diff --git a/zilti/packages/chicken-eggs-5.xml b/zilti/packages/chicken-eggs-5.xml
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+++ b/zilti/packages/chicken-eggs-5.xml
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+Eggs Unlimited (release branch 5)
+RSS feed for publishing latest CHICKEN extensions
+(c)2018 The CHICKEN Team
+Fri Dec 29 01:15:04 2023
+Fri Dec 29 01:15:04 2023
+json 1.6 (Data formats and parsing)
+A JSON library
+Tony Garnock-Jones
+memoize 0.3 (Miscellaneous)
+Procedures memoization
+Arthur Maciel
+srfi-101 0.0.3 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 101
+David Van Horn
+srfi-197 0.2.0 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-197: Pipeline Operators
+Adam Nelson
+stb-image 0.6 (Graphics)
+read png/jpg/tga/bmp/psd/gif/hdr/pic/pnm images into pixels
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+sdl2-image 0.2.0 (Graphics)
+Bindings to SDL_image 2
+John Croisant
+spiffy-sexpr-log 0.3.2 (Web programming)
+Symbolic expression log format for Spiffy
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+tiny-prolog 2.0 (Logic programming)
+Tiny PROLOG interpreter.
+Nils M Holm
+7off 1.31 (Data formats and parsing)
+Markdown to Gemini text
+tiger-hash 4.1.2 (Cryptography)
+Tiger/192 Message Digest
+Kon Lovett
+regex 2.0 (Miscellaneous)
+Compatibility library for old regular expression API
+felix winkelmann
+leveldb 1.2 (Databases)
+Bindings to Google's LevelDB Key-Value Store
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+expand-full 2.1.3 (Miscellaneous)
+Full macro expansion
+Kon Lovett
+magic 0.1.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+libmagic bindings
+Evan Hanson
+spiffy-request-vars 0.19 (Web programming)
+Easy access to variables from HTTP requests
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+soil 1.6.0 (Input/Output)
+Lightweight, simple library for loading image files into OpenGL-friendly format.
+Daniel J. Leslie
+tree-walkers 1.0 (Language extensions)
+replacement of car, cdr and consorts
+Juergen Lorenz
+xml-rpc 3.0.1 (Web programming)
+XML-RPC client/server
+Peter Bex, ported to Chicken 5 and maintained by Chris Brannon
+unsafe 1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Unsafe operations
+felix winkelmann
+icu 0.3.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+Chicken bindings to the ICU unicode library
+Diego A. Mundo
+simple-timer 0.1.2 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Simple, cancel-able, efficient timer API
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+srfi-193 0.1.3 (OS interface)
+SRFI 193: Command line
+Lassi Kortela
+type-extensions 0.1.0 (Language extensions)
+Miscellaneous type system extensions
+Evan Hanson
+pigeon-hole 0.2.8 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+A mailbox constrained by capacity.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+monad 5.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Daniel J. Leslie
+modular-arithmetic 1.0.3 (Mathematical libraries)
+Modular Arithmetic on Finite Fields
+Thomas Chust
+sandbox 1.91 (Language extensions)
+A safe evaluation environment
+felix winkelmann
+srfi-160 0.5.3 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
+John Cowan, Shiro Kawai
+sysexits 1.0.0 (OS interface)
+Exit status codes for system programs
+Evan Hanson
+pledge 0.1.0 (OS interface)
+Bindings for OpenBSD's pledge(2)
+Evan Hanson
+feature-test 0.2.0 (Language extensions)
+Foreign feature testing
+Jim Ursetto
+awful-static-pages 0.1.6 (Web programming)
+Tool to generate static pages out of awful applications
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+random-mtzig 5.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+MT19937 random number generator with Marsaglia and Tang's Ziggurat algorithm to generate random numbers from a non-uniform distribution.
+Ivan Raikov
+bindings 5.0 (Language extensions)
+Pattern matching with destructuring bindings and setters
+Juergen Lorenz
+gl-utils 0.8.0 (Graphics)
+High(er) level tools for OpenGL
+Alex Charlton
+glls 0.12.2 (Graphics)
+A compiler for a Scheme-like language targeting the GLSL
+Alex Charlton
+queues 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A queue data structure
+Andrew Wilcox, ported to CHICKEN by felix
+intarweb 2.0.3 (Web programming)
+A more convenient HTTP library
+Peter Bex
+fuse 0.1.1 (OS interface)
+Filesystems in Userspace
+Evan Hanson
+msgpack 1.0.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+MessagePack implementation for CHICKEN
+Hugo Arregui
+rest-bind 0.6 (Web programming)
+Generates wrappers to REST-like HTTP APIs.
+Andy Bennett <andyjpb@knodium.com>
+stack 3.1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Provides LIFO queue (stack) operations
+Kon Lovett
+autocompile 1.1.0 (Tools)
+Automatically compile Scheme scripts on demand
+felix winkelmann
+awful-path-matchers 0.0.2 (Web programming)
+Path matchers for awful
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+endian-blob 2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Endian-specific procedures for converting blobs to numeric values and vectors.
+Ivan Raikov
+fp-utils 4.2.0 (Mathematical libraries)
+fp utilities
+Kon Lovett
+json-abnf 7.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+Parser combinators for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
+Ivan Raikov
+lmdb-ht 3.4 (Databases)
+Hashtable-like interface to the LMDB key-value database.
+Lambda Native
+system-information 0.1 (OS interface)
+Obtaining system and host information
+record-variants 1.1 (Language extensions)
+Optimized record access
+Jim Ursetto
+yaml 0.2.2 (Networking)
+Bindings to libyaml
+Aaron Patterson
+message-digest-type 4.3.5 (Cryptography)
+Message Digest Type
+Kon Lovett
+uri-common 2.0 (Web programming)
+Parser for common URI schemes
+Peter Bex
+stalin 0.11.11 (Miscellaneous)
+An aggressively optimizing Scheme->C compiler
+Jeffrey Mark Siskind, ported to CHICKEN by felix winkelmann
+datatype 1.6 (Language extensions)
+A facility for creating and deconstructing variant records (from EOPL)
+felix winkelmann
+sparse-vectors 1.1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Arbitrarily large vectors
+Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees
+pseudolists 3.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+pseudolists as a generalisation of ordinary lists
+Juergen Lorenz
+srfi-67 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-67: Compare Procedures
+Sebastian Egner and Jens Axel Søgaard
+srfi-173 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-173 Hooks
+Amirouche Boubekki
+statistics 0.13 (Mathematical libraries)
+Statistics library
+Peter Lane
+srfi-95 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-95: Sorting and merging
+Richard A. O'Keefe, ported to hygienic Chicken with test suite by Peter Danenberg
+sxml-serializer 0.5 (XML processing)
+Serialize SXML to XML and HTML
+Dmitry Lizorkin
+ephem v1.1 (Miscellaneous)
+A wrapper for libnova a 'general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library.'
+Rob Altenburg
+uuid-lib 0.0.15 (Cryptography)
+Kon Lovett
+amqp 1.0.0 (Networking)
+Fredrik Appelberg
+simple-md5 0.1.1 (Cryptography)
+Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums
+Colin Plumb, packaged for Chicken by Peter Bex
+srfi-171 0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-171: Transducers
+Linus Björnstam bjornstam.linus@fastmail.se
+object-evict 0.1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Evict data to unmanaged memory
+ftl 0.9 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Interface based sequence library
+Sergei Egorov, partially reimplemented by felix winkelmann
+srfi-18 0.1.7 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+SRFI-18 thread library
+gemini 0.2.1 (Networking)
+Client library for the gemini:// protocol
+Lassi Kortela
+combinators 1.2.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+[[kon lovett]]
+srfi-127 1.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-127: Lazy Sequences
+John Cowan
+srfi-5 0.3.2 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments
+Andy Gaynor
+defstruct 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A more convenient form of define-record
+Dorai Sitaram
+compile-file 1.3 (Miscellaneous)
+Programmatic compiler invocation
+lmdb 1.0.6 (Databases)
+Bindings to LMDB
+Thomas Chust
+breadcrumbs 1.2 (Web programming)
+Breadcrumbs for web pages
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+micro-stats 0.1.2 (Mathematical libraries)
+Easily create micro-stats
+David Krentzlin
+this 0.1 (Miscellaneous)
+Python's "this" module ported to CHICKEN
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+shen 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Port of the Shen language for Chicken Scheme
+David Ireland
+ck-macros 0.3.0 (Macros and meta-syntax)
+Composable macros based on the CK abstract machine
+John Croisant, based on work by Oleg Kiselyov
+slib-charplot 1.2.2 (Graphics)
+The SLIB character plotting library
+Aubrey Jaffer
+callable-data-structures 1.0.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+"Callable" data structures
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-128 0.11 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-128: Comparators (reduced)
+John Cowan
+trace 2.0 (Tools)
+tracing and breakpoints
+felix winkelmann
+postgresql 4.1.4 (Databases)
+Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api
+Johannes Groedem
+format 3.2.3 (Input/Output)
+Common-Lisp style formatted output
+Dirk Lutzebeck
+srfi-78 0.5 (Unit-testing)
+SRFI-78: Lightweight testing
+Sebastian Egner
+zmq 0.2 (Networking)
+Bindings for the ZeroMQ API
+Moritz Heidkamp
+srfi-209 1.3.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 209: Enums and enum sets
+John Cowan and Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+continuations 1.2 (Language extensions)
+two continuation interfaces
+Juergen Lorenz
+genann 0.2.2 (Miscellaneous)
+Chicken bindings to genann - a simple neural network library in ANSI C
+Diego A. Mundo
+fancypants 0.5 (Web programming)
+Automatic ASCII smart quotes and ligature handling for SXML
+Peter Bex
+ansi-escape-sequences 0.6 (Input/Output)
+Procedures to generate ANSI escape sequences
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+llrb-syntax 0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Expands LLRB code customized to data structures.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+webview 1.0.1 (User interface toolkits)
+Multi-platform HTML user interface shell
+Thomas Chust
+error-utils 2.1.0 (Miscellaneous)
+Error Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+integer-map 1.0.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 224 integer mappings
+Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+chicken-doc-html 0.3.1 (Documentation tools)
+Generate HTML from (svn)wiki SXML
+Jim Ursetto
+clojurian 3 (Language extensions)
+Syntax and utility functions inspired by Clojure
+Moritz Heidkamp
+condition-utils 2.2.3 (Miscellaneous)
+SRFI 12 Condition Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+xlib 1.3 (Graphics)
+Xlib bindings
+Richard Mann
+quasiwalk 1.10 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A tree map that respects quote, quasiquote, and unquote
+simple-sequences 1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A common interface to sequences
+Juergen Lorenz
+typed-records 0.82 (Miscellaneous)
+Typed variants of various record-definition macros
+felix winkelmann
+canvas-draw 1.1.2 (Graphics)
+Bindings to the CD graphics library
+Thomas Chust
+chickadee 0.12.2 (Documentation tools)
+chicken-doc web server
+Jim Ursetto
+base64 1.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
+James Bailey, Jim Ursetto
+ncurses 2.0 (User interface toolkits)
+An interface to the UNIX ncurses package
+felix winkelmann
+char-set-literals 0.4 (Language extensions)
+A reader extension providing Gauche style literals for SRFI-14 char-sets
+Moritz Heidkamp
+sqlite3pth 0.2.6 (Databases)
+Run SQLite queries asynchronously in pthreads. Supports calling Scheme from SQLite's VFS to supply database block storage.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+beaker 0.0.22 (Tools)
+Lab supplies for CHICKEN development
+Evan Hanson
+hypergiant 0.5.3 (Graphics)
+Game library
+Alex Charlton
+medea 4 (Data formats and parsing)
+A JSON parser (and emitter) built with comparse
+Moritz Heidkamp
+define-options 1.23 (Miscellaneous)
+Conveniently bind to getopt-long options
+Idiomdrottning and Chris Brannon
+messages 0.7 (Language extensions)
+Creating algebraic- and abstract-types based on vectors
+Juergen Lorenz
+define-er-syntax 1.2 (Language extensions)
+explicitly implicit renaming
+cluckcheck 0.0 (Unit-testing)
+A Chicken Scheme port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
+Andrew Pennebaker
+chalk 0.3.5 (Documentation tools)
+Simple hahn-style in-source documentation
+Diego A. Mundo
+srfi-180 1.0.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+This library describes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser and printer. It supports JSON that may be bigger than memory.
+Amirouche Boubekki
+edward 1.0.1 (Tools)
+An extensible implementation of the ed text editor as defined in POSIX.1-2008
+Sören Tempel
+srfi-51 0.2 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-51: Handling rest list
+Joo ChurlSoo
+chibi-generic 0.1.3 (Language extensions)
+Chibi Scheme's simple generic function interface
+Alex Shinn
+taglib 0.2.5 (Sound)
+Bindings to taglib
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+getopt-long 1.21 (Miscellaneous)
+Command line option parsing.
+Ivan Raikov
+uri-generic 3.3 (Web programming)
+URI generic syntax (RFC 3986) parsing and manipulation.
+Ivan Raikov, Peter Bex, Seth Alves
+ezxdisp 3.0 (Graphics)
+A simple 2D and 3D graphics library for X11
+n-sibata and Morihiko Tamai
+zxcvbn 1.0.0 (Cryptography)
+zxcvbn password entropy estimation
+Thomas Chust
+hash-trie 1.1.8 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Taylor R. Campbell
+allegro 3.0.0 (Input/Output)
+Daniel J. Leslie
+graph-scc 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Compute strongly-connected components (SCC) of a graph.
+Ivan Raikov
+scheme2c-compatibility 1.8 (Miscellaneous)
+Scheme->c compatibility package
+Andrei Barbu
+inotify 1.1 (Input/Output)
+Bindings to inotify
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+svnwiki2html 0.0.2 (Tools)
+A program to convert svnwiki syntax to HTML
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-117 1.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-117: Mutable Queues
+John Cowan
+pyffi 3.14 (Interfacing to other languages)
+An interface to the Python programming language.
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-38 0.9 (Input/Output)
+A Chicken version of the SRFI-38 reference implementation
+Alex Shinn
+socket 0.3.3 (Networking)
+Interface to the BSD socket API
+Jim Ursetto
+simple-cells 1.2.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Implementation of typed cells to replace general set! operators
+Juergen Lorenz
+simple-sha1 1.2 (Cryptography)
+A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies
+Steve Reid and felix winkelmann
+procedural-macros 3.0.1 (Language extensions)
+procedural-macros made easy
+Juergen Lorenz
+imlib2 1.2 (Graphics)
+Chicken bindings for the Imlib2 image library
+Peter Bex
+fcp v0.4 (Networking)
+Very basic interface to freenet FCP
+Matt Welland
+locals 1.0.1 (Language extensions)
+local declarations inspired by ML
+Juergen Lorenz
+callable-sequences 1.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Common functional interface to sequential- and random-access sequences
+Juergen Lorenz
+define-record-and-printer 0.2.0 (Language extensions)
+Trivial macro to define records and appropriate printers
+Peter Danenberg
+srfi-152 1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+String library (reduced)
+John Cowan
+md5 4.1.3 (Cryptography)
+Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums
+Colin Plumb, packaged for Chicken by Peter Bex
+geo-utils 1.2.2 (Mathematical libraries)
+Geographic Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+abnf 8.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+Parser combinators for Augmented BNF grammars (RFC 4234).
+Ivan Raikov
+json-rpc 0.4.5a (Networking)
+A JSON RPC library for R7RS scheme.
+Ricardo G. Herdt
+protobuf 1.2.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Protocol buffer serialization
+Thomas Chust
+rb-tree 6.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A sorted dictionary data structure based on red-black trees.
+Ivan Raikov
+dust 0.0.16 (Tools)
+Fetch and install CHICKEN versions
+Evan Hanson
+llrb-tree 0.3.8 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+LLRB tree general and customized to key types.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+endian-port 4.0 (Input/Output)
+An I/O port that supports different endian formats.
+Ivan Raikov, partially reimplemented by Shawn Rutledge
+sexpc 1.4 (Code generation)
+Unix filter that turns sexps into C syntax
+brev 1.41 (Language extensions)
+A huge pile of batteries and shortcuts
+srfi-99 1.4.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-99 record types
+Thomas Chust
+number-limits 3.0.3 (Mathematical libraries)
+Limit constants for numbers
+Kon Lovett
+rope 0.1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Heavyweight alternative to strings
+Evan Hanson
+fast-generic 0.7 (Language extensions)
+fast-generic functions
+felix winkelmann
+rabbit 2.1 (Cryptography)
+Rabbit stream cipher.
+Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager, Thomas Christensen and Erik Zenner
+iconv 2.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+Character-set conversions
+Alejandro Forero Cuervo
+unitconv 4.0 (Mathematical libraries)
+Conversion of units of measurement
+Ivan Raikov
+git 0.2.0 (Miscellaneous)
+libgit2 bindings
+Evan Hanson
+mpd-client 2.1 (Sound)
+Interface to Music Player Daemon
+Hans Bulfone
+transducers 0.5.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Transducers for working with foldable data types.
+Jeremy Steward
+srfi-63 0.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays
+Aubrey Jaffer, ported to hygienic Chicken with test suite by Peter Danenberg
+sql-de-lite 0.10.1 (Databases)
+SQLite 3 interface
+Jim Ursetto
+npdiff 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Compute the longest common subsequence of two sequences
+Ivan Raikov
+lsp-server 0.4.4 (Tools)
+LSP Server for CHICKEN.
+Ricardo Gabriel Herdt
+awful-sql-de-lite 0.7.1 (Web programming)
+sql-de-lite support for awful
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+silex 1.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+An efficient and powerful lexer generator
+Danny Dubé
+srfi-34 0.7 (Miscellaneous)
+SRFI-34: Exception Handling for Programs
+Richard Kelsey, Michael Sperber
+binary-search 0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Binary search algorithm
+bitwise-utils 1.3.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Bitwise utilities
+Kon Lovett
+coin-change 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Greedy solver for the coin change problem
+bloom-filter 2.3.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Bloom Filter
+Kon Lovett
+irc 1.9.9 (Networking)
+A simple IRC client
+felix winkelmann
+yasos 1.14 (Object-oriented programming)
+A very simple OOP system
+Kenneth Dickey
+srfi-158 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 158: Generators and Accumulators
+Shiro Kawa, John Cowan, Thomas Gilray
+parley 1.0.1 (Input/Output)
+A readline replacement written in scheme based on linenoise.
+Christian Kellermann
+srfi-123 0.2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-123 - Generic accessor and modifier operations
+Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer
+mini-kanren 1.2.0 (Logic programming)
+Packages the canonical miniKanren implementation for CHICKEN Scheme.
+William Byrd, Dan Friedman, Oleg Kiselyov
+generics 2.0.3 (Language extensions)
+an implementation of generic functions and a lot of helpers
+Juergen Lorenz
+spiffy-cgi-handlers 0.7 (Web programming)
+CGI and FastCGI handlers for a small but powerful web server.
+Felix Winkelmann, Peter Bex & Andy Bennett
+message-digest-primitive 4.3.8 (Cryptography)
+Message Digest Primitive
+Kon Lovett
+patch 1.15 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Simple source patch utility
+Tony Sidaway
+termbox 0.3 (User interface toolkits)
+Minimal text based user interfaces. Bindings for nsf/termbox
+Justin Meiners
+address-info 1.0.5 (Networking)
+Network address information access
+Thomas Chust
+disjoint-set 0.1.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Disjoint set implementation based on Scheme vectors and their indexes
+crc 1.0.2 (Cryptography)
+Computes CRC checksum
+[[Daishi Kato]]
+biglists 0.4.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+a uniform interface to lists and lazy-lists
+Juergen Lorenz
+cjson 5.0.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+JSON parsing done in C. Sometimes a good idea.
+loop 1.5 (Language extensions)
+The Common Lisp LOOP macro
+Heinrich Taube
+schematic 0.3.2 (Documentation tools)
+Tools for Scheme development
+Evan Hanson
+zshbrev 1.21 (Interfacing to other languages)
+Access Chicken functions from any shell and access zsh functions from Chicken
+blob-utils 2.0.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Blob Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+dataframe 0.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Tabular data structure for data analysis
+Ivan Raikov
+pandoc 0.2.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+Call upon Pandoc to parse documents into SXML
+Lassi Kortela
+cmark 0.1.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+A chicken wrapper for cmark with markdown to sxml capabilities
+Harley Swick
+uri-match 1.0 (Web programming)
+A flexible URI matcher
+Moritz Heidkamp
+lazy-ffi 1.8.6 (Interfacing to other languages)
+A foreign function interface for lazy programmers
+call-table-generics 1.2 (Language extensions)
+cond generics
+html-parser 0.3 (Web programming)
+A permissive, scalable HTML parser.
+Alex Shinn
+moremacros 2.5.0 (Language extensions)
+More miscellaneous macros
+Kon Lovett
+foof-loop 9.0 (Language extensions)
+Extensible looping macros (originally based on Alex Shinn's)
+Taylor R Campbell
+sequences-utils 0.5.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+(More) Generic sequence operators
+Kon Lovett
+gnuplot-pipe 0.4.2 (Graphics)
+A simple interface to Gnuplot
+Francesco Montanari
+states 1.0 (Miscellaneous)
+Simple Finite State Machine library
+s11n 0.9.12 (Data formats and parsing)
+Serialization of arbitrary data.
+holes 1.2.1 (Language extensions)
+partial expressions as procedures with named parameters
+Juergen Lorenz
+scss 4 (Web programming)
+Moritz Heidkamp
+json-utils 1.1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+JSON Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+heap-o-rama 0.4 (Miscellaneous)
+iset 2.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Integer sets
+Alex Shinn
+awful 1.0.3 (Web programming)
+awful provides an application and an extension to ease the development of web-based applications.
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+tree 1.50 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A tree utility library
+Idiomdrottning & John Cowan
+fx-utils 4.0.3 (Mathematical libraries)
+fx utilities
+Kon Lovett
+list-utils 2.6.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-69 0.4.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-69 hash-table library
+commands 1.0.0 (Tools)
+Helpers for programs that dispatch commands
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-143 0.4.1 (Mathematical libraries)
+SRFI 143: Fixnums
+John Cowan
+awful-salmonella-tar 0.0.4 (Web programming)
+Serve salmonella report files out of tar archives
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-216 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 216: SICP Prerequisites
+Vladimir Nikishkin, Vasilij Schneidermann
+kiwi 1.0.2 (User interface toolkits)
+Bindings to the KiWi library
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+spiffy-directory-listing 0.3 (Web programming)
+Flexible directory listing for Spiffy
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+gl-type 0.4.0 (Graphics)
+Freetype font rendering in OpenGL
+Alex Charlton
+srfi-145 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 145: Assumptions
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+geminih 1.13 (Web programming)
+Gemtext to SXML
+remote-mailbox 1.0.7 (Networking)
+Remote Mailbox
+Kon Lovett
+oauth 0.3 (Web programming)
+OAuth 1.0, 1.0a, RFC 5849
+Andy Bennett <andyjpb@knodium.com>
+vector-lib 2.1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Port of the SRFI-43 reference implementation
+Taylor Campbell
+srfi-1 0.5.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-1 list library
+Olin Shivers
+hyde 4 (Web programming)
+A static website compiler
+Moritz Heidkamp
+transmission 0.3.0 (Networking)
+Transmission RPC
+zlib 0.7.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Bindings for zlib
+Joseph Gay
+scsh-process 1.6.0 (OS interface)
+A reimplementation for CHICKEN of SCSH's process notation.
+Peter Bex
+test-new-egg 1.0.4 (Tools)
+A tool to test new eggs before they are added to the official CHICKEN repository
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-13 0.3.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-13 string library
+Olin Shivers
+srfi-189 1.0.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 189: Maybe and Either
+John Cowan and Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+preserve 1.1 (Language extensions)
+Cache a procedure for a set time
+srfi-203 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 203: A Simple Picture Language in the Style of SICP
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+udp 1.18 (Networking)
+An interface to User Datagram Protocol sockets
+Category 5
+test-generative 0.0.6 (Unit-testing)
+Allows quickcheck like testing for pure code with the test egg
+David Krentzlin
+matrico 0.5rel (Mathematical libraries)
+A flonum matrix module for CHICKEN Scheme.
+Christian Himpe
+gemrefinder 1.5 (Networking)
+Checks Gemini space for replies to your posts
+memcached 1.5 (Networking)
+Client interface to the Memcached protocol.
+Ivan Raikov and Seth Alves
+vectr 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A linear vectr library.
+Andrew Mack
+srfi-130 2.0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-130: Cursor-based string library
+Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+simple-logger 1.0.0 (Input/Output)
+A very simple logger
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+hmac 7.2.0 (Cryptography)
+HMAC provides a HMAC using the message-digest interface.
