "))"
n> "(build-system chicken-build-system)"
n> "(arguments '(#:egg-name \"" egg-name "\"))"
n> "(synopsis \"" (s synopsis) "\")"
n> "(home-page \"" egg-name "\")"
n> "(description \"" synopsis "\")"
n> "(license license:" (s license) ")))")
"#+begin_src " p
n p n
"* Day " (s day) ": " p
n> n> "Get the puzzle solution as [[./day" day ".scm][tangled .scm file]]."
n> n> "** Part One"
n> n> "#+NAME: day" day "-imports"
n> "#+begin_src scheme :exports none :noweb yes :tangle day" day ".scm"
n> "#+end_src"
n> n> "#+NAME: day" day "-input-scm"
n> "#+begin_src scheme :exports none :noweb yes :tangle day" day ".scm"
n> "(define input \""
n> "<<day" day "-input>>\")"
n> "#+end_src"
n> n> "*** Quest"
n> n> "*** Puzzle Solution"
n> n> "**** Calculation"
n> n> "#+NAME: day" day "-part1-calc-fn"
n> "#+begin_src scheme :tangle day" day ".scm :noweb strip-tangle"
n> ""
n> "#+end_src"
n> n> "#+CALL: day" day "-part1-calc-fn[:var input=day" day "-input[] :epilogue \"(calc-part-1)\"]()"
n> n> "** Part Two"
n> n> "*** Quest"
n> n> "*** Puzzle Solution"
n> n> "**** Calculation"
n> n> "#+NAME: day" day "-part2-calc-fn"
n> "#+begin_src scheme :tangle day" day ".scm :noweb strip-tangle"
n> ""
n> "#+end_src"
n>n> "#+CALL: day" day "-part2-calc-fn[:var input=day" day "-input[] :epilogue \"(calc-part-2)\"]()"
n> n> "** Puzzle Input"
n> n> "#+NAME: day" day "-input"
n> "#+begin_src fundamental"
n> "#+end_src")
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp-data
;; outline-regexp: "[a-z]"
;; End:
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
gpgSign = true
user =
pager = "diff-so-fancy | less '--tabs=4' '-RFX'"
changeHunkIndicators = true
markEmptyLines = true
stripLeadingSymbols = true
useUnicodeRuler = true
program = "gpg"
diffFilter = "diff-so-fancy --patch"
rebase = true
autoSetupRemote = true
autoStash = true
sendmailCmd = msmtp -t
annotate = yes
gpgSign = true
email = ""
name = "Daniel Ziltener"
signingKey = "37F655BAF43BC0FF300A91A1B38976E82C9DAE42"
defaultBranch = master
user =
user = zilti
@ -89,17 +89,7 @@
`(("sway/config" ,(local-file "./sway/sway"))
("swaylock/config" ,(local-file "./swaylock/config"))
("swayidle/config" ,(local-file "./swayidle/config"))
("waybar/config" ,(local-file "./waybar/config"))
("waybar/style.css" ,(local-file "./waybar/style.css"))
("fuzzel/fuzzel.ini" ,(local-file "./fuzzel/fuzzel.ini"))
("git/config" ,(local-file "./git/config"))
("liquidpromptrc" ,(local-file "./liquidprompt/liquidpromptrc"))
("emacs/init.el" ,(local-file "./emacs/init.el"))
("emacs/early-init.el" ,(local-file "./emacs/early-init.el"))
("emacs/" ,(local-file "./emacs/"))
("emacs/templates" ,(local-file "./emacs/templates"))
("kitty/kitty.conf" ,(local-file "./kitty/kitty.conf"))
("senpai/senpai.scfg" ,(local-file "./senpai/senpai.scfg"))
("xdg-desktop-portal-wlr/config" ,(local-file "./xdg-desktop-portal-wlr/config"))))
(service home-syncthing-service-type)
(service home-bash-service-type
@ -206,6 +196,7 @@
;; "sponge"
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
font_family MonaspiceXe Nerd Font Mono
font_size 10
background_opacity 0.85
kitty_mod ctrl+shift
enabled_layouts horizontal
map kitty_mod+enter new_window
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
address ircs://
nickname zilti
realname "Daniel Ziltener"
password-cmd pass show Privat/Soju
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
"backlight": {
"format": "{percent}% {icon}",
"format-icons": [
"on-scroll-down": "brightnessctl set 1%-",
"on-scroll-up": "brightnessctl set +1%"
"battery": {
"format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
"format-icons": [
"states": {
"critical": 15,
"warning": 30
"battery#bat2": {
"bat": "BAT2"
"clock": {
"format": "{:%H:%M} ",
"format-alt": "{:%Y-%m-%d} ",
"tooltip-format": "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>"
"cpu": {
"format": "{usage}% {icon0} {icon1} {icon2} {icon3} {icon4} {icon5} {icon6} {icon7}",
"format-icons": [
"tooltip": false
"hyprland/window": {
"format": "{}"
"hyprland/workspaces": {
"format": "{id}: {icon}",
"on-click": "activate",
"on-scroll-down": "/nix/store/d25qnrva96v58dq10779sgfz9dachvlb-hyprland-0.32.3/bin/hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1",
"on-scroll-up": "/nix/store/d25qnrva96v58dq10779sgfz9dachvlb-hyprland-0.32.3/bin/hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1"
"idle_inhibitor": {
"format": "{icon}",
"format-icons": [
" ",
" "
"layer": "top",
"memory": {
"format": "{}% "
"modules-center": [
"modules-left": [
"modules-right": [
"network": {
"format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}",
"format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
"format-ethernet": "{ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
"format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ",
"format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ",
"tooltip-format": "{ifname} via {gwaddr} "
"spacing": 4,
"temperature": {
"critical-threshold": 80,
"format": "{temperatureC}°C",
"format-icons": [