+Thomas Hintz
+acetone 1.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+A simple parser
+chicken-belt 0.1.0 (Tools)
+A utility belt for managing your CHICKEN coop
+Christian Kellermann, Moritz Heidkamp, Evan Hanson
+image-dimensions 1.0.1 (Graphics)
+Detect image dimensions for common formats
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+scm2wiki 0.3.2 (Documentation tools)
+An auto-documentation tool for CHICKEN Scheme.
+Michael Neidel
+stb-image-write 0.3 (Graphics)
+write png/jpg/tga/bmp images
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+http-client 1.2.1 (Networking)
+High-level HTTP client library
+Peter Bex
+qwiki 2.2 (Web programming)
+qwiki - the quick wiki
+Peter Bex
+posix-utils 2.1.1 (Miscellaneous)
+Kon Lovett
+posix-shm 1.4 (OS interface)
+POSIX shared memory API
+Ivan Raikov
+miscmacros 1.0 (Language extensions)
+Various helper macros
+[[felix winkelmann]]
+matchable 1.1 (Language extensions)
+Hygienic MATCH replacement
+Alex Shinn
+srfi-45 4.0.7 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-45: Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy Algorithms
+André van Tonder, for Chicken 4 by Kon Lovett, for Chicken 5 by [[Sergey Goldgaber]]
+awful-sqlite3 0.7.0 (Web programming)
+Sqlite3 support for awful
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+egg-tarballs 0.10.0 (Tools)
+Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+srfi-14 0.2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-14 character-sets library
+Olin Shivers
+stfl 1.1 (User interface toolkits)
+Bindings to the STFL curses widget library
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+cis 1.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Compact integer sets.
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-47 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-47: Arrays
+Aubrey Jaffer
+interfaces 0.4.1 (Language extensions)
+Simple interface/implementation abstraction
+felix winkelmann
+semantic-version 0.0.13 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Semantic Version Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+optimism 0.1.0 (Miscellaneous)
+Command line option handling
+Evan Hanson
+gl-math 0.9.1 (Mathematical libraries)
+A small gamedev-oriented math library
+Alex Charlton
+stemmer 0.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Bindings for the Snowball project's libstemmer
+Moritz Heidkamp
+envsubst 1.0.0 (Tools)
+Simple templating with parameter expansion
+Robert C Jensen
+srfi-41 2.1.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 41 (Streams)
+Philip L. Bewig, for CHICKEN by Kon Lovett
+getopt-utils 1.1.0 (Miscellaneous)
+Utilities for getopt-long
+Kon Lovett
+hyperscene 0.4.0 (Graphics)
+Scene graph and spatial partitioning
+Alex Charlton
+salmonella 3.0.1 (Egg tools)
+A tool for testing eggs
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+F-operator 4.1.3 (Language extensions)
+Shift/Reset Control Operators
+Kon Lovett
+r6rs-bytevectors 0.1.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+An implementation of r6rs bytevectors
+William D Clinger
+isaac 1.0.0 (Cryptography)
+Bindings to the ISAAC CSPRNG
+Evan Hanson
+cairo 0.1.18 (Graphics)
+Chicken bindings for Cairo, a vector graphics library
+Michael Bridgen and Tony Garnock-Jones
+cst 1.5 (Data formats and parsing)
+Visualize sexps as trees via Graphviz
+sqlite3 3.7.2 (Databases)
+Bindings to version 3.x of the SQLite API
+Thomas Chust
+unveil 0.2 (OS interface)
+unveil(2) support for CHICKEN
+Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+hahn 0.10.1 (Documentation tools)
+In-source documentation
+Peter Danenberg
+s9fes-char-graphics 1.4.2 (Graphics)
+Scheme 9 from Empty Space Char Graphics
+Kon Lovett
+posix-groups 0.2.1 (OS interface)
+Access POSIX group information
+svgpath 1.7 (XML processing)
+Parse, normalize, and write SVG path data
+spiffy 6.3 (Web programming)
+A small but powerful web server
+Felix Winkelmann
+sourcehut 0.3.3 (Web programming)
+Bindings and CLI for the sr.ht REST API
+Evan Hanson
+daemon 0.0.1 (OS interface)
+Create daemon processes
+srfi-71 0.2 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-71: Extended LET-syntax for multiple values
+Sebastian Egner
+ersatz 1.28 (Data formats and parsing)
+A template engine inspired by Jinja2 and Jingoo.
+Ivan Raikov
+string-utils 2.7.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+String Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-133 1.6.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)
+John Cowan, Taylor Campbell, Will Clinger
+srfi-179 0.2.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-179: Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Updated)
+Bradley Lucier
+pkg-config 0.1.2 (OS interface)
+Wrapper around pkg-config
+Chris Brannon
+anaphora 1.0.1 (Language extensions)
+Some anaphoric and named macros
+Juergen Lorenz
+dynamic-import 1.0.2 (Miscellaneous)
+Dynamic Import
+Kon Lovett
+traversal 1.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Various list operations
+Jeffrey Mark Siskind
+iterators 0.1.1 (Language extensions)
+Iterators and coroutines
+Juergen Lorenz
+micro-benchmark 0.0.20 (Unit-testing)
+Easily create micro-benchmarks
+David Krentzlin
+estraier-client 1.0 (Databases)
+A pure Scheme Hyper Estraier client library
+Peter Bex
+dotted-lambdas 1.3.1 (Language extensions)
+lambda equivalents with dots as trailing symbols
+Juergen Lorenz
+protobj 0.5 (Object-oriented programming)
+A prototype-delegation object model
+Neil van Dyke
+srfi-227 1.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 227: Optional Arguments
+Shawn Wagner
+dyn-vector 2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Dynamic (dense) vectors based on SRFI-43.
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-151 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 151: Bitwise Operations
+Olin Shivers, Aubrey Jaffer, John Cowan
+srfi-74 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-74: Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks
+Michael Sperber
+scmfmt 0.1 (Tools)
+Chicken Scheme code formattor to use from stdin/stdout
+Anes Lihovac
+srfi-134 1.1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 134: Immutable deques
+John Cowan, Kevin Wortman, Shiro Kawai, and Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+slib-wt-tree 0.1.6 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Weight-balanced trees
+Stephen Adams
+dot-locking 0.4 (OS interface)
+advisory locking mechanism based on standard file operations
+Olin Shivers
+coops-utils 2.2.3 (Object-oriented programming)
+coops utilities
+Kon Lovett
+markdown-svnwiki 0.3.1 (Documentation tools)
+Convert Markdown to svnwiki
+Alex Charlton
+lazy-seq 2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Clojure-like lazy sequences
+Moritz Heidkamp
+srfi-25 1.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Multidimensional arrays
+Jussi Piitulainen
+srfi-144 0.1.3 (Mathematical libraries)
+SRFI 144: Flonums
+John Cowan
+srfi-4-comprehensions 1.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-42 Comprehensions for SRFI-4 Vectors
+Will Farr
+color 1.1 (Graphics)
+The SLIB color library
+Aubrey Jaffer
+expat 2.2 (XML processing)
+An interface to James Clark's Expat XML parser
+awful-main 0.1.0 (Web programming)
+Turn awful web applications into static executables
+Pietro Cerutti
+sendfile 2.0 (Networking)
+Sending a file over the network
+David Krentzlin
+srfi-48 1.0.0 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-48: Intermediate Format Strings
+Ken Dickey
+latch 0.3 (Miscellaneous)
+Evaluate expressions once
+felix winkelmann
+agrep 1.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Approximate grep..
+Ivan Raikov
+aes 1.5 (Cryptography)
+A self-contained implementation of the AES / Rijndael encryption algorithm
+Alaric Snell-Pym
+box 3.6.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Kon Lovett
+scan-input-lines 0.2 (Input/Output)
+Scan lines until a regex or predicate matches
+Felix Winkelman
+blosc 1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Bindings to the Blosc multi-threaded meta-compressor library
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-207 2.0.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-207: String-notated bytevectors
+Daphne Preston-Kendal, John Cowan, & Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+server-test 0.6 (Unit-testing)
+Utilities to help testing servers
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+crypto-tools 1.4 (Cryptography)
+Useful cryptographic primitives
+Alaric Snell-Pym
+udp6 0.2.0 (Networking)
+Interface to UDP over IPv4 and IPv6
+Jim Ursetto
+opencl 1.3 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Bindings to OpenCL
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+pipes 1.0.1 (Language extensions)
+sequencing partial combinations
+Juergen Lorenz
+simple-contracts 1.0.2 (Language extensions)
+Design by contract for procedures
+Juergen Lorenz
+macaw 0.1.1 (Graphics)
+Efficient color types and math
+John Croisant
+manual-labor 0.3 (Documentation tools)
+Generate static HTML manual from wiki docs
+Jim Ursetto
+memory-mapped-files 0.4 (Miscellaneous)
+Memory-mapped file access for UNIX and Windows
+The CHICKEN Team, Windows support by "rivo"
+sq 0.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+Scheme jq wrapper for processing S-expressions
+Evan Hanson
+srfi-29 3.0.7 (Miscellaneous)
+Scott G. Miller (for CHICKEN Kon Lovett)
+srfi-35 0.1 (Miscellaneous)
+SRFI-35 Conditions
+Richard Kelsey and Michael Sperber
+slice 1.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A slicer procedure for lists, strings and vectors
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+pstk 1.4.0 (User interface toolkits)
+PS/Tk: Portable Scheme interface to Tk
+W-D. Busch, N. Holm, K. Dickey
+svn-client 1.2 (Miscellaneous)
+A wrapper around Subversion's libsvn_client C library.
+Alejandro Forero Cuervo
+bind 1.2.6 (Interfacing to other languages)
+Automatically generate bindings from C/C++ declarations
+[[felix winkelmann]]
+bencode 1.3.1 (Data formats and parsing)
+Bencoding parser and serializer
+Caolan McMahon
+srfi-217 0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 217: Integer Sets
+John Cowan and Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+tabular 1.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Parsing and formatting of tabular text data such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV).
+Ivan Raikov
+input-parse 1.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines.
+Oleg Kiselyov. Ported to chicken by Shawn Wagner.
+tweetnacl 1.4.2 (Cryptography)
+TweetNaCl cryptographic library
+Thomas Chust
+make 1.9 (Language extensions)
+The PLT 'make' macro
+PLT, adapted to CHICKEN by Felix Winkelmann
+begin-syntax 0.2.1 (Language extensions)
+Convenience macro for inline syntax expansion
+Evan Hanson
+ezd 2020.01.26 (User interface toolkits)
+easy drawing for programs on X displays
+Joel Bartlett
+salmonella-diff 1.1.0 (Egg tools)
+A tool to diff salmonella log files
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+test-utils 1.0.5 (Unit-testing)
+Test Utilities (for test egg)
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-42 1.76 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-42 (Eager comprehensions)
+Sebastian Egner
+utf8 3.6.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+Unicode support
+Alex Shinn
+openssl 2.2.5 (Networking)
+Bindings to the OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
+Thomas Chust
+edn 1.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+EDN data reader/writer.
+Daniel Ziltener
+mailbox 3.3.10 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Thread-safe queues with timeout
+[[felix winkelman]] and [[kon lovett]]
+exif 1.2 (Graphics)
+Binding to libexif, reading EXIF meta data from digital camera images.
+Christian Kellermann
+pdf 1.1 (Graphics)
+A library for PDF generation.
+Marc Battyani and Bruce Butterfield
+srfi-116 1.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-116: Immutable Lists.
+John Cowan
+srfi-178 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 178: Bitvector library
+John Cowan and Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+atom 0.1.5 (XML processing)
+Atom 1.0 feed reader and writer
+Jim Ursetto
+ipfs 0.0.13 (Networking)
+IPFS HTTP API for Scheme
+lexgen 8.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+Lexer combinators
+Ivan Raikov
+doctype 2.2 (XML processing)
+Exports strings corresponding to standard XML (XHTML, HTML) doctypes
+Jim Ursetto
+digraph 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Directed graph in adjacency list format.
+Ivan Raikov
+alist-lib 0.3.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-69-like library for alists
+Peter Danenberg
+srfi-196 1.0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-196: Range Objects
+John Cowan & Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+chicken-update 0.1.6 (Tools)
+Update installed eggs
+Diego A. Mundo
+opengl 1.21 (Graphics)
+OpenGL bindings
+felix winkelmann
+sdl2-ttf 0.2.0 (Graphics)
+Bindings to SDL_ttf 2
+John Croisant
+list-comprehensions 1.2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Some list creating routines
+Juergen Lorenz
+srfi-113 1.2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-113: Sets and Bags
+John Cowan
+math 0.3.4 (Mathematical libraries)
+Chicken port of Racket's math library
+Neil Toronto, Jens Axel Søgaard
+ripemd 2.1.2 (Cryptography)
+RIPE Message Digest
+Kon Lovett
+awful-sse 0.3 (Web programming)
+Server-Sent Events module for Awful
+Arthur Maciel
+breadline 0.11 (Input/Output)
+Bindings to readline
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+graph-dfs 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Depth-first search in a graph.
+Ivan Raikov
+spiffy-uri-match 1.0 (Web programming)
+uri-match integration for spiffy
+Moritz Heidkamp
+rocksdb 1.0 (Databases)
+Bindings to Facebooks's RocksDB Key-Value Store
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+smtp 5.2 (Networking)
+Parser combinators and state machine for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 5321).
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-19 4.9.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Time Data Types and Procedures
+Will Fitzgerald (for CHICKEN by Kon Lovett)
+srfi-146 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 146: Mappings
+Arthur A. Gleckler, Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen
+sxpath 1.0 (XML processing)
+The sxpath bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge
+Oleg Kiselyov, Kirill Lisovsky, Dmitry Lizorkin
+rfc3339 0.1.3 (Data formats and parsing)
+RFC3339 datetime parser
+Jim Ursetto
+csv-abnf 6.1 (Data formats and parsing)
+Parsing and formatting of comma-separated values (CSV).
+Ivan Raikov
+message-digest-utils 4.3.5 (Cryptography)
+Message Digest Support
+Kon Lovett
+sdl2 0.4.1 (Graphics)
+Bindings to Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 (SDL2)
+John Croisant
+r7rs 1.0.9 (Language extensions)
+R7RS compatibility
+The Chicken Team
+generalized-arrays 0.0.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+An implementation providing generalized arrays and storage classes for CHICKEN Scheme.
+Jeremy Steward
+system 0.8 (Not categorized)
+load and compile groups of files
+felix winkelmann
+symbol-utils 2.5.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Symbol Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+nrepl 5.0.8 (Debugging tools)
+Simple networked REPL over TCP
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+fix-me-now 1.5 (Language extensions)
+Make tweaks and changes to sexp trees
+lowdown 3 (Data formats and parsing)
+A pure Chicken Markdown parser
+Moritz Heidkamp
+pseudo-meta-egg-info 1.1 (Egg tools)
+Provide automatically generated release-info and a pseudo-"meta"-file for eggs in svn
+Peter Bex
+synch 3.3.8 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Synchronization Forms
+Kon Lovett
+sql-null 2.0 (Databases)
+A convenience extension for representing SQL NULL values
+Ivan Shmakov
+introspect 0.2 (Language extensions)
+Module introspection
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+simple-exceptions 1.3.1 (Language extensions)
+Some user-friendly exception routines
+Juergen Lorenz
+tokyocabinet 0.1.0 (Databases)
+Tokyo Cabinet hash database interface
+Sven Hartrumpf
+snowtar 1.1 (Data formats and parsing)
+TAR file format packing and unpacking.
+Marc Feeley
+mpi 2.5 (Networking)
+Message-passing Interface (MPI)
+Ivan Raikov
+graph-bfs 2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Breadth-first search in a graph.
+Ivan Raikov
+web-colors 1.0.0 (Data formats and parsing)
+Parse and write HTML/CSS color strings
+John Croisant
+fmt (Input/Output)
+Combinator Formatting
+Alex Shinn
+srfi-60 0.7.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 60: Integers as bits
+Aubrey Jaffer
+mathh 4.6.4 (Mathematical libraries)
+ISO C math functions, miscellaneous math utilities, and constants
+Kon Lovett and [[john cowan]]
+jsmin 2.2 (Miscellaneous)
+Implementation of Douglas Crockford's JavaScript minifier in CHICKEN Scheme
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+chicken-doc 0.7.0 (Documentation tools)
+Explore Chicken documentation locally
+Jim Ursetto
+kd-tree 6.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+K-D tree spatial indexing structure.
+Ivan Raikov
+gochan 5.2.10 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+golang channels in CHICKEN
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+http-session 2.10 (Web programming)
+Facilities for managing HTTP sessions
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+sxml-transforms 1.4.3 (XML processing)
+The SXML transformations (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the SSAX project at Sourceforge
+Oleg Kiselyov
+srfi-115 0.3.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+SRFI 115: Scheme Regular Expressions
+Alex Shinn
+strse 1.39 (Language extensions)
+A string DSL
+natural-sort 1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Natural sorting procedures
+Vasilij Schneidermann
+arrays 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Functional arrays and sets
+Juergen Lorenz
+debugger-protocol 0.4 (Debugging tools)
+Low-level interface to debugger-protocol
+Felix Winkelmann
+iup 1.9.5 (User interface toolkits)
+Bindings to the IUP GUI library
+Thomas Chust
+vlist 1.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+An implementation of vlists, a functional list-like data structure.
+Ludovic Courtès
+timed-resource 2.4.2 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Resource w/ Timeout
+Kon Lovett
+henrietta-cache-git 0.0.1 (Tools)
+A tool to convert and keep henrietta's cache in a git repository
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+byte-blob 2.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Byte array utility procedures for blobs.
+Ivan Raikov
+regex-case 1.3 (Language extensions)
+Provides an easy to use <code>case</code> construct for regular expression matching
+henrietta-cache 1.6.1 (Egg tools)
+Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume
+Peter Bex
+slib-compat 1.0.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+CHICKEN SLIB compatibility library
+Kon Lovett
+hopefully 0.2.6 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Simple software transactional memory.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+sequences 0.6.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Generic sequence operators
+felix winkelmann
+colorize 0.5 (Web programming)
+Colorize programming code as HTML
+Brian Mastenbrook, converted to Scheme by Peter Bex
+stb-image-resize 0.3 (Graphics)
+resize raw u8/u16/u32/f32-vector images
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+uuid 0.1 (Cryptography)
+native chicken uuid library
+alice maz
+srfi-111 0.5 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-111: Boxes
+John Cowan
+graph-cycles 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Enumerate all simple cycles in a graph.
+Ivan Raikov
+records 1.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Procedural record-type interface
+David Carlton, Aubrey Jaffer
+srfi-121 1.8 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-121: Generators
+John Cowan
+srfi-174 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+John Cowan
+ssax 5.1.0 (XML processing)
+Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser
+Oleg Kiselyov, ported to CHICKEN by Kirill Lisovsky, packaged as an extension by <a href="mailto:felix@call-with-current-continuation.org">felix</a>
+srfi-37 1.4 (Miscellaneous)
+A simple and flexible command-line option parsing facility
+Anthony Carrico
+shell 0.4 (Miscellaneous)
+Convenient shell-command invocation
+Felix Winkelmann
+test 1.2 (Unit-testing)
+Yet Another Testing Utility
+Alex Shinn
+srfi-141 1.0.0 (Mathematical libraries)
+SRFI 141: Integer division
+Taylor Campbell, John Cowan
+tcp-server 1.5 (Networking)
+A simple generic multithreaded tcp-server
+match-generics 2.8 (Language extensions)
+matchable generics
+args 1.6.2 (Miscellaneous)
+Command-line argument handling, on top of SRFI 37
+Jim Ursetto
+csm 0.5 (Tools)
+a build system
+topham 0.1.7 (Web programming)
+Bindings for the sr.ht REST API
+Evan Hanson
+elliptic-curves 1.0.4 (Mathematical libraries)
+Arithmetic and Cryptography on Elliptic Curve Groups over Finite Fields
+Thomas Chust
+checks 1.4 (Language extensions)
+easy to use procondition and postcondition checks of procedures
+Juergen Lorenz
+sxml-modifications 0.3.1 (XML processing)
+The sxml-modification bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge
+Dmitry Lizorkin
+toml 0.7 (Data formats and parsing)
+A Chicken binding to read TOML configuration files
+Daniel Ziltener
+comparse 3 (Data formats and parsing)
+Schemely parser combinators
+Moritz Heidkamp
+pwdb 1.4 (Cryptography)
+A command-line-based password manager
+Alaric Snell-Pym
+gtk-server 0.1 (User interface toolkits)
+GTK-server binding
+Felix Winkelmann, Vasilij Schneidermann
+svnwiki-sxml 0.2.14 (Documentation tools)
+Parse svnwiki to sxml
+Jim Ursetto
+plot 2.1 (Graphics)
+An interface to GNU libplot, a library for device-independent two-dimensional vector graphics.
+Ivan Raikov
+apropos 3.8.3 (Miscellaneous)
+CHICKEN apropos
+Kon Lovett
+siphash 0.1.0 (Cryptography)
+The SipHash family of hash functions
+Evan Hanson
+r7rs-tools 0.1.1 (Tools)
+"Pure" r7rs compiler and interpreter
+Diego A. Mundo
+message-digest 4.3.0 (Cryptography)
+Message Digest (omnibus)
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-132 1.0.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-132: Sort Libraries
+John Cowan
+salmonella-feeds 0.1.1 (Egg tools)
+A tool to generate atom feeds out of salmonella log files
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+noise 0.2.0 (Graphics)
+Noise generation functions on the GPU
+Alex Charlton
+awful-ssl 0.3 (Web programming)
+SSL support for awful
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+locale 0.9.2 (OS interface)
+Provides locale operations
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-232 0.1 (Language extensions)
+SRFI 232: Flexible curried procedures
+Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe
+bitstring 1.37 (Data formats and parsing)
+Binary pattern matching
+glfw3 0.7.1 (Graphics)
+Bindings to the GLFW3 OpenGL window and event management library
+Alex Charlton
+spiffy-cookies 1.2 (Web programming)
+Procedures for managing cookies
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+epoxy 0.2.2 (Graphics)
+Bindings to OpenGL and OpenGL ES through the Epoxy library
+Adrien (Kooda) Ramos
+comic-snarfer 1.23 (XML processing)
+Download files (such as web comic images) by recursing on XPath
+rlimit 1.0.2 (OS interface)
+Setting resource limits
+felix winkelmann
+srfi-135 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI 135: Immutable Texts
+William D. Clinger
+botan 2.13.20191214-0 (Cryptography)
+Bindings to the Botan cryptographic library
+Thomas Chust
+redis 0.5 (Databases)
+A Redis client library for Chicken Scheme
+Daniel Ziltener
+rbf 1.1 (Mathematical libraries)
+Bindings for the Radial Basis Function interpolation routines by John Burkardt.
+Ivan Raikov
+arcadedb 0.7 (Databases)
+An ArcadeDB database driver for CHICKEN Scheme.
+Christian Himpe
+module-declarations 0.3.1 (Language extensions)
+Module declarations
+Evan Hanson
+foreigners 1.5 (Language extensions)
+Foreign helper macros
+Jim Ursetto
+henrietta 1.5 (Egg tools)
+Serve extensions over HTTP
+felix winkelmann
+simple-tests 3.1 (Unit-testing)
+Some simple test routines
+Juergen Lorenz
+srfi-105 0.1.7 (Language extensions)
+SRFI-105 - curly infix expressions
+David A. Wheeler
+dwim-sort 1.4 (Language extensions)
+dwimmy sort
+trie 2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A trie (prefix tree) implementation
+Moritz Heidkamp
+amb 3.0.8 (Logic programming)
+The non-deterministic backtracking ambivalence operator
+[[thomas chust]]
+minissh 1.0.0 (Networking)
+An SSH-2 server and client implementation
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+ws-client 1.0.0 (Web programming)
+websocket client library
+Lo̍h Ka-tsùn
+qt-light 1.0 (User interface toolkits)
+A lightweight Qt 5 interface
+felix winkelmann
+filepath 1.6 (Data formats and parsing)
+Cross-platform file path manipulation.
+Ivan Raikov
+directory-utils 2.2.6 (OS interface)
+Kon Lovett
+premodules 0.7 (Documentation tools)
+Converting a premodule into module, test and doc files
+Juergen Lorenz
+nanomsg (Networking)
+Adellica AS
+sundials 2.17 (Mathematical libraries)
+An interface to SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).