"tray": {
"spacing": 10
"user": {
"format": "{user} (up {work_d} days ↑)",
"icon": true,
"interval": 60
"wireplumber": {
"format": "{volume}% {icon}",
"format-icons": [
"format-muted": "🔇",
"on-click": "/nix/store/v35aidzfvgwzk6nvlnzx5z83vbfdj5av-pwvucontrol-0.2/bin/pwvucontrol"
"wlr/mode": {
"format": "<span style=\"italic\">{}</span>"
"wlr/scratchpad": {
"format": "{icon} {count}",
"format-icons": [
"show-empty": true,
"tooltip": true,
"tooltip-format": "{app}: {title}"
"custom/notifications": {
"tooltip": false,
"format": "{} {icon}",
"format-icons": {
"notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"none": "",
"dnd-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"dnd-none": "",
"inhibited-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"inhibited-none": "",
"dnd-inhibited-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"dnd-inhibited-none": ""
"return-type": "json",
"exec-if": "which swaync-client",
"exec": "swaync-client -swb",
"on-click": "swaync-client -t -sw",
"on-click-right": "swaync-client -d -sw",
"escape": true
@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
* {
/* `otf-font-awesome` is required to be installed for icons */
font-family: 'MPlus Nerd Font', FontAwesome, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
window#waybar {
background-color: rgba(43, 48, 59, 0.5);
border-bottom: 3px solid rgba(100, 114, 125, 0.5);
color: #ffffff;
transition-property: background-color;
transition-duration: .5s;
window#waybar.hidden {
opacity: 0.2;
window#waybar.empty {
background-color: transparent;
window#waybar.solo {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
window#waybar.termite {
background-color: #3F3F3F;
window#waybar.chromium {
background-color: #000000;
border: none;
button {
/* Use box-shadow instead of border so the text isn't offset */
box-shadow: inset 0 -3px transparent;
/* Avoid rounded borders under each button name */
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
/* */
button:hover {
background: inherit;
box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #ffffff;
#workspaces button {
padding: 0 5px;
background-color: transparent;
color: #ffffff;
#workspaces button:hover {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#workspaces button.focused {
background-color: #64727D;
box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #ffffff;
#workspaces button.urgent {
background-color: #eb4d4b;
#mode {
background-color: #64727D;
border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff;
#mpd {
padding: 0 10px;
color: #ffffff;
#workspaces {
margin: 0 4px;
/* If workspaces is the leftmost module, omit left margin */
.modules-left > widget:first-child > #workspaces {
margin-left: 0;
/* If workspaces is the rightmost module, omit right margin */
.modules-right > widget:last-child > #workspaces {
margin-right: 0;
#clock {
background-color: #64727D;
#battery {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
#battery.charging, #battery.plugged {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #26A65B;
@keyframes blink {
to {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
#battery.critical:not(.charging) {
background-color: #f53c3c;
color: #ffffff;
animation-name: blink;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-direction: alternate;
label:focus {
background-color: #000000;
#cpu {
background-color: #2ecc71;
color: #000000;
#memory {
background-color: #9b59b6;
#disk {
background-color: #964B00;
#backlight {
background-color: #90b1b1;
#network {
background-color: #2980b9;
#network.disconnected {
background-color: #f53c3c;
#pulseaudio {
background-color: #f1c40f;
color: #000000;
#pulseaudio.muted {
background-color: #90b1b1;
color: #2a5c45;
#wireplumber {
background-color: #fff0f5;
color: #000000;
#wireplumber.muted {
background-color: #f53c3c;
#custom-media {
background-color: #66cc99;
color: #2a5c45;
min-width: 100px;
#custom-media.custom-spotify {
background-color: #66cc99;
#custom-media.custom-vlc {
background-color: #ffa000;
#temperature {
background-color: #f0932b;
#temperature.critical {
background-color: #eb4d4b;
#tray {
background-color: #2980b9;
#tray > .passive {
-gtk-icon-effect: dim;
#tray > .needs-attention {
-gtk-icon-effect: highlight;
background-color: #eb4d4b;
#idle_inhibitor {
background-color: #2d3436;
#idle_inhibitor.activated {
background-color: #ecf0f1;
color: #2d3436;
#mpd {
background-color: #66cc99;
color: #2a5c45;
#mpd.disconnected {
background-color: #f53c3c;
#mpd.stopped {
background-color: #90b1b1;
#mpd.paused {
background-color: #51a37a;
#language {
background: #00b093;
color: #740864;
padding: 0 5px;
margin: 0 5px;
min-width: 16px;
#keyboard-state {
background: #97e1ad;
color: #000000;
padding: 0 0px;
margin: 0 5px;
min-width: 16px;
#keyboard-state > label {
padding: 0 5px;
#keyboard-state > label.locked {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#scratchpad {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#scratchpad.empty {
background-color: transparent;
Reference in a new issue