+Ivan Raikov
+crypt 1.0.1 (Cryptography)
+Secure password hashing through the Unix crypt() function
+Peter Bex, with code from many people
+skiplists 1.0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+An implementation of skiplists
+[[Juergen Lorenz]]
+srfi-137 0.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-137: Minimal Unique Types
+John Cowan & Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen
+stty 0.6 (Input/Output)
+stty-style interface to termios
+Alex Shinn
+blas 4.5 (Mathematical libraries)
+An interface to level 1, 2 and 3 BLAS routines
+awful-postgresql 0.7.0 (Web programming)
+Postgresql support for awful
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+operations 0.6 (Object-oriented programming)
+The T object system
+Felix Winkelmann
+sdl-base 0.9.2 (Graphics)
+Basic SDL support
+Tony Garnock-Jones
+concurrent-native-callbacks 1.0 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Invoke callbacks from other native threads
+bevuta IT GmbH (Felix Winkelmann)
+simple-loops 2.0 (Language extensions)
+Some simple looping macros
+Juergen Lorenz
+dbus 0.97 (OS interface)
+A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism
+Shawn Rutledge
+coops 1.3 (Object-oriented programming)
+A featureful object system
+Dorai Sitaram and felix winkelmann
+monocypher 4.0.1 (Cryptography)
+Monocypher cryptographic library
+Thomas Chust
+z3 2.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+A gzip (RFC1952) compression and decompression library
+Oskar Schirmer and felix winkelmann
+spock 0.2 (Web programming)
+A compiler and runtime system for R5RS Scheme on top of JavaScript
+felix winkelmann
+linenoise 1.0 (Input/Output)
+A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement.
+Salvatore Sanfilippo
+brev-separate 1.95 (Language extensions)
+Hodge podge of macros and combinators
+levenshtein 2.4.0 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Levenshtein edit distance
+Kon Lovett
+salmonella-html-report 1.7.1 (Egg tools)
+A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+sha1 4.1.7 (Cryptography)
+Computes SHA1 (FIPS-180-1) checksums
+Steve Reid, packaged for Chicken by Peter Bex
+slib-arraymap 1.1.4 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+The SLIB applicative routines for the arrays library
+Aubrey Jaffer
+forcible 0.3.10 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+graph-separators 2.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Determine the separation vertices of a graph.
+Richard Kelsey
+mistie 1.9 (Data formats and parsing)
+A programmable filter
+Dorai Sitaram
+dollar 3.0.0 (Interfacing to other languages)
+FFI convenience macro
+felix winkelmann and kon lovett
+tcp6 0.2.1 (Networking)
+Interface to TCP over IPv4 and IPv6
+Jim Ursetto
+ldif-sexpr 0.3.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+Convert (parse&write) LDIF, rfc4514 and LDAP filters (rfc2254) into S-expressions.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+make-tests 1.10 (Tools)
+Create unit tests from a file of expressions
+ioctl 0.4 (Input/Output)
+ioctl system call interface
+Alex Shinn
+internet-message 7.1 (Data formats and parsing)
+Parser combinators for Internet Message Format (RFC 5322).
+Ivan Raikov
+gmi 0.0.7 (Data formats and parsing)
+Gemtext reader and writer
+gemini-client 0.1 (Networking)
+Client library for the gemini:// protocol
+Lassi Kortela
+big-chicken 1.1 (Miscellaneous)
+Wrapper module for all core modules
+[[felix winkelmann]]
+posix-regex 0.1.0 (Miscellaneous)
+A thin wrapper around POSIX regular expression matching
+Sören Tempel
+freetype 0.3 (Graphics)
+Freetype2 Interface
+Alex Shinn
+unitex-named-chars 0.0.4 (Miscellaneous)
+Unicode & LaTeX Named Chars
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-27 4.2.3 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Sources of Random Bits
+Sebastian Egner, for CHICKEN by Kon Lovett and [[Sergey Goldgaber]]
+zstd 1.2 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+ZStandard bindings
+Kristian Lein-Mathisen
+x11-colors 1.1 (Graphics)
+named standard colors as available in X11
+felix winkelmann
+rss 1.7 (XML processing)
+A RSS parser
+felix winkelmann
+ssql 0.3 (Databases)
+SQL as S-expressions
+Peter Bex, Moritz Heidkamp, Chris Brannon
+pthreads 0.2 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Maintain and talk to a pthread pool.
+Jörg F. Wittenberger
+multipart-form-data 0.2 (Web programming)
+Reads & decodes HTTP multipart/form-data requests.
+Andy Bennett <andyjpb@knodium.com>
+srfi-66 0.1 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+SRFI-66: Octet Vectors
+Michael Sperber
+posix-mq 1.1 (OS interface)
+POSIX message queues API
+Ivan Raikov
+srfi-64 1.0.5 (Unit-testing)
+SRFI 64:"A Scheme API for test suites" implementation
+Sunjoong Lee
+lalr 2.5.2 (Data formats and parsing)
+An efficient LALR(1) parser generator
+Dominique Boucher
+sha2 4.2.5 (Cryptography)
+Computes 256-, 385- and 512-bit SHA2 checksums
+Aaron D. Gifford and Daishi Kato
+typeclass 1.5 (Language extensions)
+Type classes
+Andre van Tonder
+advice 0.4 (Miscellaneous)
+'advise' functionality
+felix winkelmann
+thread-utils 2.2.8 (Concurrency and parallelism)
+Thread Utilities
+Kon Lovett
+srfi-94 0.1 (Mathematical libraries)
+SRFI 94: Type-Restricted Numerical Functions
+Aubrey Jaffer
+packrat 1.5 (Data formats and parsing)
+A packrat parsing library
+Tony Garnock-Jones
+with-current-directory 1.0.0 (Language extensions)
+Convenience procedure for temporarily changing directories
+Evan Hanson
+xj 1.29 (XML processing)
+Unix filter that turns XML into JSON
+clucker 0.12 (Web programming)
+Twitter API for Chicken Scheme
+Nicholas M. Van Horn
+mdh 0.2 (Databases)
+interface to the MDH database
+Kevin O'Kane
+pastiche 1.3 (Web programming)
+A small awful app implementing a pastebin service
+Christian Kellermann
+salt 0.28 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Hybrid dynamical systems modeling.
+Ivan Raikov
+accents-substitute 0.7 (Algorithms and data-structures)
+Substitute accented characters in strings
+Mario Domenech Goulart
+nanosleep 0.3.0 (OS interface)
+Interface to POSIX nanosleep
+Pietro Cerutti
+check-errors 3.7.1 (Miscellaneous)
+Argument checks & errors
+Kon Lovett
+espeak 0.1.7 (Sound)
+Chicken bindings for espeak-ng's speak_lib.h
+Diego A. Mundo
+pathname-expand 0.3 (OS interface)
+The CHICKEN team
+live-define 1.1 (Miscellaneous)
+Hack that replaces “define” with a version that mutates existing procedures.
+Adrien (Kooda) Ramos
+chicken-doc-admin 0.5.0 (Documentation tools)
+Administer Chicken documentation locally
+Jim Ursetto
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zilti/packages/chicken.scm b/zilti/packages/chicken.scm
index 85241a9..eb6b6f8 100644
--- a/zilti/packages/chicken.scm
+++ b/zilti/packages/chicken.scm
@@ -32,729 +32,11841 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses)
#:prefix license:))
-;;;; Eggs
-;;;;; Language extensions
-(define-public chicken-f-operator
+ chicken-json
- (name "chicken-f-operator")
- (version "4.1.4")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "f-operator" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-miscmacros
- chicken-datatype
- chicken-box))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test
- chicken-test-utils
- chicken-utf8
- chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-srfi-18))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "f-operator"))
- (synopsis "Delimited continuation operators")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/f-operator")
- (description "Delimited continuation operators")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-anaphora
- (package
- (name "chicken-anaphora")
- (version "1.0.1")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "anaphora" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list ))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-simple-tests))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "anaphora"))
- (synopsis "Anaphoric macros")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/anaphora")
- (description "Anaphoric macros")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-begin-syntax
- (package
- (name "chicken-begin-syntax")
- (version "0.2.1")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "begin-syntax" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-matchable))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-module-declarations))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "begin-syntax"))
- (synopsis "Convenience macro for inline syntax expansion")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/begin-syntax")
- (description "Convenience macro for inline syntax expansion")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-;;;;; Unsorted
-(define-public chicken-compile-file
- (package
- (name "chicken-compile-file")
- (version "1.3")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "compile-file" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1029i5ifr48vb3clvl8n50iq23rzc42szdcsl9320qmj1ksg9y93"))))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments `(#:egg-name "compile-file"))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/compile-file")
- (synopsis "Programmatic compiler invocation")
- (description "This egg provides a way to do on-the-fly compilation of
-source code and load it into the running process.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-agrep
- (package
- (name "chicken-agrep")
- (version "1.7")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/iraikov/chicken-agrep")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-agrep-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0z05x7f154n9bgmainrsmncf5i6dil43r9ymr3rdgwbg4wnxmz4s"))))
- ;; TODO do we really have to make these propagated?
- ;; I don't know Chicken's module system well enough to tell
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-datatype chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-14))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "agrep"))
- (synopsis "Approximate string matching library")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/agrep")
- (description
- "This library implements the Wu-Manber algorithm for approximate string
-searching with errors, popularized by the agrep Unix command and the glimpse
-file indexing tool.")
- (license license:gpl3+)))
-(define-public chicken-check-errors
- (package
- (name "chicken-check-errors")
- (version "3.7.1")
+ (name "chicken-json")
+ (version "1.6")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "check-errors" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1ra8pvs0qnfqsjbrsn0k94drwx5ydvhapziv6dcqcb118iimnrmd"))))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "json" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1h27h6z7awadijk9w51df9dyk3wma27fp180j7xwl27sbw7h76wz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-packrat chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "check-errors"))
- (synopsis "Argument checks & errors.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/check-errors")
- (description
- "Argument checks & errors.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-crypto-tools
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "json"))
+ (synopsis "A JSON library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/json")
+ (description "A JSON library")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-memoize
- (name "chicken-crypto-tools")
- (version "1.4")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "crypto-tools" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0ajf0qfnhp99f4x1dll2fhlxrsxamgrrwyksc7rrym77xmv8f1pd"))))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "crypto-tools"))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/crypto-tools")
- (synopsis "Useful cryptographic primitives")
- (description "The crypto-tools egg implements useful cryptographic
-primitives. More specifically, provided are:
-@item binary blobs
-@item marshallers to and from hex strings
-@item blob xor
-@item blob padding using either PKCS#5 or ISO7816-4
-@end itemize
-@item Block cipher modes of operation
-@item CBC with or without incorporated encrypted IV in the ciphertext
-@item CTR with or without incorporated IV in the ciphertext
-@end itemize
-@end itemize")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-srfi-1
- (package
- (name "chicken-srfi-1")
- (version "0.5.1")
+ (name "chicken-memoize")
+ (version "0.3")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append
- "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/srfi-1/tags/"
- version))
- (revision 39055)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-srfi-1" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "02940zsjrmn7c34rnp1rllm2nahh9jvszlzrw8ak4pf31q09cmq1"))))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-1"))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-1")
- (synopsis "SRFI-1 list library")
- (description
- "The list library defined in
-@uref{https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html, SRFI-1} contains a lot of
-useful list processing procedures for construction, examining, destructuring
-and manipulating lists and pairs.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-srfi-13
- (package
- (name "chicken-srfi-13")
- (version "0.3.4")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "srfi-13" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "11d8qlvsykp2mz2vwxmk19x1zl5b5fymhvgznsrfjl429z5xai94"))))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-13"))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "memoize" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xh9cfxbr28x2kmsr4n54ynmpz9z5wl9b0rc455mhb6ilsl5nyzi"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69))
(native-inputs (list chicken-test))
- (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-14))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/srfi-13")
- (synopsis "SRFI-13 string library for Chicken scheme")
- (description "This package provides the SRFI-13 string library for Chicken
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-srfi-14
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "memoize"))
+ (synopsis "Procedures memoization")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/memoize")
+ (description "Procedures memoization")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-101
- (name "chicken-srfi-14")
- (version "0.2.1")
+ (name "chicken-srfi-101")
+ (version "0.0.3")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/srfi-14/tags/" version))
- (revision 39057)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-srfi-14-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0wjsqfwawh9bx6vvii1gwag166bxkflc0ib374fbws14914g2ac1"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-101" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jfkprl6jxyh2s241x0cmxnqdb3s1bl32jyfqyqzpadbbvrixm56"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-vector-lib))
+ (native-inputs (list))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-14"))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-14")
- (synopsis "Character set library")
- (description
- "Character sets can be created, extended, tested for the membership of
-a characters and be compared to other character sets")
- (license (license:non-copyleft
- "http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-14#license"))))
-(define-public chicken-srfi-18
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-101"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 101")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-101")
+ (description "SRFI 101")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-197
- (name "chicken-srfi-18")
- (version "0.1.7")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "srfi-18" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0mkg3g045md9v74p4ac24q0c4xvvinz1nggakyg7wlg7c176i2l9"))))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:egg-name "srfi-18"))
- (native-inputs (list chicken-compile-file))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/srfi-18")
- (synopsis "Multithreading package, largely following SRFI-18")
- (description "The threads implemented in CHICKEN are so called \"green\"
-threads, based on first-class continuations. Native threads that map directly
-to the threads provided by the operating system are not supported. The
-advantage of this is that threads are very lightweight and somewhat larger
-degree of determinism. The disadvantage is that execution of Scheme code on
-multiple processor cores is not available.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-srfi-69
- (package
- (name "chicken-srfi-69")
- (version "0.4.3")
+ (name "chicken-srfi-197")
+ (version "0.2.0")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/srfi-69/tags/"
- version))
- (revision 39057)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-srfi-69-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1z0m9vmg9bj9z0a941pls6igvg8nmhq4mj5psjjidbp0fac572mp"))))
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-69"))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-197" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "19lxc4id9k7hqi1d8fm2mxn32gh18lv35xiash018r6cscz9hh01"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-69")
- (synopsis "Implementation of SRFI 69 with SRFI 90 extensions")
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-197"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-197: Pipeline Operators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-197")
+ (description "SRFI-197: Pipeline Operators")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-stb-image
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stb-image")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stb-image" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h8a8212miihqnd93s6svj3gs5yw7ix787mpzj7bgd34vx5srbsy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stb-image"))
+ (synopsis "read png/jpg/tga/bmp/psd/gif/hdr/pic/pnm images into pixels")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stb-image")
+ (description "read png/jpg/tga/bmp/psd/gif/hdr/pic/pnm images into pixels")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-sdl2-image
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sdl2-image")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sdl2-image" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08kxmx97rw760vlqsfl6s89mjb2gxzynk2fvc6dd0s7spdjvjk34"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-sdl2))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sdl2-image"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to SDL_image 2")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sdl2-image")
+ (description "Bindings to SDL_image 2")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-spiffy-sexpr-log
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-sexpr-log")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-sexpr-log" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0z2sxvjgnri80rvlgyajx6hbwdhs6qrxvida05j8dh25xj5kyiyj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-spiffy chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-sexpr-log"))
+ (synopsis "Symbolic expression log format for Spiffy")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-sexpr-log")
+ (description "Symbolic expression log format for Spiffy")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tiny-prolog
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tiny-prolog")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tiny-prolog" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bw1l5vsyw2z3yvv6zlgvzk1hlm16ql6m8gdfd94fk691pvjpnd0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tiny-prolog"))
+ (synopsis "Tiny PROLOG interpreter.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tiny-prolog")
+ (description "Tiny PROLOG interpreter.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-7off
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-7off")
+ (version "1.31")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "7off" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hsqxva92k3yasrlgl7bbq3z3d2d2nd3r3i2v6vimv7mp2chfkdr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-anaphora
+ chicken-define-options
+ chicken-lowdown
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-strse
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "7off"))
+ (synopsis "Markdown to Gemini text")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/7off")
+ (description "Markdown to Gemini text")
+ (license license:agpl3+)))
+ chicken-tiger-hash
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tiger-hash")
+ (version "4.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tiger-hash" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hcmp58byk2wg0nbmb5zh2zc7z670dhva21qjpix6l8hqgrf0151"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tiger-hash"))
+ (synopsis "Tiger/192 Message Digest")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tiger-hash")
+ (description "Tiger/192 Message Digest")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-regex
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-regex")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "regex" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1hxkva5jvk08wnj3x4lnyxhhyr5vkbs7q99qzpnwmfphbrzmmqzr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "regex"))
+ (synopsis "Compatibility library for old regular expression API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/regex")
+ (description "Compatibility library for old regular expression API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-leveldb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-leveldb")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "leveldb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14wjgiaclxm6f3m88fakg5hdpxd1f8d8yzm6vgwv01dd6izqpvfv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "leveldb"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to Google's LevelDB Key-Value Store")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/leveldb")
+ (description "Bindings to Google's LevelDB Key-Value Store")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-expand-full
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-expand-full")
+ (version "2.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "expand-full" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "072c5xvmsgkbz5wj4ihj0y4k5fvx9lsz5vjydvzmhnmwd613cg46"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "expand-full"))
+ (synopsis "Full macro expansion")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/expand-full")
+ (description "Full macro expansion")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-magic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-magic")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "magic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17j25ckrhpm1k2ivl7qa1k87kylid466bb23ic96h64n111qhhdk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "magic"))
+ (synopsis "libmagic bindings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/magic")
+ (description "libmagic bindings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-spiffy-request-vars
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-request-vars")
+ (version "0.19")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-request-vars" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "06wzpmwnn7djr7iz9v8qqn6nrxcddqi4d751ym7g7na4aqypcc80"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-http-client chicken-server-test chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-request-vars"))
+ (synopsis "Easy access to variables from HTTP requests")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-request-vars")
+ (description "Easy access to variables from HTTP requests")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-soil
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-soil")
+ (version "1.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "soil" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h562n1ql23kjwkx5dvsxrzpyc3rnfp61i1mss88kcnrwy6hk6ad"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "soil"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Lightweight, simple library for loading image files into OpenGL-friendly format.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/soil")
- "This package provides an implementation of
-@uref{https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-69/srfi-69.html, SRFI-69 hash tables} for
-CHICKEN Scheme, along with
-@uref{https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-90/srfi-90.html, SRFI-90} extensions.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-datatype
+ "Lightweight, simple library for loading image files into OpenGL-friendly format.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tree-walkers
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tree-walkers")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tree-walkers" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1if8njjaac4i23126jlmzw67y7hcr2hs842nwsgyzi2hi780pzvk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tree-walkers"))
+ (synopsis "replacement of car, cdr and consorts")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tree-walkers")
+ (description "replacement of car, cdr and consorts")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-xml-rpc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-xml-rpc")
+ (version "3.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "xml-rpc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05qn5fd872q3zh0ic9gq32j8rnvpg6l1p5bj86pdyan1iqxypnsq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-base64
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-ssax
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "xml-rpc"))
+ (synopsis "XML-RPC client/server")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/xml-rpc")
+ (description "XML-RPC client/server")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-unsafe
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-unsafe")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "unsafe" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nainz77q0a1pzac92dp4nbmpq4g20vqa4qxzaqg86rhy7rpr01x"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "unsafe"))
+ (synopsis "Unsafe operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/unsafe")
+ (description "Unsafe operations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-icu
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-icu")
+ (version "0.3.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "icu" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1hii4n3mraqaznaiwznwbx06yy99157pxxarkj558zarkn43k82y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-chalk))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "icu"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken bindings to the ICU unicode library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/icu")
+ (description "Chicken bindings to the ICU unicode library")
+ (license #f)))
+ chicken-simple-timer
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-timer")
+ (version "0.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-timer" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xnkf4xd7hx1lki1nxzkdpwynxx1zry6j8a8cyxk9hb72ygcd9p0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-18 chicken-pigeon-hole chicken-llrb-tree))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-matchable))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-timer"))
+ (synopsis "Simple, cancel-able, efficient timer API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-timer")
+ (description "Simple, cancel-able, efficient timer API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-193
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-193")
+ (version "0.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-193" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18raq9r8nvs6dvb9fq7095bi9sxh655pjs4k7jwj486369jn90di"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-193"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 193: Command line")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-193")
+ (description "SRFI 193: Command line")
+ (license license:isc)))
+ chicken-type-extensions
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-type-extensions")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "type-extensions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0l4hp89v0x10is29fczhr6y89qrsd16bgdgbl2pf2l36pmlgqfmr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "type-extensions"))
+ (synopsis "Miscellaneous type system extensions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/type-extensions")
+ (description "Miscellaneous type system extensions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pigeon-hole
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pigeon-hole")
+ (version "0.2.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pigeon-hole" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sz97xznai8a2gsfc2f2aink8rhmksz7iqbl7k061wfgf4w8vrvk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pigeon-hole"))
+ (synopsis "A mailbox constrained by capacity.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pigeon-hole")
+ (description "A mailbox constrained by capacity.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-monad
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-monad")
+ (version "5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "monad" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xd24plxnwi9yssmw2in008biv2xf4iwwln6xswx781ankppqpg9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "monad"))
+ (synopsis "Monads")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/monad")
+ (description "Monads")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-modular-arithmetic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-modular-arithmetic")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "modular-arithmetic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0gh4017knjkqhp4rcvjwiw727235yhpmn0dybd3v0cckbsxhic1a"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "modular-arithmetic"))
+ (synopsis "Modular Arithmetic on Finite Fields")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/modular-arithmetic")
+ (description "Modular Arithmetic on Finite Fields")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sandbox
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sandbox")
+ (version "1.91")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sandbox" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vsr4nx20rgdszkrrsyl23lw1mf3qldyqcxlnf56s8swzfxcss3y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-defstruct))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sandbox"))
+ (synopsis "A safe evaluation environment")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sandbox")
+ (description "A safe evaluation environment")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-160
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-160")
+ (version "0.5.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-160" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zwvc79q46rdb06p3skvqb7v0akgj80z56g8hhbk9qni6hjkq938"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-128))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-128 chicken-srfi-133))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-160"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-160")
+ (description "SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-sysexits
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sysexits")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sysexits" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00hymhdqwn3s2wqmaw3182kkp392hxx6h1xicqga4nxjjm4rnw24"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sysexits"))
+ (synopsis "Exit status codes for system programs")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sysexits")
+ (description "Exit status codes for system programs")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-pledge
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pledge")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pledge" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fj53zvsld6n2sasp3lwnjxsmn11z5zf53928gygh6rb84mfhq22"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pledge"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for OpenBSD's pledge(2)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pledge")
+ (description "Bindings for OpenBSD's pledge(2)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-feature-test
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-feature-test")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "feature-test" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1m9p5zhgj8g1n604pwp7fyd73jbra8fpjqcsz3a4mrgmc5sjvba1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "feature-test"))
+ (synopsis "Foreign feature testing")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/feature-test")
+ (description "Foreign feature testing")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-static-pages
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-static-pages")
+ (version "0.1.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-static-pages" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1v4micnkci3lkknx0x1ph7apvlq2zzzjxgr2h13i7l0zm0bhf1nl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-awful chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-static-pages"))
+ (synopsis "Tool to generate static pages out of awful applications")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-static-pages")
+ (description "Tool to generate static pages out of awful applications")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-random-mtzig
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-random-mtzig")
+ (version "5.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "random-mtzig" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0swkhz2ifg2f5cwpi4njfgjfzvdhr0crkz4w77bnsk4fip86vk6h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "random-mtzig"))
+ (synopsis
+ "MT19937 random number generator with Marsaglia and Tang's Ziggurat algorithm to generate random numbers from a non-uniform distribution.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/random-mtzig")
+ (description
+ "MT19937 random number generator with Marsaglia and Tang's Ziggurat algorithm to generate random numbers from a non-uniform distribution.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-bindings
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bindings")
+ (version "5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bindings" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r193n8h8bbq8yx8xwgpfd0yxwipn58skhi258y64hnb88pzjfy3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-simple-sequences))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests chicken-biglists))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bindings"))
+ (synopsis "Pattern matching with destructuring bindings and setters")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bindings")
+ (description "Pattern matching with destructuring bindings and setters")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-gl-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gl-utils")
+ (version "0.8.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gl-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1krm8qs0h9vn6sp62imv6arwr6l1pg5amimkci35l4n4jsrmd6ag"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-z3
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-99
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-epoxy
+ chicken-gl-math))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gl-utils"))
+ (synopsis "High(er) level tools for OpenGL")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gl-utils")
+ (description "High(er) level tools for OpenGL")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-glls
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-glls")
+ (version "0.12.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "glls" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mx2lpj4mly86fgnlkv7kw1xmabqkzxmjdahp9p0387v4a8nwzas"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-epoxy
+ chicken-gl-utils
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-fmt
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "glls"))
+ (synopsis "A compiler for a Scheme-like language targeting the GLSL")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/glls")
+ (description "A compiler for a Scheme-like language targeting the GLSL")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-queues
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-queues")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "queues" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0i7ywz4p5fhninfgf0fk8h6cdqdp4hdqb76y5cgnzspnmv5qpg26"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "queues"))
+ (synopsis "A queue data structure")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/queues")
+ (description "A queue data structure")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-intarweb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-intarweb")
+ (version "2.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "intarweb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vpdrbrmjsdbl4cb3c82iqcvyn9318jzapg6bl00dkbn6ykyisr3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-defstruct
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-base64))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "intarweb"))
+ (synopsis "A more convenient HTTP library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/intarweb")
+ (description "A more convenient HTTP library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-fuse
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fuse")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fuse" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ywgjrhkr45837xf5vnb2i3aacby7yjkhm62drdf70c09za860dd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fuse"))
+ (synopsis "Filesystems in Userspace")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fuse")
+ (description "Filesystems in Userspace")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-msgpack
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-msgpack")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "msgpack" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1plmvyy274c1qg2d3x44wpddjkj4hz6lglkkg1km4jn4h7f81gwq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "msgpack"))
+ (synopsis "MessagePack implementation for CHICKEN")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/msgpack")
+ (description "MessagePack implementation for CHICKEN")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rest-bind
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rest-bind")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rest-bind" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04c3rh2xjm6qrl0swlyh697r8f02rrfkiccajdvbngbq9c2cjk39"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-intarweb chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rest-bind"))
+ (synopsis "Generates wrappers to REST-like HTTP APIs.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rest-bind")
+ (description "Generates wrappers to REST-like HTTP APIs.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-stack
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stack")
+ (version "3.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stack" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0fcpsh9rgibkz807jwr062bcjzz7x93pv5x9xniycpjp6i3s5r2x"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-record-variants chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stack"))
+ (synopsis "Provides LIFO queue (stack) operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stack")
+ (description "Provides LIFO queue (stack) operations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-autocompile
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-autocompile")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "autocompile" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yq819vbb813svxvxad4h99vrhvf7rs8cv9dsnj85rcvi60w7299"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "autocompile"))
+ (synopsis "Automatically compile Scheme scripts on demand")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/autocompile")
+ (description "Automatically compile Scheme scripts on demand")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-awful-path-matchers
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-path-matchers")
+ (version "0.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-path-matchers" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12y90z3rlvjid6lxnhwg8f5x0wcm4qiq2nqvpg5klp1rmwsibbzh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-awful
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-server-test
+ chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-path-matchers"))
+ (synopsis "Path matchers for awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-path-matchers")
+ (description "Path matchers for awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-endian-blob
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-endian-blob")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "endian-blob" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04f4d3kjagd9d12pigcwydyf39i1q3pbf6c88h9gs1ddfz13arq1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-byte-blob))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "endian-blob"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Endian-specific procedures for converting blobs to numeric values and vectors.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/endian-blob")
+ (description
+ "Endian-specific procedures for converting blobs to numeric values and vectors.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-fp-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fp-utils")
+ (version "4.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fp-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02k8ayj30gh36cz0p2xirjnvbb845ng43yxb2b7x8ih39jyps9py"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-fx-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fp-utils"))
+ (synopsis "fp utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fp-utils")
+ (description "fp utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-json-abnf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-json-abnf")
+ (version "7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "json-abnf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fi5k13pmjx008xq9ny7rz1h48gjdrrx99sm8jhwaivcsg8bikqd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-abnf chicken-utf8 chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "json-abnf"))
+ (synopsis "Parser combinators for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/json-abnf")
+ (description "Parser combinators for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-lmdb-ht
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lmdb-ht")
+ (version "3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lmdb-ht" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ragkv9xpgsq9lfz0p6aknw54m4rynby2vq6xlhrlhwwq0g5v1ld"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-rabbit chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lmdb-ht"))
+ (synopsis "Hashtable-like interface to the LMDB key-value database.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lmdb-ht")
+ (description "Hashtable-like interface to the LMDB key-value database.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-system-information
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-system-information")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "system-information" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04974zimmahsbvk73bj487rj75ca6g91mr9b882859awbmc00d4g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "system-information"))
+ (synopsis "Obtaining system and host information")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/system-information")
+ (description "Obtaining system and host information")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-record-variants
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-record-variants")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "record-variants" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ha392k88389ls5yj08mf7gnnlysy5vzcz30ndiihlcwk2q49sq5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "record-variants"))
+ (synopsis "Optimized record access")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/record-variants")
+ (description "Optimized record access")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-yaml
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-yaml")
+ (version "0.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "yaml" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h80jim818a3ks0qa6q123hj9gabky9zyvam724sglvx3zj897is"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-sql-null chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "yaml"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to libyaml")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/yaml")
+ (description "Bindings to libyaml")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-message-digest-type
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-message-digest-type")
+ (version "4.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "message-digest-type" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0njvcflhafs5pqvhnm31alp66v1szg2y08fdlwnwq2bzzpaq83id"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-blob-utils
+ chicken-string-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "message-digest-type"))
+ (synopsis "Message Digest Type")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/message-digest-type")
+ (description "Message Digest Type")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-uri-common
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-uri-common")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "uri-common" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0zpdwzsiys6y3vb7mh6ca55qzn3l86m1b0f4kjd7v9y9d47pywl3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-defstruct
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "uri-common"))
+ (synopsis "Parser for common URI schemes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/uri-common")
+ (description "Parser for common URI schemes")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-stalin
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stalin")
+ (version "0.11.11")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stalin" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "034mc1rgmp6r44bycknja6c4snvs3li75f1kr686g0lgzg1n0jjq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stalin"))
+ (synopsis "An aggressively optimizing Scheme->C compiler")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stalin")
+ (description "An aggressively optimizing Scheme->C compiler")
+ (license license:gpl2)))
+ chicken-datatype
(name "chicken-datatype")
(version "1.6")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/datatype/tags/" version))
- (revision 39266)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-datatype-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1a58q8ypjkjz6wdv25247wixds4179239d36nnvsfn6gp70s9jfq"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "datatype" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09l14hiaas7mdibnh0i3a9jgpvgsy67m37zp948d3c5l16f3c826"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
(arguments '(#:egg-name "datatype"))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (synopsis
+ "A facility for creating and deconstructing variant records (from EOPL)")
(home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/datatype")
- (synopsis "Facility for creating and using variant records")
- "This CHICKEN Scheme library provides a facility for creating and using
-variant records, as described in the book @i{Essentials of Programming
-Languages} by Friedman, Wand, and Haynes.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-fmt
+ "A facility for creating and deconstructing variant records (from EOPL)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sparse-vectors
- (name "chicken-fmt")
- (version "0.8.11")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "fmt" ""))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0w04zfkhh8cnns6n0m1s9zh8jn7nvm3h4nzvfzxiih84i6y13yx1"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-srfi-13
- chicken-srfi-69
- chicken-utf8))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "fmt"))
- (synopsis "A library of procedures for formatting Scheme objects to text in various ways")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fmt")
- (description "A library of procedures for formatting Scheme objects to text in various ways")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-iset
+ (name "chicken-sparse-vectors")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sparse-vectors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nmk6c9mhls38lyp0d8a9f3xh94jbl2dqbmqr9pab23pnx4hha1j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-record-variants))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sparse-vectors"))
+ (synopsis "Arbitrarily large vectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sparse-vectors")
+ (description "Arbitrarily large vectors")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pseudolists
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pseudolists")
+ (version "3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pseudolists" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0x9pgg0wfk7c9by77s2kf72vksgqmfdk5rzsx0shc5rwr4k3jn6c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pseudolists"))
+ (synopsis "pseudolists as a generalisation of ordinary lists")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pseudolists")
+ (description "pseudolists as a generalisation of ordinary lists")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-67
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-67")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-67" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vi8l6nmbv14mfqqyyck1ayr5xdiiqypr2bcwvawfi6aanfl6xxb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-27))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-67"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-67: Compare Procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-67")
+ (description "SRFI-67: Compare Procedures")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-srfi-173
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-173")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-173" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14m763qmx7xdsqv5gkf4xqxvi0nnr5ykwhn3g9mmgazab5g32i0s"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-173"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-173 Hooks")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-173")
+ (description "SRFI-173 Hooks")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-statistics
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-statistics")
+ (version "0.13")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "statistics" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0s659vg9na72brl1bs336vbv7jxy3blf113mifax7ya5vpvxnl71"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-25
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-random-mtzig
+ chicken-yasos))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-compile-file chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "statistics"))
+ (synopsis "Statistics library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/statistics")
+ (description "Statistics library")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-95
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-95")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-95" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qya20jn78zwhl89q3jp5jx5iasl0gwjwl8acmq3hlgl5d3nivcd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-63))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-95"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-95: Sorting and merging")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-95")
+ (description "SRFI-95: Sorting and merging")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-sxml-serializer
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sxml-serializer")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sxml-serializer" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1q34n5akg7dc2ylvwbwlahmrdhbxjv9i9lhbfx4p32vsxaay8bib"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sxml-serializer"))
+ (synopsis "Serialize SXML to XML and HTML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sxml-serializer")
+ (description "Serialize SXML to XML and HTML")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ephem
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ephem")
+ (version "v1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ephem" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mg43ynh2s8r335sz1938wqjssz1wfk1mkicrg56nmkhc74p9181"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ephem"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A wrapper for libnova a 'general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library.'")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ephem")
+ (description
+ "A wrapper for libnova a 'general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library.'")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-uuid-lib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-uuid-lib")
+ (version "0.0.15")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "uuid-lib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16b03b6d29mjn8bcil0ln0vq85dxxvzlxrpnpblf68n7l9ix8qnc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-record-variants))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "uuid-lib"))
+ (synopsis "OSF DCE 1.1 UUID")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/uuid-lib")
+ (description "OSF DCE 1.1 UUID")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-amqp
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-amqp")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "amqp" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mwnjcsrcm024qrip9h3fap93n72slkrib1la075ra0zx0j6yc53"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-bitstring
+ chicken-mailbox
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-uri-generic))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "amqp"))
+ (synopsis "AMPQ")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/amqp")
+ (description "AMPQ")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-md5
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-md5")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-md5" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1aq7iqbh1jb3j61nylsrzf7rcmf204v1jl2l559q0jdycij6yn5z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-memory-mapped-files chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-md5"))
+ (synopsis "Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-md5")
+ (description "Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-171
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-171")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-171" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0q951jn8zcrh9snpz95bfqicgsmfznlxcq4qhr2rdp0k2h6pwjyb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r6rs-bytevectors
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-171"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-171: Transducers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-171")
+ (description "SRFI-171: Transducers")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-object-evict
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-object-evict")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "object-evict" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1g0vzz1j7p6h0y994hqpdrqydssyakyizf2in41crwkn3b7d8b8f"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "object-evict"))
+ (synopsis "Evict data to unmanaged memory")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/object-evict")
+ (description "Evict data to unmanaged memory")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ftl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ftl")
+ (version "0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ftl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qqpf0sng3g5wrp6038b5h757naw4g58cfzn3j67kywbl9ai3kjr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ftl"))
+ (synopsis "Interface based sequence library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ftl")
+ (description "Interface based sequence library")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-18")
+ (version "0.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-18" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mkg3g045md9v74p4ac24q0c4xvvinz1nggakyg7wlg7c176i2l9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-18"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-18 thread library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-18")
+ (description "SRFI-18 thread library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-gemini
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gemini")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gemini" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kx70kp1r1dz23wcpqdrgjh49vcn2lhl50cg4b48v3rc37rpa4vz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-openssl chicken-r7rs chicken-uri-generic))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gemini"))
+ (synopsis "Client library for the gemini:// protocol")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gemini")
+ (description "Client library for the gemini:// protocol")
+ (license license:isc)))
+ chicken-combinators
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-combinators")
+ (version "1.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "combinators" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "054bik2zrdw4crdamarph11bk353aj8afk63wlivi6jx02bqq7zk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "combinators"))
+ (synopsis "Combinators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/combinators")
+ (description "Combinators")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-127
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-127")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-127" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0gjzz7q7frzd97i9skxragznm3as1423nng3kmgpgk1wmi4jmsi5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-127"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-127: Lazy Sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-127")
+ (description "SRFI-127: Lazy Sequences")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-5
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-5")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-5" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0n50xzkwq4mainjlzjihiqiknbyzx9js1d8d796hvcy9v613vivk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-5"))
+ (synopsis
+ "SRFI-5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-5")
+ (description
+ "SRFI-5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-defstruct
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-defstruct")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "defstruct" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1n8qy9bxlnacdq9gr4z4zjkwqsh9m34ij66qffah5nvqwskcavfy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "defstruct"))
+ (synopsis "A more convenient form of define-record")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/defstruct")
+ (description "A more convenient form of define-record")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-compile-file
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-compile-file")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "compile-file" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1029i5ifr48vb3clvl8n50iq23rzc42szdcsl9320qmj1ksg9y93"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "compile-file"))
+ (synopsis "Programmatic compiler invocation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/compile-file")
+ (description "Programmatic compiler invocation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-lmdb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lmdb")
+ (version "1.0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lmdb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ymy7ji9q7zvy8708f4zzavxkvajmq8l8m1z6v6873qkxgv6jkw8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lmdb"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to LMDB")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lmdb")
+ (description "Bindings to LMDB")
+ (license license:openldap2.8)))
+ chicken-breadcrumbs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-breadcrumbs")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "breadcrumbs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1n60k0ryp447fh4f1an7ki8c1kc2ll1v1cbhgrxvmwcx3v03d767"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "breadcrumbs"))
+ (synopsis "Breadcrumbs for web pages")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/breadcrumbs")
+ (description "Breadcrumbs for web pages")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-micro-stats
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-micro-stats")
+ (version "0.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "micro-stats" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1y4lh2g8fvfi3wz9k0x00nq0n0w80rfrc69pmxhjrbg1w0arl83h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-sequences chicken-sequences-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "micro-stats"))
+ (synopsis "Easily create micro-stats")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/micro-stats")
+ (description "Easily create micro-stats")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-this
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-this")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "this" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gl2p50nc0zzpzwm6h9gxkpdhwnqmm92grsvr26cb2wrrxzj2ffy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "this"))
+ (synopsis "Python's \"this\" module ported to CHICKEN")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/this")
+ (description "Python's \"this\" module ported to CHICKEN")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-shen
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-shen")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "shen" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pdqfsi3n4g3glj9dw705l30vf5rgnjqfysz1hlf7pahr1sn3983"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-args chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "shen"))
+ (synopsis "Port of the Shen language for Chicken Scheme")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/shen")
+ (description "Port of the Shen language for Chicken Scheme")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ck-macros
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ck-macros")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ck-macros" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1x2d1f0fnzz5h871qgw4hkdffhd7rv7w59lq7r1y0r0jzl2rv83j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ck-macros"))
+ (synopsis "Composable macros based on the CK abstract machine")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ck-macros")
+ (description "Composable macros based on the CK abstract machine")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-slib-charplot
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-slib-charplot")
+ (version "1.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "slib-charplot" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ijcvs9y2vxmxg5834s4mprkinxhky0xdl3yksysmg9h9p82il2z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-slib-arraymap chicken-srfi-63 chicken-slib-compat))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "slib-charplot"))
+ (synopsis "The SLIB character plotting library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/slib-charplot")
+ (description "The SLIB character plotting library")
+ (license license:clarified-artistic)))
+ chicken-callable-data-structures
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-callable-data-structures")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "callable-data-structures" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qqs3ycqg0bnq5ia3plw86vdv6fnk5d8c2l9bk06c0j4wqx4g9mp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "callable-data-structures"))
+ (synopsis "\"Callable\" data structures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/callable-data-structures")
+ (description "\"Callable\" data structures")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-128")
+ (version "0.11")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-128" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00rb21x0fgli80gzs5hjszrwix198mp7az2c34m44sb3rjb9h3xw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-128"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-128: Comparators (reduced)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-128")
+ (description "SRFI-128: Comparators (reduced)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-trace
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-trace")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "trace" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dcfpwnlmmmnfmzr7byml0ja9b36d6mggnw9mmrdv51q74pzkww3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-advice chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "trace"))
+ (synopsis "tracing and breakpoints")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/trace")
+ (description "tracing and breakpoints")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-postgresql
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-postgresql")
+ (version "4.1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "postgresql" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "06sqn5gz5n2zfdk5z2c20mz4r6w9mslxvlanvmq1wdzr5qnvkh9s"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-sql-null chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-18))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "postgresql"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/postgresql")
+ (description "Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-format
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-format")
+ (version "3.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "format" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jrllvm63850q42w7kcc4zl0537fa7iffbj4mk336r4rfgp9yxxk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "format"))
+ (synopsis "Common-Lisp style formatted output")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/format")
+ (description "Common-Lisp style formatted output")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-78
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-78")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-78" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0x50wcb0nsi5p355y0kma23y8wbikk3as2wlspwgfmp25g9ld0il"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-42))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-13 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-78"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-78: Lightweight testing")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-78")
+ (description "SRFI-78: Lightweight testing")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-zmq
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-zmq")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "zmq" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04iyk76fi557r3y7wxhgr2kra0764qgcc84dar5pz3qjlql33bhq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-18 chicken-foreigners))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "zmq"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for the ZeroMQ API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/zmq")
+ (description "Bindings for the ZeroMQ API")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-srfi-209
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-209")
+ (version "1.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-209" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04fghjk0rfcz0fp71dvwvlxmxshrbmrs85g4l5cx8sp74y047qlv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-113
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ chicken-srfi-178
+ chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-209"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 209: Enums and enum sets")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-209")
+ (description "SRFI 209: Enums and enum sets")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-continuations
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-continuations")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "continuations" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1grsf94zv8l3s1ypbc8qcwqvqan26s523x4cs0kpd3symm5b5xwk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "continuations"))
+ (synopsis "two continuation interfaces")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/continuations")
+ (description "two continuation interfaces")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-genann
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-genann")
+ (version "0.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "genann" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15q4ybxb04y4alkik99dkl5i3brh8dazahgmwjn51xk2s389gba1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "genann"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Chicken bindings to genann - a simple neural network library in ANSI C")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/genann")
+ (description
+ "Chicken bindings to genann - a simple neural network library in ANSI C")
+ (license #f)))
+ chicken-fancypants
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fancypants")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fancypants" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pibvw1qzsb27411gajhk5m1kr8jvhdxk1l0dxhysd8kx5xjj862"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-sxml-transforms chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fancypants"))
+ (synopsis "Automatic ASCII smart quotes and ligature handling for SXML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fancypants")
+ (description "Automatic ASCII smart quotes and ligature handling for SXML")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ansi-escape-sequences
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ansi-escape-sequences")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ansi-escape-sequences" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1693zqbcva4h3562x3hmy7xpijc20yv1bmglz1hzr8jfm30hrc2p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ansi-escape-sequences"))
+ (synopsis "Procedures to generate ANSI escape sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ansi-escape-sequences")
+ (description "Procedures to generate ANSI escape sequences")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-llrb-syntax
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-llrb-syntax")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "llrb-syntax" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yn9ilxdx4cx1famay0rxkzljxs7vfdcqsv74lidqd84z39swy2c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "llrb-syntax"))
+ (synopsis "Expands LLRB code customized to data structures.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/llrb-syntax")
+ (description "Expands LLRB code customized to data structures.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-webview
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-webview")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "webview" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xd7h0z2j5vfhckw28s52y752lyx77q8gqj9cwlrgxhhirylh5n6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "webview"))
+ (synopsis "Multi-platform HTML user interface shell")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/webview")
+ (description "Multi-platform HTML user interface shell")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-error-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-error-utils")
+ (version "2.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "error-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1s58jisckjzjf0v1cmr67ajzzs6dc67w0kzmynqpk9kwxd01asr5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "error-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Error Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/error-utils")
+ (description "Error Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-integer-map
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-integer-map")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "integer-map" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "093d3dz892g3jw77fzdk5ayjz7qjs7mzd2knil7ci9zs5i8flxyi"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-128 chicken-srfi-143 chicken-srfi-158))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "integer-map"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 224 integer mappings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/integer-map")
+ (description "SRFI 224 integer mappings")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-chicken-doc-html
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chicken-doc-html")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chicken-doc-html" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pl2fid82jx7h34y9fwfn8bwgjkh8rk13hd7mbqnrv74ga46l5yf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-regex
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-colorize
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-doc-html"))
+ (synopsis "Generate HTML from (svn)wiki SXML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chicken-doc-html")
+ (description "Generate HTML from (svn)wiki SXML")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-clojurian
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-clojurian")
+ (version "3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "clojurian" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0zmpld6j3zv91r8jwq83sz61495agddnmzqnx4qkclnb3wzvjw3f"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "clojurian"))
+ (synopsis "Syntax and utility functions inspired by Clojure")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/clojurian")
+ (description "Syntax and utility functions inspired by Clojure")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-condition-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-condition-utils")
+ (version "2.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "condition-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "11mkmbyciyrqyakp1gyfvmbfayglhzx2x6j6zyp9kj31vhi2y4hd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "condition-utils"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 12 Condition Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/condition-utils")
+ (description "SRFI 12 Condition Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-xlib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-xlib")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "xlib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17r7w5w7fwmhr5n37zq0yhg4s8pm8505lzal4mq7i2m6y591xfc0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "xlib"))
+ (synopsis "Xlib bindings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/xlib")
+ (description "Xlib bindings")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-quasiwalk
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-quasiwalk")
+ (version "1.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "quasiwalk" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1w9lvcqdipsmxzpg8ka7y2yy46vklbzad9lzkml873ijfn23bw27"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-brev-separate))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "quasiwalk"))
+ (synopsis "A tree map that respects quote, quasiquote, and unquote")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/quasiwalk")
+ (description "A tree map that respects quote, quasiquote, and unquote")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-simple-sequences
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-sequences")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-sequences" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "06z122b53q32x4wzdhq71ksc51ydj6bwg7xxkmgdmsffv2pyyq1z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-sequences"))
+ (synopsis "A common interface to sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-sequences")
+ (description "A common interface to sequences")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-typed-records
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-typed-records")
+ (version "0.82")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "typed-records" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0giy38ra6s6cq2qnpy7ljgal2wq3ckgxs9w81wivckyz66r5x6il"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-defstruct))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "typed-records"))
+ (synopsis "Typed variants of various record-definition macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/typed-records")
+ (description "Typed variants of various record-definition macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-canvas-draw
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-canvas-draw")
+ (version "1.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "canvas-draw" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pyk20rd1170h5k88jnm23qimwp37zq3kx94fvc3cpwk9cg1h7vd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "canvas-draw"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the CD graphics library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/canvas-draw")
+ (description "Bindings to the CD graphics library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-chickadee
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chickadee")
+ (version "0.12.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chickadee" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0blbxy2l7kii85glczrxrqc8n7794qxswq67v0vl6hxajwij197i"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-spiffy-request-vars
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-chicken-doc
+ chicken-chicken-doc-admin
+ chicken-chicken-doc-html
+ chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chickadee"))
+ (synopsis "chicken-doc web server")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chickadee")
+ (description "chicken-doc web server")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-base64
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-base64")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "base64" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "102431jlwkgqjmx3qnsdiz52f7f6r74fh7z0svlnsia6nphsj4cw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "base64"))
+ (synopsis "Encoding and decoding of base64 strings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/base64")
+ (description "Encoding and decoding of base64 strings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ncurses
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ncurses")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ncurses" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1cdkicn3zmb8vcnqwd4rk19ywc7kfj3zsmi2wl6g41b4gdyd3xw8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ncurses"))
+ (synopsis "An interface to the UNIX ncurses package")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ncurses")
+ (description "An interface to the UNIX ncurses package")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-char-set-literals
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-char-set-literals")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "char-set-literals" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1im25d5wvw7c913k5rq7axq457mg6z4yg64mk74g95x5r177x45i"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "char-set-literals"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A reader extension providing Gauche style literals for SRFI-14 char-sets")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/char-set-literals")
+ (description
+ "A reader extension providing Gauche style literals for SRFI-14 char-sets")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sqlite3pth
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sqlite3pth")
+ (version "0.2.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sqlite3pth" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0panyvq2s1frp9cbqfj7a5b374nadlx8wg0wkpz9f15jjdpsx4in"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-pthreads
+ chicken-srfi-34
+ chicken-llrb-tree
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sqlite3pth"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Run SQLite queries asynchronously in pthreads. Supports calling Scheme from SQLite's VFS to supply database block storage.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sqlite3pth")
+ (description
+ "Run SQLite queries asynchronously in pthreads. Supports calling Scheme from SQLite's VFS to supply database block storage.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-beaker
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-beaker")
+ (version "0.0.22")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "beaker" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nxzqjwh3bi2zyifdpn0wb86352rizjpfl3lfi34f3g6m95avmmg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-begin-syntax
+ chicken-debugger-protocol
+ chicken-schematic
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-with-current-directory))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-ansi-escape-sequences
+ chicken-scsh-process
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "beaker"))
+ (synopsis "Lab supplies for CHICKEN development")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/beaker")
+ (description "Lab supplies for CHICKEN development")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-hypergiant
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hypergiant")
+ (version "0.5.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hypergiant" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a4slm7rdjcqdvq36vb1q6b8fabqd9375hb53y2q1a3vi6xldwwr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-glfw3
+ chicken-glls
+ chicken-epoxy
+ chicken-gl-math
+ chicken-gl-utils
+ chicken-gl-type
+ chicken-hyperscene
+ chicken-noise
+ chicken-soil
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-99
+ chicken-bitstring))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hypergiant"))
+ (synopsis "Game library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hypergiant")
+ (description "Game library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-medea
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-medea")
+ (version "4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "medea" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ad7x1sziynjjgxiv70ghbabc1mwa15mdx38wazfzn3nl7ma1hm6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-comparse
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "medea"))
+ (synopsis "A JSON parser (and emitter) built with comparse")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/medea")
+ (description "A JSON parser (and emitter) built with comparse")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-define-options
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-define-options")
+ (version "1.23")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "define-options" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1j9lj5kj3j8jhclxnxrrc2wn6qn9j0bhr2y9fydg05an9q7jmrh0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-getopt-long
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-quasiwalk
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "define-options"))
+ (synopsis "Conveniently bind to getopt-long options")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/define-options")
+ (description "Conveniently bind to getopt-long options")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-messages
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-messages")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "messages" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08mnsyh7w0dvcx7qy21b4a91hnb4k8pam7jcscgpv8psflaaz27j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bindings))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-checks chicken-simple-cells chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "messages"))
+ (synopsis "Creating algebraic- and abstract-types based on vectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/messages")
+ (description "Creating algebraic- and abstract-types based on vectors")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-define-er-syntax
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-define-er-syntax")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "define-er-syntax" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1chkfqzkx1v82knwx72nxgnaham1765gphlvyq4bv14nfd1syqjv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-quasiwalk))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "define-er-syntax"))
+ (synopsis "explicitly implicit renaming")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/define-er-syntax")
+ (description "explicitly implicit renaming")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-cluckcheck
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cluckcheck")
+ (version "0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cluckcheck" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1k8310b9c03rjb3cmfk3744nsjshh1yqdpycmlbzhnrdjivzm898"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cluckcheck"))
+ (synopsis "A Chicken Scheme port of the QuickCheck unit test framework")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cluckcheck")
+ (description "A Chicken Scheme port of the QuickCheck unit test framework")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-chalk
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chalk")
+ (version "0.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chalk" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0p1lzxpbqyk8vqpc4600mjiaf3bvm2hlw1w6789b9l3fm972mp5m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-getopt-long))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chalk"))
+ (synopsis "Simple hahn-style in-source documentation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chalk")
+ (description "Simple hahn-style in-source documentation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-180
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-180")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-180" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0agky55bn26967nqcaa3n2a3rsr79brybizcivh34qna15gahq39"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-60 chicken-srfi-145))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-121))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-180"))
+ (synopsis
+ "This library describes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser and printer. It supports JSON that may be bigger than memory.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-180")
+ (description
+ "This library describes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) parser and printer. It supports JSON that may be bigger than memory.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-edward
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-edward")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "edward" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0gfvjgg6c6hl2xmh63067xkh0sd2vmczwisirgglcm2inz4hjll3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-37
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-posix-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "edward"))
+ (synopsis
+ "An extensible implementation of the ed text editor as defined in POSIX.1-2008")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/edward")
+ (description
+ "An extensible implementation of the ed text editor as defined in POSIX.1-2008")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-51
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-51")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-51" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17iv2n9pcdgsdqj5j96akmbnlz1rxc3l57yg9yrjp7fkh4gi02i8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-51"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-51: Handling rest list")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-51")
+ (description "SRFI-51: Handling rest list")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-chibi-generic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chibi-generic")
+ (version "0.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chibi-generic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04048cksqnhyn0zcq0sdn426cj3fqfrj7xq464961jl72x8xqc5w"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chibi-generic"))
+ (synopsis "Chibi Scheme's simple generic function interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chibi-generic")
+ (description "Chibi Scheme's simple generic function interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-taglib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-taglib")
+ (version "0.2.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "taglib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hasfwd414n7g29jp3d2m5djrl2f8mvzmhh9fhs23q2bspyxpdjb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "taglib"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to taglib")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/taglib")
+ (description "Bindings to taglib")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-getopt-long
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-getopt-long")
+ (version "1.21")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "getopt-long" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qp4wdpxmjbk14i80qn8g4lpppwy7qmazk3113m7ill60jz3459m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-matchable))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "getopt-long"))
+ (synopsis "Command line option parsing.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/getopt-long")
+ (description "Command line option parsing.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-uri-generic")
+ (version "3.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "uri-generic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "11k6qczmia6m77jgk80lphz83h12hd5h5cfzj8mllf7kv50il69g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "uri-generic"))
+ (synopsis "URI generic syntax (RFC 3986) parsing and manipulation.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/uri-generic")
+ (description "URI generic syntax (RFC 3986) parsing and manipulation.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ezxdisp
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ezxdisp")
+ (version "3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ezxdisp" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0aqa7z8gir1kz6s8azj508hav80ymrp2adwpxa44hw6bbalgfdh8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ezxdisp"))
+ (synopsis "A simple 2D and 3D graphics library for X11")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ezxdisp")
+ (description "A simple 2D and 3D graphics library for X11")
+ (license license:lgpl2.0)))
+ chicken-zxcvbn
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-zxcvbn")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "zxcvbn" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hqhzlwlmngwd9sgkrrhmvfaq8gc7dc2c719y6h2ys3ahym4iaxn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "zxcvbn"))
+ (synopsis "zxcvbn password entropy estimation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/zxcvbn")
+ (description "zxcvbn password entropy estimation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-hash-trie
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hash-trie")
+ (version "1.1.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hash-trie" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1860bp5h3kh0ra6b2qvb5pccylajq1x2hng0skqnv8ik068lnfr0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hash-trie"))
+ (synopsis "hash-trie")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hash-trie")
+ (description "hash-trie")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-allegro
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-allegro")
+ (version "3.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "allegro" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14w7q0iwskrqbqfjspf5wxnxb8wn56q9xbpc0vz518azm9ndf63p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-foreigners))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "allegro"))
+ (synopsis "Allegro")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/allegro")
+ (description "Allegro")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-graph-scc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-graph-scc")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "graph-scc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0i5fpryziv0i2vwa8bjqbdvxzakhflra4z3amafjwsgrpc1x908a"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-queues
+ chicken-iset
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-yasos
+ chicken-digraph))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "graph-scc"))
+ (synopsis "Compute strongly-connected components (SCC) of a graph.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/graph-scc")
+ (description "Compute strongly-connected components (SCC) of a graph.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-scheme2c-compatibility
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scheme2c-compatibility")
+ (version "1.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scheme2c-compatibility" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xj5j63bq1p69cily4dciqa105nkaj6gcfxf4d0r5ci8n7pwysv2"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-traversal
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-xlib))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scheme2c-compatibility"))
+ (synopsis "Scheme->c compatibility package")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scheme2c-compatibility")
+ (description "Scheme->c compatibility package")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-inotify
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-inotify")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "inotify" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sr17i3sq85y90y005v6wrfnmchhmrmwz8cj74b0zl997ayla0jd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-miscmacros chicken-queues chicken-srfi-18 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "inotify"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to inotify")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/inotify")
+ (description "Bindings to inotify")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-svnwiki2html
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-svnwiki2html")
+ (version "0.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "svnwiki2html" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "014401nlkpz19bk8yk906p9i0b7ycs79rn7yq0zks8z09rgr9ghk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-qwiki
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "svnwiki2html"))
+ (synopsis "A program to convert svnwiki syntax to HTML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/svnwiki2html")
+ (description "A program to convert svnwiki syntax to HTML")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-117
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-117")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-117" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pshy2rh32xskvi4pbbbxwzyw73jwn0j2r6gv683kdll3piz6zag"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-117"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-117: Mutable Queues")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-117")
+ (description "SRFI-117: Mutable Queues")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pyffi
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pyffi")
+ (version "3.14")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pyffi" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1a62kd4qscl16hqmbj94yvnwhfgh5dkpqkrrlpw9pa0ngfb8854v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-bind chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-compile-file
+ chicken-pkg-config
+ chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pyffi"))
+ (synopsis "An interface to the Python programming language.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pyffi")
+ (description "An interface to the Python programming language.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-38
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-38")
+ (version "0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-38" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pbys0xrzjdsvlwzpvm4sgca9ynxzw6ncmp8gbdxhmwbm1qf71l2"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-38"))
+ (synopsis "A Chicken version of the SRFI-38 reference implementation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-38")
+ (description "A Chicken version of the SRFI-38 reference implementation")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-socket
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-socket")
+ (version "0.3.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "socket" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0s4d1m3h22raihjyyy1lbz942bra7izy5b370pwbrrp0ybg4rs8x"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-feature-test))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "socket"))
+ (synopsis "Interface to the BSD socket API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/socket")
+ (description "Interface to the BSD socket API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-cells
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-cells")
+ (version "1.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-cells" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1x9gajg12f03zz50bxypw08w801r3i1yrkvap8mb948wx0f8y0cg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-checks))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-cells"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Implementation of typed cells to replace general set! operators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-cells")
+ (description
+ "Implementation of typed cells to replace general set! operators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-sha1")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-sha1" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bmjxa5hwx5xsicf1l5wgmk000pc275d8l6jcy5mi4g80rwvjddl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-memory-mapped-files))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-sha1"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-sha1")
+ (description
+ "A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-imlib2
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-imlib2")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "imlib2" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vgn8dczhlmjgzhlpsmzk69l4h33yxhmjmqnjg7zi77h2canv5sk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "imlib2"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken bindings for the Imlib2 image library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/imlib2")
+ (description "Chicken bindings for the Imlib2 image library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-fcp
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fcp")
+ (version "v0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fcp" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0kbqghyf1qjmhs6vx6pkzq3m0y4yv2wan69sxpry8h0dj2lmw5jb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-base64
+ chicken-regex
+ chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fcp"))
+ (synopsis "Very basic interface to freenet FCP")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fcp")
+ (description "Very basic interface to freenet FCP")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-locals
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-locals")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "locals" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15wpww2qjv87k0j8lqvf4za16y7ip4s2949ax1h9ibfb4g21c11b"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "locals"))
+ (synopsis "local declarations inspired by ML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/locals")
+ (description "local declarations inspired by ML")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-callable-sequences
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-callable-sequences")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "callable-sequences" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13sw9f3187h0f2dsjql8j3jij16w5jjdfd7d5wmihhh09n6fma1l"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests chicken-arrays))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "callable-sequences"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Common functional interface to sequential- and random-access sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/callable-sequences")
+ (description
+ "Common functional interface to sequential- and random-access sequences")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-define-record-and-printer
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-define-record-and-printer")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "define-record-and-printer" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1iz0j13bnjxbz2dck3bnc1q43dvx5np8lllws4bg9rgmn2x584x1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-hahn chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "define-record-and-printer"))
+ (synopsis "Trivial macro to define records and appropriate printers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/define-record-and-printer")
+ (description "Trivial macro to define records and appropriate printers")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-152
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-152")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-152" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1flkxwcznxb4r5n88iam8wf47dqdps8a368mqs93shzy2v0rfmrc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-152"))
+ (synopsis "String library (reduced)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-152")
+ (description "String library (reduced)")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-md5
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-md5")
+ (version "4.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "md5" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1crpkb0vzg26rk1w9xmswmx53bsira02hkixjspmfrrssdkvh5gv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "md5"))
+ (synopsis "Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/md5")
+ (description "Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-geo-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-geo-utils")
+ (version "1.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "geo-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0n0fsfna4amxqkfcrqmr7b468xqhs2m7pmqyxs0zllmpf9wn0hd7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-mathh
+ chicken-check-errors
+ chicken-symbol-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "geo-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Geographic Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/geo-utils")
+ (description "Geographic Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-abnf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-abnf")
+ (version "8.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "abnf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08lmhd9ifhyhy73w7z25l6d5w036xa59sykwhlbar5rqs46pf019"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-lexgen))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "abnf"))
+ (synopsis "Parser combinators for Augmented BNF grammars (RFC 4234).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/abnf")
+ (description "Parser combinators for Augmented BNF grammars (RFC 4234).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-json-rpc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-json-rpc")
+ (version "0.4.5a")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "json-rpc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10f2iw93fhc0vha6axqzd27akh0ys7a6q0vwhpl0jzw4s48h3ss3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-180
+ chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-18 chicken-srfi-64))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "json-rpc"))
+ (synopsis "A JSON RPC library for R7RS scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/json-rpc")
+ (description "A JSON RPC library for R7RS scheme.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-protobuf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-protobuf")
+ (version "1.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "protobuf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qwc8akm3ig6dxv7f0xp1cp19pcz4064bcndg24jjcf7bwq32b71"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-99))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "protobuf"))
+ (synopsis "Protocol buffer serialization")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/protobuf")
+ (description "Protocol buffer serialization")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rb-tree
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rb-tree")
+ (version "6.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rb-tree" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nnmm6yixfwz2qfzygxrgpi822cxaqrd7gzaz91klb7vwgx7zxqf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-datatype chicken-matchable chicken-yasos chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rb-tree"))
+ (synopsis "A sorted dictionary data structure based on red-black trees.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rb-tree")
+ (description
+ "A sorted dictionary data structure based on red-black trees.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-dust
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dust")
+ (version "0.0.16")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dust" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r4yfs78az2p7szgsnlcnlfrqkivj9am7vm1sh2b29rjffkqnhp3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-memory-mapped-files
+ chicken-openssl
+ chicken-posix-groups))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-begin-syntax
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dust"))
+ (synopsis "Fetch and install CHICKEN versions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dust")
+ (description "Fetch and install CHICKEN versions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-llrb-tree
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-llrb-tree")
+ (version "0.3.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "llrb-tree" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13qsba89mra5bs2gsv313dy6gvm3mzccl31gjh41wyk81xzaq434"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-128 chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-llrb-syntax))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "llrb-tree"))
+ (synopsis "LLRB tree general and customized to key types.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/llrb-tree")
+ (description "LLRB tree general and customized to key types.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-endian-port
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-endian-port")
+ (version "4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "endian-port" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15lxd1k6c3dxr7hx5gg8x2hd9ss49dc2h8ixm85jkl91bws757rc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-iset chicken-endian-blob))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "endian-port"))
+ (synopsis "An I/O port that supports different endian formats.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/endian-port")
+ (description "An I/O port that supports different endian formats.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-sexpc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sexpc")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sexpc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qr93xrdxz0fl46j20rqfcqyx20mk3bsm5qcgxa93fpx9mgr1z02"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-brev-separate chicken-fmt chicken-tree))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sexpc"))
+ (synopsis "Unix filter that turns sexps into C syntax")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sexpc")
+ (description "Unix filter that turns sexps into C syntax")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-brev
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-brev")
+ (version "1.41")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "brev" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kbphbz21rlrsfcfqg77hm1vv7wh9z1gcwh5lb2hlrqp2yl7m7yc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-anaphora
+ chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-clojurian
+ chicken-combinators
+ chicken-define-options
+ chicken-dwim-sort
+ chicken-fix-me-now
+ chicken-acetone
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-match-generics
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-scsh-process
+ chicken-sequences
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-strse
+ chicken-sxml-serializer
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-tree
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "brev"))
+ (synopsis "A huge pile of batteries and shortcuts")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/brev")
+ (description "A huge pile of batteries and shortcuts")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-99
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-99")
+ (version "1.4.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-99" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "033hid04aaph0xmsc68r417dnjyswfqyd20y5cl4q3v8izqi54ks"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-99"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-99 record types")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-99")
+ (description "SRFI-99 record types")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-number-limits
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-number-limits")
+ (version "3.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "number-limits" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02nz5sicimp6bmka9lcbafpf7v8xxp3sml47s85wccmr0rky575q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "number-limits"))
+ (synopsis "Limit constants for numbers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/number-limits")
+ (description "Limit constants for numbers")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rope
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rope")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rope" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pif66a3hj29var419pd4rdcisyz36ny9w9jrkkjdwig57qiawww"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rope"))
+ (synopsis "Heavyweight alternative to strings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rope")
+ (description "Heavyweight alternative to strings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-fast-generic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fast-generic")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fast-generic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0rm0x6ncsjvjcqkcqhpn9p3fwsbmfsf0p06biiy5ljf71w67q37v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fast-generic"))
+ (synopsis "fast-generic functions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fast-generic")
+ (description "fast-generic functions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rabbit
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rabbit")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rabbit" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16iics3fiv0i9c011lcx3mqbf692gmk8chclrnx645s08gm75660"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rabbit"))
+ (synopsis "Rabbit stream cipher.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rabbit")
+ (description "Rabbit stream cipher.")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-iconv
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-iconv")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "iconv" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bwna3hnimad68hp11mpdi74sv971iqrzdayzidwb2qslzd1b3kr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "iconv"))
+ (synopsis "Character-set conversions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/iconv")
+ (description "Character-set conversions")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-unitconv
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-unitconv")
+ (version "4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "unitconv" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0lkz79dzds0vjjgfbi4sy9gq34xrdrlc3l57gzgbcd42jhbp0xaz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "unitconv"))
+ (synopsis "Conversion of units of measurement")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/unitconv")
+ (description "Conversion of units of measurement")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-git
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-git")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "git" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cgab5wbcqqcxx771xvbyd06c3dz3ib8v2mpv21d2z6b48c9qin8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-with-current-directory
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-module-declarations
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "git"))
+ (synopsis "libgit2 bindings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/git")
+ (description "libgit2 bindings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-mpd-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mpd-client")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mpd-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "059dbm63cklnfvycas7zi7n8hbl3c82k07b6z4rni9jqg3cbs879"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-regex chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mpd-client"))
+ (synopsis "Interface to Music Player Daemon")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mpd-client")
+ (description "Interface to Music Player Daemon")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-transducers
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-transducers")
+ (version "0.5.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "transducers" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1bz05dy7kjypk85yck3a8h6iji6kkmnb48kpqdqvj9nm0kvg2nwd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-srfi-146
+ chicken-srfi-160
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "transducers"))
+ (synopsis "Transducers for working with foldable data types.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/transducers")
+ (description "Transducers for working with foldable data types.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-srfi-63
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-63")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-63" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1iszd74yfv215zmpr8i00cbhx4yni47zic14f7qvd0jp1pplhrlk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-63"))
+ (synopsis "Homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-63")
+ (description "Homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays")
+ (license license:clarified-artistic)))
+ chicken-sql-de-lite
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sql-de-lite")
+ (version "0.10.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sql-de-lite" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vx7j1y6b1wkhf3wn3bgf62a3zn3wk9clcygn80k4cjpma2p8ig5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-object-evict
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sql-de-lite"))
+ (synopsis "SQLite 3 interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sql-de-lite")
+ (description "SQLite 3 interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-npdiff
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-npdiff")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "npdiff" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08s172bggsa7hnfqyfbkvx9qz6q26qbaanhm86s3mcg6pf0bx10k"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-datatype chicken-yasos))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "npdiff"))
+ (synopsis "Compute the longest common subsequence of two sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/npdiff")
+ (description "Compute the longest common subsequence of two sequences")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-lsp-server
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lsp-server")
+ (version "0.4.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lsp-server" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09fak8d29qmxynh4361prhfg971j74mha6pw311a6kmz88h9zp0h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-apropos
+ chicken-chicken-doc
+ chicken-json-rpc
+ chicken-nrepl
+ chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-130
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-srfi-180
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-64))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lsp-server"))
+ (synopsis "LSP Server for CHICKEN.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lsp-server")
+ (description "LSP Server for CHICKEN.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-awful-sql-de-lite
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-sql-de-lite")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-sql-de-lite" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15jhsp0bgrav2xy82fl7csgzvnchhm04ayr3wjr2dv1ki3fl430v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-sql-de-lite))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-sql-de-lite"))
+ (synopsis "sql-de-lite support for awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-sql-de-lite")
+ (description "sql-de-lite support for awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-silex
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-silex")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "silex" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ck8mgs2alvsial3ay9638ia2kl4zs63x6rc480p24sxhil6klg8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "silex"))
+ (synopsis "An efficient and powerful lexer generator")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/silex")
+ (description "An efficient and powerful lexer generator")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-34
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-34")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-34" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1f4jkj0s0ackppbjz2ysnzpms9y7jhz2sc0w6qwxq8cmb8ga1vbc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-34"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-34: Exception Handling for Programs")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-34")
+ (description "SRFI-34: Exception Handling for Programs")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-binary-search
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-binary-search")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "binary-search" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hycs33782xvcc4p0jl2a716fi388v8vbvf9isgrnl9ahqnk9kia"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "binary-search"))
+ (synopsis "Binary search algorithm")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/binary-search")
+ (description "Binary search algorithm")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-bitwise-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bitwise-utils")
+ (version "1.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bitwise-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "065q6ha8wsj6qhg7zxkaj2qrj5sm3iz2v7shcp5wh7j3fqwbs5q5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bitwise-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Bitwise utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bitwise-utils")
+ (description "Bitwise utilities")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-coin-change
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-coin-change")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "coin-change" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09p83afsh2dx4y2cpyi55bf2br03ysdpq9xrqik7fmks3913kxmk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "coin-change"))
+ (synopsis "Greedy solver for the coin change problem")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/coin-change")
+ (description "Greedy solver for the coin change problem")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-bloom-filter
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bloom-filter")
+ (version "2.3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bloom-filter" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ljak0xscrywyl1sbv8yx9qkw1r2m94gyw3ag73p3z8m618valy3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-iset
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ chicken-message-digest-type
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-sha1
+ chicken-sha2
+ chicken-md5
+ chicken-tiger-hash
+ chicken-ripemd))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bloom-filter"))
+ (synopsis "Bloom Filter")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bloom-filter")
+ (description "Bloom Filter")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-irc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-irc")
+ (version "1.9.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "irc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dxlfp0mn96pgimb6wf3mzqlm4jqz3f79sn9akqp03v9pqpszgyh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-regex chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "irc"))
+ (synopsis "A simple IRC client")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/irc")
+ (description "A simple IRC client")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-yasos
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-yasos")
+ (version "1.14")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "yasos" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0q8cl3bvslk76l89k0vf836cb3xmd4kwvhgak38afsnrvirwiamn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-127))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "yasos"))
+ (synopsis "A very simple OOP system")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/yasos")
+ (description "A very simple OOP system")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-158
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-158")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-158" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02ayjw2rd8p0iiw97z2fvbxaq3v0x48afwsdcc9gahdl5bwvg2qd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-158"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 158: Generators and Accumulators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-158")
+ (description "SRFI 158: Generators and Accumulators")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-parley
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-parley")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "parley" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10hb7a40lcy0mamwh2hcncdjracf5llq1pppafmgg9fcj8iav2pw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-71
+ chicken-stty))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "parley"))
+ (synopsis "A readline replacement written in scheme based on linenoise.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/parley")
+ (description
+ "A readline replacement written in scheme based on linenoise.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-123
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-123")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-123" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kr576bs2yj72ay4445jd7872sd872k9b31b4rli33lprkgxj1pg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-99 chicken-box chicken-r7rs))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-123"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-123 - Generic accessor and modifier operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-123")
+ (description "SRFI-123 - Generic accessor and modifier operations")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-mini-kanren
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mini-kanren")
+ (version "1.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mini-kanren" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "036i34dzdnpb62951n7qh253q7gzg0rwhjj7nw1c43zn1hb5zw5j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mini-kanren"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Packages the canonical miniKanren implementation for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mini-kanren")
+ (description
+ "Packages the canonical miniKanren implementation for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-generics
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-generics")
+ (version "2.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "generics" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fklbb5yjg8j56cvqbijirb2d0h5jqscp7219f67aln3lpq06dz6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-simple-cells))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "generics"))
+ (synopsis "an implementation of generic functions and a lot of helpers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/generics")
+ (description "an implementation of generic functions and a lot of helpers")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-spiffy-cgi-handlers
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-cgi-handlers")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-cgi-handlers" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hy22mk56g039ykmqgdl5n5x9d7g9ihbf6qkzxazdff66ib19kz1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-socket
+ chicken-records
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-cgi-handlers"))
+ (synopsis "CGI and FastCGI handlers for a small but powerful web server.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-cgi-handlers")
+ (description
+ "CGI and FastCGI handlers for a small but powerful web server.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-message-digest-primitive")
+ (version "4.3.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "message-digest-primitive" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yc7b5zkwrqz4pc6y9fz4qgj8cgvmnfb30ad6slb5rl1vb6g5gjg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "message-digest-primitive"))
+ (synopsis "Message Digest Primitive")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/message-digest-primitive")
+ (description "Message Digest Primitive")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-patch
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-patch")
+ (version "1.15")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "patch" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qgbk91zbq4rxc2kvmczlflkjsym1x09i4g1bmcyfa2cds5rkmgx"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "patch"))
+ (synopsis "Simple source patch utility")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/patch")
+ (description "Simple source patch utility")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-termbox
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-termbox")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "termbox" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d6zz6fr1nqznm1b10fyz0q71533qh7056ggx17flrnjlvxayb5f"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "termbox"))
+ (synopsis "Minimal text based user interfaces. Bindings for nsf/termbox")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/termbox")
+ (description
+ "Minimal text based user interfaces. Bindings for nsf/termbox")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-address-info
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-address-info")
+ (version "1.0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "address-info" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vzrbzalqx3bv5nzq9rykfyhnrgnf2hlh55hi67pgync9z06v3jy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "address-info"))
+ (synopsis "Network address information access")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/address-info")
+ (description "Network address information access")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-disjoint-set
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-disjoint-set")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "disjoint-set" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d1nfp2rd6nah5l07ijdhbzajnyvnrpfxd0kkph6kz6gc8v50qh7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "disjoint-set"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Disjoint set implementation based on Scheme vectors and their indexes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/disjoint-set")
+ (description
+ "Disjoint set implementation based on Scheme vectors and their indexes")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-crc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-crc")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "crc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "085ggy01wvb6sf33r65m7d8kmh65h3zax4nsijsd9v1ax7m2lsm4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "crc"))
+ (synopsis "Computes CRC checksum")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/crc")
+ (description "Computes CRC checksum")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-biglists
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-biglists")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "biglists" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08qc2vsbc42c8108z50v2izkiwn5gd5hk7mjf8gbwy28p92gqh2x"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "biglists"))
+ (synopsis "a uniform interface to lists and lazy-lists")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/biglists")
+ (description "a uniform interface to lists and lazy-lists")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-cjson
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cjson")
+ (version "5.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cjson" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hw8c9wm6d3l02bxsyhv3v6br47yq6azqpd3r55dwni6mma33b5y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cjson"))
+ (synopsis "JSON parsing done in C. Sometimes a good idea.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cjson")
+ (description "JSON parsing done in C. Sometimes a good idea.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-loop
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-loop")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "loop" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1i4k4sy7hjc2djk1h0j46hzv3vn4qp280dzv7w3j9lx2pcpjs4gs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "loop"))
+ (synopsis "The Common Lisp LOOP macro")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/loop")
+ (description "The Common Lisp LOOP macro")
+ (license license:gpl2)))
+ chicken-schematic
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-schematic")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "schematic" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03nn90fi18gn29vxvslyi5zxhl5hx2m7f7ikfy9a3ypnkw1bh8qk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-optimism chicken-r7rs))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "schematic"))
+ (synopsis "Tools for Scheme development")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/schematic")
+ (description "Tools for Scheme development")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-zshbrev
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-zshbrev")
+ (version "1.21")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "zshbrev" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zmb84z22p8gv1bk05x7daqpl5h1z71hpivkyc1wbjfxyymmyaxj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-brev))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "zshbrev"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Access Chicken functions from any shell and access zsh functions from Chicken")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/zshbrev")
+ (description
+ "Access Chicken functions from any shell and access zsh functions from Chicken")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-blob-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-blob-utils")
+ (version "2.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "blob-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qp696595b46gygwf1cf0096sv5rxysgcn9yqwmbp8lxnl59p42n"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-string-utils chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "blob-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Blob Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/blob-utils")
+ (description "Blob Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-dataframe
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dataframe")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dataframe" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wkm3hpv2wjqwwsnwnm2fsr3pcxxv4qxlb52wih5yk9rvrnafnb5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-25
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-127
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-yasos
+ chicken-rb-tree
+ chicken-fmt
+ chicken-statistics))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dataframe"))
+ (synopsis "Tabular data structure for data analysis")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dataframe")
+ (description "Tabular data structure for data analysis")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-pandoc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pandoc")
+ (version "0.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pandoc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "034gmrir5bfffz7mybmd0b4k3yjvrc19gc5a086pxzcg6ijzbcyr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-cjson
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-medea
+ chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-scsh-process))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pandoc"))
+ (synopsis "Call upon Pandoc to parse documents into SXML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pandoc")
+ (description "Call upon Pandoc to parse documents into SXML")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-cmark
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cmark")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cmark" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1rxyr6di07zqfjzbb0kgdx43m2b1zpjrkaph8x078jgqawyblc6v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-lowdown))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cmark"))
+ (synopsis "A chicken wrapper for cmark with markdown to sxml capabilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cmark")
+ (description
+ "A chicken wrapper for cmark with markdown to sxml capabilities")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-uri-match
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-uri-match")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "uri-match" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bkl82wjhiihk4ll1m5zddzcmhwswgp9n26gig7c606wyi76yw7s"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "uri-match"))
+ (synopsis "A flexible URI matcher")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/uri-match")
+ (description "A flexible URI matcher")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-lazy-ffi
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lazy-ffi")
+ (version "1.8.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lazy-ffi" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07fqnpa8jlalgasi0w859qry84qfdg0pb4892cjazsfl72ii5yhw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lazy-ffi"))
+ (synopsis "A foreign function interface for lazy programmers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lazy-ffi")
+ (description "A foreign function interface for lazy programmers")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-call-table-generics
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-call-table-generics")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "call-table-generics" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pkhgzwpl2k0lsshxmhy11v126nbpk28hjwv2d5fcnfam2lzf6kq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-brev-separate))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "call-table-generics"))
+ (synopsis "cond generics")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/call-table-generics")
+ (description "cond generics")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-html-parser
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-html-parser")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "html-parser" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qa09xnszyp3hfalacawr4hwlaxrr0g1iq617wxna036mjifg1rs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "html-parser"))
+ (synopsis "A permissive, scalable HTML parser.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/html-parser")
+ (description "A permissive, scalable HTML parser.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-moremacros
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-moremacros")
+ (version "2.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "moremacros" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09kc4wmhwkdhspk8g0i357qdq9mp1xcalgnqi8z9yasfy2k6gk1h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-69 chicken-miscmacros chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "moremacros"))
+ (synopsis "More miscellaneous macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/moremacros")
+ (description "More miscellaneous macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-foof-loop
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-foof-loop")
+ (version "9.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "foof-loop" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1d6h1l2f5ihw1qb788cyn2lgdyyir4w79vbdbdz6imchs8mnr6xn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "foof-loop"))
+ (synopsis "Extensible looping macros (originally based on Alex Shinn's)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/foof-loop")
+ (description
+ "Extensible looping macros (originally based on Alex Shinn's)")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-sequences-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sequences-utils")
+ (version "0.5.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sequences-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r3wbvi502wm82zn78a2kw2dv1ya0msphhx42gb9wllxdhzz0d6l"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-sequences))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sequences-utils"))
+ (synopsis "(More) Generic sequence operators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sequences-utils")
+ (description "(More) Generic sequence operators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-gnuplot-pipe
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gnuplot-pipe")
+ (version "0.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gnuplot-pipe" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10mnxnm91wji6glpc4bg2hhchgpj7ilgvskj5d5b3j9i5hd5xkzn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gnuplot-pipe"))
+ (synopsis "A simple interface to Gnuplot")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gnuplot-pipe")
+ (description "A simple interface to Gnuplot")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-states
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-states")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "states" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1l4h4l318rzrkfbq2s1cbinjwqxazclfpy1zznb03s3r0x3h9zrc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-advice))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "states"))
+ (synopsis "Simple Finite State Machine library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/states")
+ (description "Simple Finite State Machine library")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-s11n
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-s11n")
+ (version "0.9.12")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "s11n" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vngrvh2b7rv5n5zvksfg27zikpc7d8xb8n1kd0pyfr7hna00wf9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-miscmacros chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "s11n"))
+ (synopsis "Serialization of arbitrary data.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/s11n")
+ (description "Serialization of arbitrary data.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-holes
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-holes")
+ (version "1.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "holes" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01zgr5w3msk7s45y7s3js3nwfa6j3wfxf9ijn6ymlrkac96jmiv3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "holes"))
+ (synopsis "partial expressions as procedures with named parameters")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/holes")
+ (description "partial expressions as procedures with named parameters")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-scss
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scss")
+ (version "4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scss" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0asc4lp83ylx2qz5y0svfdws2adm88vbhb69z0lflakbdj9mrqax"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scss"))
+ (synopsis "unknown")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scss")
+ (description "unknown")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-json-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-json-utils")
+ (version "1.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "json-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1m67ri4b2awnmsmva1613cnsp94v0w73qxw4myyhglrnkam4xlcc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-moremacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "json-utils"))
+ (synopsis "JSON Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/json-utils")
+ (description "JSON Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-heap-o-rama
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-heap-o-rama")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "heap-o-rama" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10jys007s16cr3sz9ca5ip93gz7m29mjxsifpaafsyfbpg4n9p88"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "heap-o-rama"))
+ (synopsis "...")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/heap-o-rama")
+ (description "...")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-iset
(name "chicken-iset")
(version "2.2")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/iset/tags/" version))
- (revision 39057)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-iset-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0gz50n5i561n5sk9prry0lrxz6bfrq9if5bclaq6a0f7lzinhnzb"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "iset" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1z59w289416wpf7i62gry6fyglgn6cip4zvffxd64yw9wgyzcjzc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
(arguments '(#:egg-name "iset"))
- (synopsis "Integer set library")
+ (synopsis "Integer sets")
(home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/iset")
+ (description "Integer sets")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1i20ib8kx2hjggi18xn72lwxaa2q38bmmffsm06s1cxrfh58s5gz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-json
+ chicken-http-session
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-spiffy-cookies
+ chicken-spiffy-request-vars
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-http-client chicken-server-test chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful"))
+ (synopsis
+ "awful provides an application and an extension to ease the development of web-based applications.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful")
- "This ``integer set'' CHICKEN Scheme library implements bit vectors.
-Bit-vectors provide an abstract interface to bitwise operations typically done
-with integers.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-matchable
+ "awful provides an application and an extension to ease the development of web-based applications.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tree
- (name "chicken-matchable")
- (version "1.1")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "matchable" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0bizkac4a926lbk0v2m05ysq359mzhfsqh973m72jc4gcj4azr5p"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list ))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "matchable"))
- (synopsis "This extension implements Andrew Wright's pattern matching macros.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/matchable")
- (description "This extension implements Andrew Wright's pattern matching macros.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-miscmacros
+ (name "chicken-tree")
+ (version "1.50")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tree" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1bmipwxg1r5fyxfskgrpr5ivprc3s70vdcc5vm8i6mp2cfn8dmxz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-42 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-71))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-miscmacros))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tree"))
+ (synopsis "A tree utility library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tree")
+ (description "A tree utility library")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-fx-utils
- (name "chicken-miscmacros")
- (version "1.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "miscmacros" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0xs8ksnbpxm0a1s2bcqybliaqpr5agin4ksn3hyjwniqhzx4qzg8"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list ))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "miscmacros"))
- (synopsis "Various useful little macros.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/miscmacros")
- (description "Various useful little macros.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-string-utils
+ (name "chicken-fx-utils")
+ (version "4.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fx-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0kbk7cm5ss00582nvgfq25zcgf07z417c5jf0flva4csm37rb6hf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fx-utils"))
+ (synopsis "fx utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fx-utils")
+ (description "fx utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-list-utils
- (name "chicken-string-utils")
- (version "2.7.3")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "string-utils" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0f9m63flywcx7b6rhb7d562v26xilnxl0zcd8c6c4rfjsr0bdgjr"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-check-errors chicken-miscmacros chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-utf8))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "string-utils"))
- (synopsis "String utilities.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/string-utils")
- (description "String utilities.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-sxml-transforms
+ (name "chicken-list-utils")
+ (version "2.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "list-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1llnf0qrssw4vpwvp17ir7558q0d1xyyb14zydcrnb9nhbzly5jr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "list-utils"))
+ (synopsis "list-utils")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/list-utils")
+ (description "list-utils")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-69
- (name "chicken-sxml-transforms")
- (version "1.4.3")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "sxml-transforms" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0cvpqgjwz1p5vg8jwjr2p1l3hx9s02f083g84v16wv88y3d5rsbg"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-srfi-13))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "sxml-transforms"))
- (synopsis "This is the sxml-transforms extension library for Chicken Scheme.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sxml-transforms")
- (description "This is the sxml-transforms extension library for Chicken Scheme.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-symbol-utils
+ (name "chicken-srfi-69")
+ (version "0.4.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-69" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12qgj5wqj9xxkh0ff48a540v4gd8a91w4rvay6ri5sv8piq8nnzx"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-69"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-69 hash-table library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-69")
+ (description "SRFI-69 hash-table library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-commands
- (name "chicken-symbol-utils")
- (version "2.5.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "symbol-utils" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0mxcdlf1i0xn70h9l5grgx1yvkbgq9rcvil02gdp9by5qqcqmklh"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-utf8))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test
- chicken-test-utils))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "symbol-utils"))
- (synopsis "Symbol utilities.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/symbol-utils")
- (description "Symbol utilities.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-test
+ (name "chicken-commands")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "commands" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13y49vrkd9rs98s9fk10g8w056xb9nnqxwn1372sayw64789i3ib"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "commands"))
+ (synopsis "Helpers for programs that dispatch commands")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/commands")
+ (description "Helpers for programs that dispatch commands")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-143
- (name "chicken-test")
+ (name "chicken-srfi-143")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-143" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a30ysddklf2mndh5chhkdx5zqlkgyxggwxypgn7znmny23zlrja"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-143"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 143: Fixnums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-143")
+ (description "SRFI 143: Fixnums")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-awful-salmonella-tar
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-salmonella-tar")
+ (version "0.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-salmonella-tar" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zqzhafsbc64y344pax7z68vxfigwd8rcmgafqp6knn948lamrb3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-salmonella-tar"))
+ (synopsis "Serve salmonella report files out of tar archives")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-salmonella-tar")
+ (description "Serve salmonella report files out of tar archives")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-216
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-216")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-216" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mq8frv16bx8jvvj0j0yvbnpwwh5kixvzhdnp427vvxhsfvrjk70"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-216"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 216: SICP Prerequisites")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-216")
+ (description "SRFI 216: SICP Prerequisites")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-kiwi
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-kiwi")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "kiwi" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00r9020pz5x6w9zca4qx9n6n2sj9yny0zn41fnr47gsx91mxv2qb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-clojurian
+ chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "kiwi"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the KiWi library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/kiwi")
+ (description "Bindings to the KiWi library")
+ (license license:zlib)))
+ chicken-spiffy-directory-listing
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-directory-listing")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-directory-listing" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jpvskqc2vx7f01vc4wj3kl2kqb53b6x33xm6qi6v947k8has49y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-spiffy chicken-sxml-transforms))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-directory-listing"))
+ (synopsis "Flexible directory listing for Spiffy")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-directory-listing")
+ (description "Flexible directory listing for Spiffy")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-gl-type
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gl-type")
+ (version "0.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gl-type" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1x5krxmvkpv52qnyp241x1vs6ws67lgb79zs0v5p0hbdh8mr8h4r"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-freetype
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-epoxy
+ chicken-gl-utils
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gl-type"))
+ (synopsis "Freetype font rendering in OpenGL")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gl-type")
+ (description "Freetype font rendering in OpenGL")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-145
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-145")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-145" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jxabczdgw3dd49rvg5gdhghhcw0iclvdpm1j9psl80r2brjwnxr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-145"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 145: Assumptions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-145")
+ (description "SRFI 145: Assumptions")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-geminih
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-geminih")
+ (version "1.13")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "geminih" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1i2nmzk61szkpg0a2r4i6gx00hnj78b3dqkk34y349h29dm2jv56"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-clojurian
+ chicken-acetone
+ chicken-anaphora
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-strse
+ chicken-match-generics
+ chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "geminih"))
+ (synopsis "Gemtext to SXML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/geminih")
+ (description "Gemtext to SXML")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-remote-mailbox
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-remote-mailbox")
+ (version "1.0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "remote-mailbox" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jm9ybxji5i06vdrh39biiwyhk8cyxxhh4gnbxa66xv7h5n5dmhn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-tcp-server
+ chicken-s11n
+ chicken-mailbox
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-synch
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-moremacros
+ chicken-llrb-tree
+ chicken-condition-utils
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "remote-mailbox"))
+ (synopsis "Remote Mailbox")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/remote-mailbox")
+ (description "Remote Mailbox")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-oauth
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-oauth")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "oauth" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1afqv4acx1682ph81ggkpa6rrv0wyzg9094ab4xx12ygkiib8g2f"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-hmac
+ chicken-sha1
+ chicken-base64))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "oauth"))
+ (synopsis "OAuth 1.0, 1.0a, RFC 5849")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/oauth")
+ (description "OAuth 1.0, 1.0a, RFC 5849")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-vector-lib")
+ (version "2.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "vector-lib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "071nx5m5q7j55mv4ikikffd1b2m7xfkbm21rjffg8gz6qwqa851z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "vector-lib"))
+ (synopsis "Port of the SRFI-43 reference implementation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/vector-lib")
+ (description "Port of the SRFI-43 reference implementation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-1")
+ (version "0.5.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-1" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03cjp5dvclwkqxr7kp486smagfh44jzzs5k61wkk1k8p7qhcm4k5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-1"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-1 list library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-1")
+ (description "SRFI-1 list library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-hyde
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hyde")
+ (version "4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hyde" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1wb0qla9bbr55iw3z502b6chfb7vzjf3h0b5hy2anl7vic4dn8ar"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-doctype
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-scss
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-colorize
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-defstruct
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-atom
+ chicken-rfc3339
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hyde"))
+ (synopsis "A static website compiler")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hyde")
+ (description "A static website compiler")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-transmission
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-transmission")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "transmission" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1483d5kz13zvrqpacvb7lfvc178x3j9236vmdv37ndsvjfy7m6fc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-medea
+ chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-189
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "transmission"))
+ (synopsis "Transmission RPC")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/transmission")
+ (description "Transmission RPC")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-zlib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-zlib")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "zlib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0m3kkspj2l4ssl82gx058h747xmbhm66cxc1z0908b0pjkw5byx7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-simple-sha1 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "zlib"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for zlib")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/zlib")
+ (description "Bindings for zlib")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-scsh-process
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scsh-process")
+ (version "1.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scsh-process" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fn99ncj7d4qgj92pmm77mvmar2ki5q8k8qgsi8nfs56xr7gr5lm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18 chicken-llrb-tree))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scsh-process"))
+ (synopsis "A reimplementation for CHICKEN of SCSH's process notation.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scsh-process")
+ (description "A reimplementation for CHICKEN of SCSH's process notation.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-test-new-egg
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-test-new-egg")
+ (version "1.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "test-new-egg" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01m7bi646f0ypv5j1zpsw16fk4rzw3lmycxlhkzzb11ghlgl2vqq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-henrietta-cache chicken-salmonella chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "test-new-egg"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A tool to test new eggs before they are added to the official CHICKEN repository")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/test-new-egg")
+ (description
+ "A tool to test new eggs before they are added to the official CHICKEN repository")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-13")
+ (version "0.3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-13" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "11d8qlvsykp2mz2vwxmk19x1zl5b5fymhvgznsrfjl429z5xai94"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-13"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-13 string library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-13")
+ (description "SRFI-13 string library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-189
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-189")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-189" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vdp1sia7anpnvj2rryb1j933n62flwq34iladxymfwgx178fmaa"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-189"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 189: Maybe and Either")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-189")
+ (description "SRFI 189: Maybe and Either")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-preserve
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-preserve")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "preserve" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nabvcf0aqz66x8vjbf6j7q1mpl65xbk8i55crydxnwnaq4jnf8r"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-brev-separate))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "preserve"))
+ (synopsis "Cache a procedure for a set time")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/preserve")
+ (description "Cache a procedure for a set time")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-203
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-203")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-203" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0f31r0722h5nhw5xc3695ccps54jv5jl160s78c4gpjps3rlqfga"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-203"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 203: A Simple Picture Language in the Style of SICP")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-203")
+ (description "SRFI 203: A Simple Picture Language in the Style of SICP")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-udp
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-udp")
+ (version "1.18")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "udp" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1f4m1jj0r5wm5akd6q7cfnc0fwgw0kwkqr4l5n40vbgcwp8gvm7k"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "udp"))
+ (synopsis "An interface to User Datagram Protocol sockets")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/udp")
+ (description "An interface to User Datagram Protocol sockets")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-test-generative
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-test-generative")
+ (version "0.0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "test-generative" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r7sx789ha7ajnpb3zgjryhjfmhy6i1dpblkjfxdbmk2sz4py9lf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "test-generative"))
+ (synopsis "Allows quickcheck like testing for pure code with the test egg")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/test-generative")
+ (description
+ "Allows quickcheck like testing for pure code with the test egg")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-matrico
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-matrico")
+ (version "0.5rel")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "matrico" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ng09xbk8229nhq4s8f8rxgrgigf81qr685mggvk2lm5p7kckpjq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "matrico"))
+ (synopsis "A flonum matrix module for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/matrico")
+ (description "A flonum matrix module for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (license license:zlib)))
+ chicken-gemrefinder
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gemrefinder")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gemrefinder" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0zb0yxmiz513c2fxy2kgv454kgynavwlxryfgrzgiamz04sca2r3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-scsh-process
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-define-options
+ chicken-combinators
+ chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-match-generics
+ chicken-strse))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gemrefinder"))
+ (synopsis "Checks Gemini space for replies to your posts")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gemrefinder")
+ (description "Checks Gemini space for replies to your posts")
+ (license license:agpl3+)))
+ chicken-memcached
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-memcached")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "memcached" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1n6y2bgwc7bxcd8mv6zrq4d09659bx664m8v6zvj4c67dqrcrrd8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-base64 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "memcached"))
+ (synopsis "Client interface to the Memcached protocol.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/memcached")
+ (description "Client interface to the Memcached protocol.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-vectr
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-vectr")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "vectr" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a97mg94l03npnlds7c8f63d9nhvr2rfjnk0p1mgqpmvq396kf0g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-coops))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "vectr"))
+ (synopsis "A linear vectr library.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/vectr")
+ (description "A linear vectr library.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-130
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-130")
+ (version "2.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-130" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ks5l3f41d6fn49cjk7dz1wbv10x5aa7cmyg2cm49scyr7gixi9a"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-typed-records chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test chicken-test-generative))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-130"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-130: Cursor-based string library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-130")
+ (description "SRFI-130: Cursor-based string library")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-simple-logger
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-logger")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-logger" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05d9fjn6m9m8c4n2blig844vhv9cp1rmyrcxnkzxfxxiw9y4wfhf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-logger"))
+ (synopsis "A very simple logger")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-logger")
+ (description "A very simple logger")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-hmac
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hmac")
+ (version "7.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hmac" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "005xj5cndfxzwr7l7xiaybzgghzwp4b4812i3vw090igg7sl8mlg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-sha1 chicken-string-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hmac"))
+ (synopsis "HMAC provides a HMAC using the message-digest interface.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hmac")
+ (description "HMAC provides a HMAC using the message-digest interface.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-acetone
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-acetone")
(version "1.2")
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/"
- "release/5/test/tags/" version))
- (revision 39263)
- (user-name "anonymous")
- (password "")))
- (file-name (string-append "chicken-test-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "14i91cxsn6hjkx6kqf7i9syck73cw71jik61jmhg87vpxx5kfnzx"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "acetone" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qyvv15zd3pfcyg8p6pgb3nn4sx0h0lsyiljwvb4lpb5p6xwygz8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-match-generics chicken-srfi-1 chicken-brev-separate))
+ (native-inputs (list))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "test"))
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/test")
- (synopsis "Yet another testing utility")
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "acetone"))
+ (synopsis "A simple parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/acetone")
+ (description "A simple parser")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-chicken-belt
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chicken-belt")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chicken-belt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xxq4383gircmnaqyjwx1ckr07x5m51h1rx6dbxvsb79pn53cpv9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-belt"))
+ (synopsis "A utility belt for managing your CHICKEN coop")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chicken-belt")
+ (description "A utility belt for managing your CHICKEN coop")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-image-dimensions
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-image-dimensions")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "image-dimensions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0f451j8y8hyhbda12b8jj68gxjqmg24piwwk7vk8p66y0n7mslhk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "image-dimensions"))
+ (synopsis "Detect image dimensions for common formats")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/image-dimensions")
+ (description "Detect image dimensions for common formats")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-scm2wiki
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scm2wiki")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scm2wiki" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0f8zwxkskzlillnbyngzgaqqgxviimn52rscj6vxx9hgl2yw3mkk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-args
+ chicken-comparse))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-coops))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scm2wiki"))
+ (synopsis "An auto-documentation tool for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scm2wiki")
+ (description "An auto-documentation tool for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-stb-image-write
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stb-image-write")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stb-image-write" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0477v02icjgvbsna0wh3hqapiz1hpggwrm3wi11104kin8jh0kl1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stb-image-write"))
+ (synopsis "write png/jpg/tga/bmp images")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stb-image-write")
+ (description "write png/jpg/tga/bmp images")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-http-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-http-client")
+ (version "1.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "http-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d24dpi8c45rvwfm31hd033rpyghx9xps1qdki8czcl6500bcy7y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-simple-md5
+ chicken-sendfile
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "http-client"))
+ (synopsis "High-level HTTP client library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/http-client")
+ (description "High-level HTTP client library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-qwiki
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-qwiki")
+ (version "2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "qwiki" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14m75v6a2bfqag646zx95hqhn6g16dm921klkmj1xvf8f19nf2mb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-svn-client
+ chicken-estraier-client
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-colorize
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "qwiki"))
+ (synopsis "qwiki - the quick wiki")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/qwiki")
+ (description "qwiki - the quick wiki")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-posix-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-posix-utils")
+ (version "2.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "posix-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0l9yd1cqlj3wpddnky38lqiisq2m88gjyc053xmazsdbakg6622h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "posix-utils"))
+ (synopsis "posix-utils")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/posix-utils")
+ (description "posix-utils")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-posix-shm
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-posix-shm")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "posix-shm" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12rljfwpq1jax439jhcvmyjz6ijra1wis8nysi0sbnmdzlm3w3gd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "posix-shm"))
+ (synopsis "POSIX shared memory API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/posix-shm")
+ (description "POSIX shared memory API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-miscmacros")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "miscmacros" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xs8ksnbpxm0a1s2bcqybliaqpr5agin4ksn3hyjwniqhzx4qzg8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "miscmacros"))
+ (synopsis "Various helper macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/miscmacros")
+ (description "Various helper macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-matchable
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-matchable")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "matchable" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bizkac4a926lbk0v2m05ysq359mzhfsqh973m72jc4gcj4azr5p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "matchable"))
+ (synopsis "Hygienic MATCH replacement")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/matchable")
+ (description "Hygienic MATCH replacement")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-45
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-45")
+ (version "4.0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-45" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sygx2pd8d2j8q9n9xz4hdlbnn7amm7za4ibpk0wssyf02r6y5a3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-record-variants chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-45"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-45: Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy Algorithms")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-45")
- "This package provides a simple testing utility for CHICKEN Scheme.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public chicken-test-utils
+ "SRFI-45: Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy Algorithms")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-sqlite3
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-sqlite3")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-sqlite3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gvn7x8q822sq48zllbnpqw88898rjmkvy8qin9mzzf86y08ky8g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-sqlite3))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-sqlite3"))
+ (synopsis "Sqlite3 support for awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-sqlite3")
+ (description "Sqlite3 support for awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-egg-tarballs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-egg-tarballs")
+ (version "0.10.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "egg-tarballs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sribz131y1q9x86zfgwjqpjhmz62f2jn41cv8d5s1q4bfpv4xkw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-simple-sha1 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "egg-tarballs"))
+ (synopsis "Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/egg-tarballs")
+ (description "Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-14")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-14" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1sjcnkn08knbcy7hvqsqiin693a73hw0r159xi7l5l6hgvlml4qp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-14"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-14 character-sets library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-14")
+ (description "SRFI-14 character-sets library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-stfl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stfl")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stfl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1j63kcj1sq8mr6hb37xskd8c6807nzgs2wf97i8yaxw456s1v57k"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stfl"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the STFL curses widget library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stfl")
+ (description "Bindings to the STFL curses widget library")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-cis
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cis")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cis" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cipkar25s3gzgzg6sy5547b6da665ln610c71zscz37f4q6wjm8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cis"))
+ (synopsis "Compact integer sets.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cis")
+ (description "Compact integer sets.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-47
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-47")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-47" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kjvqza95qwkwr6basar56vph9lpmm6y4ayp49wd3n1jnfdxkj1d"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-47"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-47: Arrays")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-47")
+ (description "SRFI-47: Arrays")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-interfaces
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-interfaces")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "interfaces" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08yjwfy2cmk23j60p611gnjz4kgph1rl583xkp80vy2fsg01dnqv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "interfaces"))
+ (synopsis "Simple interface/implementation abstraction")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/interfaces")
+ (description "Simple interface/implementation abstraction")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-semantic-version
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-semantic-version")
+ (version "0.0.13")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "semantic-version" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02y7d0lpkrn77ypk2dx8nm70lpbszz5w2cy177s4gvy88dx5qgmq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ chicken-record-variants))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "semantic-version"))
+ (synopsis "Semantic Version Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/semantic-version")
+ (description "Semantic Version Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-optimism
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-optimism")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "optimism" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sw7sxx530bpgl8spxq0k9ry044k8nsn85y4xip0vhwcprjkqhmk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "optimism"))
+ (synopsis "Command line option handling")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/optimism")
+ (description "Command line option handling")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-gl-math
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gl-math")
+ (version "0.9.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gl-math" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "043587v0mm9lisy7vacg0z18fnabviwj5cmk1gd2y05d3zqbf4dz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gl-math"))
+ (synopsis "A small gamedev-oriented math library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gl-math")
+ (description "A small gamedev-oriented math library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-stemmer
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stemmer")
+ (version "0.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stemmer" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17b9f9dswsd2zwhxwxigcaqpjyj7ppzxzk20ip5nh0884s976j6m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stemmer"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for the Snowball project's libstemmer")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stemmer")
+ (description "Bindings for the Snowball project's libstemmer")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-envsubst
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-envsubst")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "envsubst" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1wvfdkafhqi2m1qdap8da5yf6148yy2mrcmjl8lb811rvffbqld7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "envsubst"))
+ (synopsis "Simple templating with parameter expansion")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/envsubst")
+ (description "Simple templating with parameter expansion")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-41
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-41")
+ (version "2.1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-41" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "017qpy23mq2h7pd70j5wgq570z29qpnl8fw0j272kr6g5ndhmbbp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-record-variants chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test-utils chicken-check-errors))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-41"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 41 (Streams)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-41")
+ (description "SRFI 41 (Streams)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-getopt-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-getopt-utils")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "getopt-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jbzv8s0b3pnlqzl4vls0fssw56ivz1g9afdj90kxaxlxv1b1l0k"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-getopt-long))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "getopt-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Utilities for getopt-long")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/getopt-utils")
+ (description "Utilities for getopt-long")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-hyperscene
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hyperscene")
+ (version "0.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hyperscene" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1v2l36f5ymvc3bslh462lcmnjdkv26xmlqr3fr2rifc0yrwry6bp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hyperscene"))
+ (synopsis "Scene graph and spatial partitioning")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hyperscene")
+ (description "Scene graph and spatial partitioning")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-salmonella
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-salmonella")
+ (version "3.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "salmonella" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xr01d9ax106c5q3xx0lj92q24jqiywasamimpzvda4b17bb34n5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "salmonella"))
+ (synopsis "A tool for testing eggs")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/salmonella")
+ (description "A tool for testing eggs")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-F-operator
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-F-operator")
+ (version "4.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "F-operator" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zhfvcv8628s9sria1i63sdp88h5gpm96iv023qvm07g9z9qv5dv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-utf8 chicken-miscmacros chicken-datatype chicken-box))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "F-operator"))
+ (synopsis "Shift/Reset Control Operators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/F-operator")
+ (description "Shift/Reset Control Operators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-r6rs-bytevectors
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-r6rs-bytevectors")
+ (version "0.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "r6rs-bytevectors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qah1bym1q3ww0fkyqvz048q9brv7ffsz2x3cqpx0cp7yk41by9m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "r6rs-bytevectors"))
+ (synopsis "An implementation of r6rs bytevectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/r6rs-bytevectors")
+ (description "An implementation of r6rs bytevectors")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-isaac
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-isaac")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "isaac" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hmqm5ag457q0zryaj8b2zx25hgg9pq4l1gxd5vf4xb4s79i1wxb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "isaac"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the ISAAC CSPRNG")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/isaac")
+ (description "Bindings to the ISAAC CSPRNG")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-cairo
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cairo")
+ (version "0.1.18")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cairo" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1x69i4aysn8mf93ic36947p6gvgglk8c0vg2m6vdhimf6y65szi1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cairo"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken bindings for Cairo, a vector graphics library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cairo")
+ (description "Chicken bindings for Cairo, a vector graphics library")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
+ chicken-cst
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-cst")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "cst" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r7vc6rwc75di72v5h9s4cdakm5a2hywpayl1xpw4vbq8fdn7zc0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-define-options
+ chicken-match-generics))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "cst"))
+ (synopsis "Visualize sexps as trees via Graphviz")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/cst")
+ (description "Visualize sexps as trees via Graphviz")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-sqlite3
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sqlite3")
+ (version "3.7.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sqlite3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1i9387ph1l7ky30in2v9y8zqc4rqzl0xmzb4hqjpipsxv6haa98s"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-object-evict
+ chicken-check-errors
+ chicken-synch
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-sql-null))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sqlite3"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to version 3.x of the SQLite API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sqlite3")
+ (description "Bindings to version 3.x of the SQLite API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-unveil
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-unveil")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "unveil" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0v9s6qaf5lcvdn881bpibazy77fajm8fj7h6v54425lx35164rbf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "unveil"))
+ (synopsis "unveil(2) support for CHICKEN")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/unveil")
+ (description "unveil(2) support for CHICKEN")
+ (license license:isc)))
+ chicken-hahn
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hahn")
+ (version "0.10.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hahn" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1p7i8vmh4pg9q0k1ml2n8wbrl7hq8b7x9xgxz5jsb8ywwax74fk4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hahn"))
+ (synopsis "In-source documentation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hahn")
+ (description "In-source documentation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-s9fes-char-graphics
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-s9fes-char-graphics")
+ (version "1.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "s9fes-char-graphics" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ysz8vrx7zwfv4drx955ca28avmdfilafd9a20sl67y5vwb47i8m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-format))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "s9fes-char-graphics"))
+ (synopsis "Scheme 9 from Empty Space Char Graphics")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/s9fes-char-graphics")
+ (description "Scheme 9 from Empty Space Char Graphics")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-posix-groups
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-posix-groups")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "posix-groups" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0s2gdq2kkpik7l3cms3mp15x7j15dp22pcrfrkap77hfl6xpyh8z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "posix-groups"))
+ (synopsis "Access POSIX group information")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/posix-groups")
+ (description "Access POSIX group information")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-svgpath
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-svgpath")
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "svgpath" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0017w5vc9qpz5gcghhlsw6fzla2vxkvykm9rvriiqm9zywq48wlh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-clojurian
+ chicken-match-generics
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-strse
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-tree))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "svgpath"))
+ (synopsis "Parse, normalize, and write SVG path data")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/svgpath")
+ (description "Parse, normalize, and write SVG path data")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-spiffy
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy")
+ (version "6.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nfxygrscvldmayr5sm8vqqvzv2wk63yh7pksp7v5gkffd0yhnzs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-sendfile
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy"))
+ (synopsis "A small but powerful web server")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy")
+ (description "A small but powerful web server")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sourcehut
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sourcehut")
+ (version "0.3.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sourcehut" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1l7cc6kynh54qanqr8z8v38b7c3whb79hsdrdia5cvxcig2vzvfk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-medea
+ chicken-openssl
+ chicken-optimism
+ chicken-simple-exceptions
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-133))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-begin-syntax chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sourcehut"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings and CLI for the sr.ht REST API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sourcehut")
+ (description "Bindings and CLI for the sr.ht REST API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-daemon
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-daemon")
+ (version "0.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "daemon" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kqryy1jq9qz0y3c58qlwr8mvgdn2jyr7a6anqb32dipp9ylqkim"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "daemon"))
+ (synopsis "Create daemon processes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/daemon")
+ (description "Create daemon processes")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-srfi-71
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-71")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-71" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0v10ylzd5r61l2f6b2v3j4mpxf50pwmrlaqrhx66bw2fps3n32qp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-71"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-71: Extended LET-syntax for multiple values")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-71")
+ (description "SRFI-71: Extended LET-syntax for multiple values")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-ersatz
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ersatz")
+ (version "1.28")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ersatz" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0lrrqvgz4zpv1qkc45g0dnjmvkhyxh338wn009cmhj1ingv57yg0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-datatype
+ chicken-silex
+ chicken-lalr
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ersatz"))
+ (synopsis "A template engine inspired by Jinja2 and Jingoo.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ersatz")
+ (description "A template engine inspired by Jinja2 and Jingoo.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-string-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-string-utils")
+ (version "2.7.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "string-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0f9m63flywcx7b6rhb7d562v26xilnxl0zcd8c6c4rfjsr0bdgjr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "string-utils"))
+ (synopsis "String Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/string-utils")
+ (description "String Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-133")
+ (version "1.6.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-133" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02ixzvl2a858zd1x0xiz7ygg5vj47fj720mn57jgpa1b8qskqf2c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-133"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-133")
+ (description "SRFI-133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-179
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-179")
+ (version "0.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-179" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0y5y6sr0flmhnkfbazihi72hyc3cs067i00c0zcd6jcpr28ki103"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-133 chicken-srfi-160))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-133 chicken-srfi-160))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-179"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-179: Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Updated)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-179")
+ (description
+ "SRFI-179: Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Updated)")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-pkg-config
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pkg-config")
+ (version "0.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pkg-config" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0q2zjfcywgqjv13cl1mjbl7n1csyq9rzkk20kky8ra0j3mkdql03"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-posix-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pkg-config"))
+ (synopsis "Wrapper around pkg-config")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pkg-config")
+ (description "Wrapper around pkg-config")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-anaphora
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-anaphora")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "anaphora" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yzm92qjpgga8722jdy3xx8gzq0ijass06aqyncccawjzshq7zy1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "anaphora"))
+ (synopsis "Some anaphoric and named macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/anaphora")
+ (description "Some anaphoric and named macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-dynamic-import
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dynamic-import")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dynamic-import" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17n0z551p7kr83afpjhg3q93q10nlwf7rjc3qmff1g026yhxnvwc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dynamic-import"))
+ (synopsis "Dynamic Import")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dynamic-import")
+ (description "Dynamic Import")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-traversal
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-traversal")
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "traversal" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "172inmqlz2pqbks5gyfnbll5qnnk4545jrb3xbsp9qxcmmayamiw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-vector-lib))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "traversal"))
+ (synopsis "Various list operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/traversal")
+ (description "Various list operations")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ chicken-iterators
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-iterators")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "iterators" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0aji2ycbqykqqy2911gwfsyp1g8sry2k7w7ap80gq41xravknawf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "iterators"))
+ (synopsis "Iterators and coroutines")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/iterators")
+ (description "Iterators and coroutines")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-micro-benchmark
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-micro-benchmark")
+ (version "0.0.20")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "micro-benchmark" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "022fkwr1wm1im40rgk3g5dz8n4rvlw1zdmskqsh9idv31gbfi456"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-micro-stats chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "micro-benchmark"))
+ (synopsis "Easily create micro-benchmarks")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/micro-benchmark")
+ (description "Easily create micro-benchmarks")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-estraier-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-estraier-client")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "estraier-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12ng7wqdf0l2vdg96i19xpj5wsh9ppjrh0r7ip7kv8afpl8kqj6p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client chicken-uri-common chicken-intarweb))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "estraier-client"))
+ (synopsis "A pure Scheme Hyper Estraier client library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/estraier-client")
+ (description "A pure Scheme Hyper Estraier client library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-dotted-lambdas
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dotted-lambdas")
+ (version "1.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dotted-lambdas" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wxg56c1ywi77xvk1xjpmdnz93mk21dqzhjc3pdm5mnvc49j5nnk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dotted-lambdas"))
+ (synopsis "lambda equivalents with dots as trailing symbols")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dotted-lambdas")
+ (description "lambda equivalents with dots as trailing symbols")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-protobj
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-protobj")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "protobj" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "181cdk8w2346i1x7yj77kzs7zlv2617m6drbacjf7zlv7jjb59sv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "protobj"))
+ (synopsis "A prototype-delegation object model")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/protobj")
+ (description "A prototype-delegation object model")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
+ chicken-srfi-227
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-227")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-227" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vrpgqdmwdaphy0szskxyl2x6xhwycgvi6flwi5v6m2zi5cd3j1c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-227"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 227: Optional Arguments")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-227")
+ (description "SRFI 227: Optional Arguments")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-dyn-vector
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dyn-vector")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dyn-vector" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bjzldp0jxks200ciyp1pslmg3rbh7s1cx835qgmfd47qpyds8mb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-vector-lib))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dyn-vector"))
+ (synopsis "Dynamic (dense) vectors based on SRFI-43.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dyn-vector")
+ (description "Dynamic (dense) vectors based on SRFI-43.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-151
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-151")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-151" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hscg2342wl2bzbnwl5d0ij1vr7nxn0ly9aqp3n5yh6j9x3hd29i"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-151"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 151: Bitwise Operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-151")
+ (description "SRFI 151: Bitwise Operations")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-srfi-74
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-74")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-74" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ymcad82vf89660i8km8568xnkpiz35inil348arqkp44804q1rz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-60 chicken-srfi-66))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-74"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-74: Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-74")
+ (description "SRFI-74: Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-scmfmt
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scmfmt")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scmfmt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vpixxbil8ckmhsvfc9szv5gsvc2a1m88n2vv5cab5paarl26rhg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scmfmt"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken Scheme code formattor to use from stdin/stdout")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scmfmt")
+ (description "Chicken Scheme code formattor to use from stdin/stdout")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-134
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-134")
+ (version "1.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-134" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nzingih2pjsi3ysk3qhp9wc52lsk1wpdgypsf67prnz3cllz90p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-41 chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test-generative))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-134"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 134: Immutable deques")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-134")
+ (description "SRFI 134: Immutable deques")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-slib-wt-tree
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-slib-wt-tree")
+ (version "0.1.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "slib-wt-tree" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0np2nc8z5ddvf3248zq91f6qmv71x8vink8rswlvjb5vidvcf3kp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-generative chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "slib-wt-tree"))
+ (synopsis "Weight-balanced trees")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/slib-wt-tree")
+ (description "Weight-balanced trees")
+ (license license:gpl2)))
+ chicken-dot-locking
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dot-locking")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dot-locking" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13fndcyk4xavn694k1a8kcv3c02a2scxn0z3s56mya2nw4wns88z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dot-locking"))
+ (synopsis "advisory locking mechanism based on standard file operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dot-locking")
+ (description
+ "advisory locking mechanism based on standard file operations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-coops-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-coops-utils")
+ (version "2.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "coops-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ywxc7r1l5a930rfp0fv99dcfg2gbvg93rp4jih4rnlpwys6gpv4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-check-errors chicken-coops))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "coops-utils"))
+ (synopsis "coops utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/coops-utils")
+ (description "coops utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-markdown-svnwiki
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-markdown-svnwiki")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "markdown-svnwiki" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1iw63ki41f1gr2b89k0ligwyljxfx8ysaacfnf70wgz4j70mh282"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-lowdown
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-37))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "markdown-svnwiki"))
+ (synopsis "Convert Markdown to svnwiki")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/markdown-svnwiki")
+ (description "Convert Markdown to svnwiki")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-lazy-seq
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lazy-seq")
+ (version "2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lazy-seq" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12gz8999g73fa20v067gs4v6zs65w8qajwjfsngbcdaqadv2733g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lazy-seq"))
+ (synopsis "Clojure-like lazy sequences")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lazy-seq")
+ (description "Clojure-like lazy sequences")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-25
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-25")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-25" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vf6f0f6jm4frpz995kxjzydg3p7vjn58shmv6s2p34hmfsjcm04"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-25"))
+ (synopsis "Multidimensional arrays")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-25")
+ (description "Multidimensional arrays")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-srfi-144
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-144")
+ (version "0.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-144" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08fjhasdxmmb48c5nx632wjr6ikyhwgsyzxx49jz9hzns4ld526g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-144"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 144: Flonums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-144")
+ (description "SRFI 144: Flonums")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-srfi-4-comprehensions
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-4-comprehensions")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-4-comprehensions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1j2xabk6fjsh2wnwgzanmqv3pwb72imzfyiiwm8a9y45xyx6513l"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-42))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-4-comprehensions"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-42 Comprehensions for SRFI-4 Vectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-4-comprehensions")
+ (description "SRFI-42 Comprehensions for SRFI-4 Vectors")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-color
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-color")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "color" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pxc66arxkzyfqfyv7myzfvqwqakh643cjb3n8pqxgmvmrmfwgfr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-fmt chicken-records chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "color"))
+ (synopsis "The SLIB color library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/color")
+ (description "The SLIB color library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-expat
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-expat")
+ (version "2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "expat" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "162z5mblii6lk2n67ya3zgsgpi1dbfyzcq8r4gxld36j05w39bpb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind chicken-silex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-queues))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "expat"))
+ (synopsis "An interface to James Clark's Expat XML parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/expat")
+ (description "An interface to James Clark's Expat XML parser")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-main
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-main")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-main" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zpnk3xjkn2pdfw953ximq6i0d3v3mak8ydl6a3nb2zz1daq7044"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-awful chicken-spiffy chicken-define-options))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-main"))
+ (synopsis "Turn awful web applications into static executables")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-main")
+ (description "Turn awful web applications into static executables")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sendfile
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sendfile")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sendfile" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vi5i8df146j2gh4x7s8fry0bdzfm57f7v62zd5sd0x45h72lffw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-memory-mapped-files))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-srfi-4
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sendfile"))
+ (synopsis "Sending a file over the network")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sendfile")
+ (description "Sending a file over the network")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-48
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-48")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-48" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "153ipqaz7740vr50sq639vk5vs8wxd8lmfpa0vk17qzw5skmnhp6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-38))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-48"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-48: Intermediate Format Strings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-48")
+ (description "SRFI-48: Intermediate Format Strings")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-latch
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-latch")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "latch" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sl8i18g03cl8qpaqbrfkcx7xd28jyxcb183873s9yq7max4zryr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "latch"))
+ (synopsis "Evaluate expressions once")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/latch")
+ (description "Evaluate expressions once")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-agrep
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-agrep")
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "agrep" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1anh4dkcdh3w5akd45n11v62kl3jpj7n78zfwaia99yd9dd5i9ww"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-datatype chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "agrep"))
+ (synopsis "Approximate grep..")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/agrep")
+ (description "Approximate grep..")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-aes
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-aes")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "aes" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01bwykr6ryv036pyjc95qhqmrj0p7wisb0dhnf7f7nw858phr4av"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-crypto-tools))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "aes"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A self-contained implementation of the AES / Rijndael encryption algorithm")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/aes")
+ (description
+ "A self-contained implementation of the AES / Rijndael encryption algorithm")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-box
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-box")
+ (version "3.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "box" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "131k73q72v658mkxhj34988kwh8yxjq00gf4sn3f1y837n6kp9yd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "box"))
+ (synopsis "Boxing")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/box")
+ (description "Boxing")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-scan-input-lines
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-scan-input-lines")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "scan-input-lines" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16pkx339r5s877np1k0dhs29zdcmrz0smcwmcpw23c540sq9jb2z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "scan-input-lines"))
+ (synopsis "Scan lines until a regex or predicate matches")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/scan-input-lines")
+ (description "Scan lines until a regex or predicate matches")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-blosc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-blosc")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "blosc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0m78rb2q0znixpiflcrndlk708g4mbw7yh1ynkvk3zzvln0d3wgi"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-13 chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "blosc"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the Blosc multi-threaded meta-compressor library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/blosc")
+ (description
+ "Bindings to the Blosc multi-threaded meta-compressor library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-207
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-207")
+ (version "2.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-207" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "124gl45p6i3mnjlq8hys9m0smc9qnizv0r9lch1sf3qi8pj3v648"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-151 chicken-r7rs))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-207"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-207: String-notated bytevectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-207")
+ (description "SRFI-207: String-notated bytevectors")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-server-test
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-server-test")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "server-test" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1k3k9mkildbi9i8vgj26rj5nidrm0zif8pqf9zm5ahwn4kcp9drx"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "server-test"))
+ (synopsis "Utilities to help testing servers")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/server-test")
+ (description "Utilities to help testing servers")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-crypto-tools
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-crypto-tools")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "crypto-tools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ajf0qfnhp99f4x1dll2fhlxrsxamgrrwyksc7rrym77xmv8f1pd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "crypto-tools"))
+ (synopsis "Useful cryptographic primitives")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/crypto-tools")
+ (description "Useful cryptographic primitives")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-udp6
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-udp6")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "udp6" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fm8khkfw22iwsnlyj5jpipfkp70y35pk2y3i4bzmp6iq84gxjrm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-socket))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "udp6"))
+ (synopsis "Interface to UDP over IPv4 and IPv6")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/udp6")
+ (description "Interface to UDP over IPv4 and IPv6")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-opencl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-opencl")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "opencl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18xbnw47abkxyqm8irlk38qak8m2zmnw3z53ixzck97260hyy03y"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-18))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "opencl"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to OpenCL")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/opencl")
+ (description "Bindings to OpenCL")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pipes
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pipes")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pipes" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1bljwlb3s47hcllm05am8bj5clpywchffnkk2ajx572vl5b0qs92"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pipes"))
+ (synopsis "sequencing partial combinations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pipes")
+ (description "sequencing partial combinations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-contracts
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-contracts")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-contracts" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0x0fzvnkzbzf1qr40xg8zi8qj5b889d3hs6b6cvdh46456zvzxka"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-checks))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-checks chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-contracts"))
+ (synopsis "Design by contract for procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-contracts")
+ (description "Design by contract for procedures")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-macaw
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-macaw")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "macaw" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zc9prn3n4rac6ibgbfg0fcdl0czf31qhx8v2276m49i7hizvan4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "macaw"))
+ (synopsis "Efficient color types and math")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/macaw")
+ (description "Efficient color types and math")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-manual-labor
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-manual-labor")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "manual-labor" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1v8af7p0np2fphp5mi8kk1872lcqpka211j51dw6010db2262pbm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-regex
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-uri-generic
+ chicken-chicken-doc-html))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "manual-labor"))
+ (synopsis "Generate static HTML manual from wiki docs")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/manual-labor")
+ (description "Generate static HTML manual from wiki docs")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-memory-mapped-files
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-memory-mapped-files")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "memory-mapped-files" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08vk7j2bfykcfwxl7g06qpbnr287i7d2l5nkpbaiyhi2ws1nhjl9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "memory-mapped-files"))
+ (synopsis "Memory-mapped file access for UNIX and Windows")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/memory-mapped-files")
+ (description "Memory-mapped file access for UNIX and Windows")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sq
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sq")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sq" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pcxy8l8qlb085pbxp9plxzzrs4wb2pfpx840rydwhpsjmrfx1zp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-optimism
+ chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-simple-exceptions
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-60
+ chicken-srfi-145))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-begin-syntax
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sq"))
+ (synopsis "Scheme jq wrapper for processing S-expressions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sq")
+ (description "Scheme jq wrapper for processing S-expressions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-29
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-29")
+ (version "3.0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-29" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15g2knq5b76f3nhxnmxidhkvbw9dyyc00hrzvsnpkmnfqzcmxbxw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-locale
+ chicken-posix-utils
+ chicken-condition-utils
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-29"))
+ (synopsis "Localization")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-29")
+ (description "Localization")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-35
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-35")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-35" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13xgssgyrhcakg94lk04pkk38fr5ggfyf4r3sf0abansr6wxrahh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-35"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-35 Conditions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-35")
+ (description "SRFI-35 Conditions")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-slice
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-slice")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "slice" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1cdgs1fhir777909qp43990xbn2a1xhp5rbakjyvcaf8y0m082w0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-utf8))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "slice"))
+ (synopsis "A slicer procedure for lists, strings and vectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/slice")
+ (description "A slicer procedure for lists, strings and vectors")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pstk
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pstk")
+ (version "1.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pstk" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "11z0ssdrpyal1px6x5qwxyabxs4y2q7glbz7mnwq0i01imwv1c2v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pstk"))
+ (synopsis "PS/Tk: Portable Scheme interface to Tk")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pstk")
+ (description "PS/Tk: Portable Scheme interface to Tk")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-svn-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-svn-client")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "svn-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xxnk0pnvv6n8zf7wz720nzj03yx15xdiczpkwvhr87rafy02smy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "svn-client"))
+ (synopsis "A wrapper around Subversion's libsvn_client C library.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/svn-client")
+ (description "A wrapper around Subversion's libsvn_client C library.")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-bind
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bind")
+ (version "1.2.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bind" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02j8i4w3dzfnfcyckk6y228shwfxk5pgap3zsha86am53gw05aj0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-silex
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-coops
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bind"))
+ (synopsis "Automatically generate bindings from C/C++ declarations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bind")
+ (description "Automatically generate bindings from C/C++ declarations")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-bencode
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bencode")
+ (version "1.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bencode" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1sxjf16vfp8wxjyr9jxldmb495vdy334b2jgxj6ji7mdfizrldiq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-miscmacros chicken-vector-lib))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bencode"))
+ (synopsis "Bencoding parser and serializer")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bencode")
+ (description "Bencoding parser and serializer")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-217
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-217")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-217" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ynasgp03kqd6nhqmcnp4cjf87p3pkjaqi2x860hma79xsslyp8n"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-143 chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-217"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 217: Integer Sets")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-217")
+ (description "SRFI 217: Integer Sets")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-tabular
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tabular")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tabular" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "155h58aphs1m29fq152fp08q1jkf7sibyi2ynqza6y5z846gf9gj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-127 chicken-utf8 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tabular"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Parsing and formatting of tabular text data such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tabular")
+ (description
+ "Parsing and formatting of tabular text data such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-input-parse
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-input-parse")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "input-parse" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "195ghf8qk3w7wxvdra3gi653p57y3hdadngjz599ym14rcfxq61q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "input-parse"))
+ (synopsis "input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/input-parse")
+ (description "input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines.")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-tweetnacl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tweetnacl")
+ (version "1.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tweetnacl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ba8xz39qgc8ixq7s21pdf5sw5hwxriakdhq7pxc47na2q2pr1dy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tweetnacl"))
+ (synopsis "TweetNaCl cryptographic library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tweetnacl")
+ (description "TweetNaCl cryptographic library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-make
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-make")
+ (version "1.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "make" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dhw7jf6f67y6wpcs2vq9b7jwhkkb2z9gwf1z036yvhfyir6l2z8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "make"))
+ (synopsis "The PLT 'make' macro")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/make")
+ (description "The PLT 'make' macro")
+ (license license:lgpl2.0+)))
+ chicken-begin-syntax
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-begin-syntax")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "begin-syntax" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10xdikbpilxibjvmdnshjdwhp56lh0w6414cwgiwva2vqr7930zj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "begin-syntax"))
+ (synopsis "Convenience macro for inline syntax expansion")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/begin-syntax")
+ (description "Convenience macro for inline syntax expansion")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ezd
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ezd")
+ (version "2020.01.26")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ezd" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1a7212xv4pr44hmz6z9gn3hv7j7v51p69jj30c6x05p4lip8myh3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-scheme2c-compatibility
+ chicken-xlib))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ezd"))
+ (synopsis "easy drawing for programs on X displays")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ezd")
+ (description "easy drawing for programs on X displays")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-salmonella-diff
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-salmonella-diff")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "salmonella-diff" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1w5qzsmx2i9cpjd2d9kkfhw6627xg19x5w6jck9gba6vgcf2s6ca"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-salmonella
+ chicken-salmonella-html-report
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-sxml-transforms))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "salmonella-diff"))
+ (synopsis "A tool to diff salmonella log files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/salmonella-diff")
+ (description "A tool to diff salmonella log files")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-test-utils
(name "chicken-test-utils")
(version "1.0.5")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "test-utils" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0c4zj3i4g1iq38ifdgzhrl5lz0v97qzphsyg1d2a6ps6zr7jwgbf"))))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "test-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0c4zj3i4g1iq38ifdgzhrl5lz0v97qzphsyg1d2a6ps6zr7jwgbf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
(arguments '(#:egg-name "test-utils"))
- (synopsis "Gloss & Runner for CHICKEN Scheme test egg.")
+ (synopsis "Test Utilities (for test egg)")
(home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/test-utils")
- (description
- "Gloss & Runner for CHICKEN Scheme test egg.")
+ (description "Test Utilities (for test egg)")
(license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-regex
+ chicken-srfi-42
- (name "chicken-regex")
- (version "2.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "regex" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1hxkva5jvk08wnj3x4lnyxhhyr5vkbs7q99qzpnwmfphbrzmmqzr"))))
- (inputs
- (list))
- (native-inputs
- (list))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "regex"))
- (synopsis "A thin wrapper around irregex.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/regex")
- (description "A thin wrapper around irregex to keep old code working.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-utf8
+ (name "chicken-srfi-42")
+ (version "1.76")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-42" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1s43an2yqzx123zlf8k1xny6wr3s5kx61hrik8bkn4wcr6w4rqla"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-42"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-42 (Eager comprehensions)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-42")
+ (description "SRFI-42 (Eager comprehensions)")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-utf8
(name "chicken-utf8")
(version "3.6.3")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "utf8" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0vpf2vw4k7b1f7afgminnvkgiq9m973rxi1w2y63jgg8vr7i027p"))))
- ;; TODO do we really have to make these propagated?
- ;; I don't know Chicken's module system well enough to tell
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-iset chicken-srfi-69 chicken-regex))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "utf8" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vpf2vw4k7b1f7afgminnvkgiq9m973rxi1w2y63jgg8vr7i027p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-69 chicken-iset chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
(arguments '(#:egg-name "utf8"))
(synopsis "Unicode support")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/apropos")
- (description
- "Unicode support")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/utf8")
+ (description "Unicode support")
(license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-apropos
+ chicken-openssl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-openssl")
+ (version "2.2.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "openssl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "018x80cxs7glvqn7nhjcfbvw36bn3pf4y24a6cn7mz25z6597vg0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-address-info))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-server-test
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "openssl"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the OpenSSL SSL/TLS library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/openssl")
+ (description "Bindings to the OpenSSL SSL/TLS library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-edn
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-edn")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "edn" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "166qm2vx5gj7bc57s1bnnbp55zhv19hnimmivhhdhsnq32wi3511"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-chalk))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-64 chicken-chalk))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "edn"))
+ (synopsis "EDN data reader/writer.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/edn")
+ (description "EDN data reader/writer.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-mailbox
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mailbox")
+ (version "3.3.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mailbox" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1g1fxkydd8wkqpvfv4md2ilk5vf4276ks5153da7mph2i6hbzr4a"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mailbox"))
+ (synopsis "Thread-safe queues with timeout")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mailbox")
+ (description "Thread-safe queues with timeout")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-exif
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-exif")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "exif" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gqlkxabpzb951fkrq2lgdq55sds8713iawdqvf3sqj25qbkz3j4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "exif"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Binding to libexif, reading EXIF meta data from digital camera images.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/exif")
+ (description
+ "Binding to libexif, reading EXIF meta data from digital camera images.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pdf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pdf")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pdf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1klqq78pcdg2r8simcyjkdjb9664h5cz2indksjdlpj3ma3zb3ax"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-regex chicken-format))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pdf"))
+ (synopsis "A library for PDF generation.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pdf")
+ (description "A library for PDF generation.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-116
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-116")
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-116" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jwpav26shl9isi4i3xi01am7s472kk9jxlzj8fb1afjj3kmwgar"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-128))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-116"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-116: Immutable Lists.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-116")
+ (description "SRFI-116: Immutable Lists.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-178
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-178")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-178" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1njgn227ihvci6nbabmrbhdldpbar4yrs6cph7fbsw9h13cgbl50"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-151 chicken-srfi-160 chicken-srfi-141))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-178"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 178: Bitvector library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-178")
+ (description "SRFI 178: Bitvector library")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-atom
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-atom")
+ (version "0.1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "atom" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0apb3g551n0qi594m1sl2vamcb0p3w36dyxk6lpj9q1fshgg4mym"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-ssax
+ chicken-sxml-serializer
+ chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-rfc3339 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "atom"))
+ (synopsis "Atom 1.0 feed reader and writer")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/atom")
+ (description "Atom 1.0 feed reader and writer")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ipfs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ipfs")
+ (version "0.0.13")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ipfs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1mw6z3piddy9xz494kv0243jhhirlb1dp15dph2p1ks4bhipbr4m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-medea
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-189
+ chicken-srfi-197
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ipfs"))
+ (synopsis "IPFS HTTP API for Scheme")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ipfs")
+ (description "IPFS HTTP API for Scheme")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-lexgen
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lexgen")
+ (version "8.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lexgen" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dbvs2g5772w8nvh62rvnsqsmivr76ypkbncbs8l0rx9qi8ir9fn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-srfi-127))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-14))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lexgen"))
+ (synopsis "Lexer combinators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lexgen")
+ (description "Lexer combinators")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-doctype
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-doctype")
+ (version "2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "doctype" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1k3wabdnlyavdmpgdfyz8msr9s2y0kllvp3kw9hmjdlwlyfzw1ag"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "doctype"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Exports strings corresponding to standard XML (XHTML, HTML) doctypes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/doctype")
+ (description
+ "Exports strings corresponding to standard XML (XHTML, HTML) doctypes")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-digraph
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-digraph")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "digraph" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dkagz0rs27zh6cfmfqld18wb63pq3acylwidky3v01maw36c41r"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-dyn-vector chicken-matchable chicken-yasos chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "digraph"))
+ (synopsis "Directed graph in adjacency list format.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/digraph")
+ (description "Directed graph in adjacency list format.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-alist-lib
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-alist-lib")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "alist-lib" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0v8aab5wknj736rxb83gjlwlaxlg7lz5cxpsngniz7ilrs2b3fdl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-hahn chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "alist-lib"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-69-like library for alists")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/alist-lib")
+ (description "SRFI-69-like library for alists")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-196
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-196")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-196" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nhkd3n4rx5ibqbxbz36braih5szw4x4221jx0yg3v04vnv81cab"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-typed-records
+ chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-generative chicken-utf8))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-196"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-196: Range Objects")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-196")
+ (description "SRFI-196: Range Objects")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-chicken-update
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chicken-update")
+ (version "0.1.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chicken-update" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kbxk93k7p9x2594q4zsya93m7rzpnhixksvdvmiwq42dj72hyid"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-fmt
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-optimism
+ chicken-ssax))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-update"))
+ (synopsis "Update installed eggs")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chicken-update")
+ (description "Update installed eggs")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-opengl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-opengl")
+ (version "1.21")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "opengl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sd75k8bm68w2c1n1jlb6yn67xsij49wfgvdakpm4aldqpi79cks"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind chicken-silex))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "opengl"))
+ (synopsis "OpenGL bindings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/opengl")
+ (description "OpenGL bindings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sdl2-ttf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sdl2-ttf")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sdl2-ttf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sbj9dib5dx9gc8wayg3a74ag028spysqnl70r2x9hrvdh7pyclj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-sdl2 chicken-miscmacros chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sdl2-ttf"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to SDL_ttf 2")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sdl2-ttf")
+ (description "Bindings to SDL_ttf 2")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-list-comprehensions
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-list-comprehensions")
+ (version "1.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "list-comprehensions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09v0k4wx4i456hdpsnani9i6ky7cy4sja4p57y4aqc5y5n1zaf0w"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "list-comprehensions"))
+ (synopsis "Some list creating routines")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/list-comprehensions")
+ (description "Some list creating routines")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-113
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-113")
+ (version "1.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-113" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ripxgwfwizj9mzb04lsbvavvy7qima81cyqm830j59sixj6ldc2"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-69 chicken-srfi-128))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-113"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-113: Sets and Bags")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-113")
+ (description "SRFI-113: Sets and Bags")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-math
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-math")
+ (version "0.3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "math" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0q4996hf2wi043vni1006gm4xkj0rk76f505k158ggdv0ihqg5l7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-r6rs-bytevectors
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-srfi-42))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "math"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken port of Racket's math library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/math")
+ (description "Chicken port of Racket's math library")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-ripemd
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ripemd")
+ (version "2.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ripemd" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18d0f37a13nsknay6vw27xvr1k0s4p4ss2dc29fhx89hsv5ycjsq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ripemd"))
+ (synopsis "RIPE Message Digest")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ripemd")
+ (description "RIPE Message Digest")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-sse
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-sse")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-sse" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jmrccwhq14j0ga8ac7vn2rkm3yyskaw3chhzvr8y3j4vsb0kala"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-spiffy chicken-intarweb))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-server-test
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-http-client))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-sse"))
+ (synopsis "Server-Sent Events module for Awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-sse")
+ (description "Server-Sent Events module for Awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-breadline
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-breadline")
+ (version "0.11")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "breadline" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1rvppf2aci4dxn6a74nzzj1iw7is65ad38fbvrr9harazfx6j4jy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-apropos chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "breadline"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to readline")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/breadline")
+ (description "Bindings to readline")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-graph-dfs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-graph-dfs")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "graph-dfs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13v9bg4isf707ldid13bz2vrnklwr8vnjlma08p51la6y71cy196"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-iset
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-yasos
+ chicken-digraph))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "graph-dfs"))
+ (synopsis "Depth-first search in a graph.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/graph-dfs")
+ (description "Depth-first search in a graph.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-spiffy-uri-match
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-uri-match")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-uri-match" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hqr1m4zd0i5ajnyhr4892sdrd2nfm81hjsjvl3ydrygwma8znbn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-uri-match
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-intarweb))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-uri-match"))
+ (synopsis "uri-match integration for spiffy")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-uri-match")
+ (description "uri-match integration for spiffy")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rocksdb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rocksdb")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rocksdb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yrsclyzapyb96s46095xfd8yshp0rvxf3j5h9jbdqm93sqg2aic"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rocksdb"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to Facebooks's RocksDB Key-Value Store")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rocksdb")
+ (description "Bindings to Facebooks's RocksDB Key-Value Store")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-smtp
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-smtp")
+ (version "5.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "smtp" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "122f454xw3f99x71m11i3p593h17mac5xnglmr1fzalfdd1b4909"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable chicken-datatype chicken-utf8 chicken-abnf))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "smtp"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Parser combinators and state machine for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 5321).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/smtp")
+ (description
+ "Parser combinators and state machine for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 5321).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-srfi-19
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-19")
+ (version "4.9.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-19" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1m2pyp5mv09inli9jq7fm9q55nhg2xwp50f7s6cgndpp2w2kb38v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-29
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-locale
+ chicken-record-variants
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils chicken-format))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-19"))
+ (synopsis "Time Data Types and Procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-19")
+ (description "Time Data Types and Procedures")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-146
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-146")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-146" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pdlcfhmy50nigi9q3rdy9hhrhw4jmrm5rcdl30d402yaj8fq5q6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-hash-trie
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ chicken-srfi-145
+ chicken-srfi-158))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-146"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 146: Mappings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-146")
+ (description "SRFI 146: Mappings")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-sxpath
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sxpath")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sxpath" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "177wjyz5pj4m783pfhwk070qll2b9iw9m0lh3nyyf6mp2w803ylf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sxpath"))
+ (synopsis
+ "The sxpath bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sxpath")
+ (description
+ "The sxpath bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-rfc3339
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rfc3339")
+ (version "0.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rfc3339" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0gfwz46jjs2jffax8xl3cd0bmja36mhcxikn45prbgafsam30y1l"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rfc3339"))
+ (synopsis "RFC3339 datetime parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rfc3339")
+ (description "RFC3339 datetime parser")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-csv-abnf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-csv-abnf")
+ (version "6.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "csv-abnf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pqkk40c4i1lxhdwp6ghigmjxdn735j9m4b5ysswj39ypmx6d4i4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-regex chicken-utf8 chicken-abnf chicken-yasos))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "csv-abnf"))
+ (synopsis "Parsing and formatting of comma-separated values (CSV).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/csv-abnf")
+ (description "Parsing and formatting of comma-separated values (CSV).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-message-digest-utils")
+ (version "4.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "message-digest-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "004da7czv5mqxz8cif2nc0shx1xxj266alqm2370h13wbdl369c3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-blob-utils
+ chicken-string-utils
+ chicken-memory-mapped-files
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ chicken-message-digest-type
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "message-digest-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Message Digest Support")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/message-digest-utils")
+ (description "Message Digest Support")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sdl2
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sdl2")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sdl2" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0is0x43273413jk7d8y80q27vc0yi8rpa7r72nb9rlzxwcazl5zn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sdl2"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 (SDL2)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sdl2")
+ (description "Bindings to Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 (SDL2)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-r7rs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-r7rs")
+ (version "1.0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "r7rs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1rwx52mjsylvbkmpg0z7jbawaf87dsxdgwgq8z5nh8k5nb03b6v5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "r7rs"))
+ (synopsis "R7RS compatibility")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/r7rs")
+ (description "R7RS compatibility")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-generalized-arrays
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-generalized-arrays")
+ (version "0.0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "generalized-arrays" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d9n1njd1mrcpqz8xim0m5x0yz94b8xyvwzyvsfq4l7q3km44v3k"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-check-errors
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "generalized-arrays"))
+ (synopsis
+ "An implementation providing generalized arrays and storage classes for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/generalized-arrays")
+ (description
+ "An implementation providing generalized arrays and storage classes for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+ chicken-system
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-system")
+ (version "0.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "system" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18sp0r0qsq8aw3ff9f4cv5a3n6p7yh5jlwf0s22x8bswi4377a76"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-coops chicken-shell chicken-compile-file chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "system"))
+ (synopsis "load and compile groups of files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/system")
+ (description "load and compile groups of files")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-symbol-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-symbol-utils")
+ (version "2.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "symbol-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mxcdlf1i0xn70h9l5grgx1yvkbgq9rcvil02gdp9by5qqcqmklh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "symbol-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Symbol Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/symbol-utils")
+ (description "Symbol Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-nrepl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-nrepl")
+ (version "5.0.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "nrepl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d4pl1j1wayqsdryc5v8la5v5p9nifwva86z48vlss3s388na208"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "nrepl"))
+ (synopsis "Simple networked REPL over TCP")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/nrepl")
+ (description "Simple networked REPL over TCP")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-fix-me-now
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fix-me-now")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fix-me-now" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1acp5bdqd9k0gdjvnv41q77v0f1dkjxqmyvqq9xsgrm9xpv0mzw8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-strse chicken-srfi-1 chicken-sxml-transforms))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-brev-separate))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fix-me-now"))
+ (synopsis "Make tweaks and changes to sexp trees")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fix-me-now")
+ (description "Make tweaks and changes to sexp trees")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-lowdown
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lowdown")
+ (version "3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lowdown" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ihnsnjr2mfac2z053ra5167791c3jzz11wvj1fz2jz688pdr6rg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-char-set-literals
+ chicken-clojurian
+ chicken-comparse
+ chicken-fancypants
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-sxml-transforms))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lowdown"))
+ (synopsis "A pure Chicken Markdown parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lowdown")
+ (description "A pure Chicken Markdown parser")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pseudo-meta-egg-info
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pseudo-meta-egg-info")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pseudo-meta-egg-info" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dmhxm851vbzfcf14sqqxqpmigxvi0195ih9zb25nbxnsdcmy684"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-spiffy chicken-uri-common chicken-svn-client))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pseudo-meta-egg-info"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Provide automatically generated release-info and a pseudo-\"meta\"-file for eggs in svn")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pseudo-meta-egg-info")
+ (description
+ "Provide automatically generated release-info and a pseudo-\"meta\"-file for eggs in svn")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-synch
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-synch")
+ (version "3.3.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "synch" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hqwk1xfrslcyigjj9z28lki8xdb1x1ccvss225mnmahpdn42pp8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18 chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils chicken-srfi-18 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "synch"))
+ (synopsis "Synchronization Forms")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/synch")
+ (description "Synchronization Forms")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sql-null
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sql-null")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sql-null" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0700qryzi38rah26fzrh04njd4r88ksi366mf2259zilwzmlf2nh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sql-null"))
+ (synopsis "A convenience extension for representing SQL NULL values")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sql-null")
+ (description "A convenience extension for representing SQL NULL values")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-introspect
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-introspect")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "introspect" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0r8fcqrzq2cj3vcr484v0k7f706pnylv7mq9lq3ra5pv079fblz3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "introspect"))
+ (synopsis "Module introspection")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/introspect")
+ (description "Module introspection")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-exceptions
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-exceptions")
+ (version "1.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-exceptions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0phsfz2263yiy9z33sf7qjf4i8kh51n5yf1g2wmb0pb63vcdqy8n"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-exceptions"))
+ (synopsis "Some user-friendly exception routines")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-exceptions")
+ (description "Some user-friendly exception routines")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tokyocabinet
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tokyocabinet")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tokyocabinet" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0x285jydmkgx46gqwnjxczmbbpmbv17jpqf7k6k4jiix6x54q5vg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tokyocabinet"))
+ (synopsis "Tokyo Cabinet hash database interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tokyocabinet")
+ (description "Tokyo Cabinet hash database interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-snowtar
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-snowtar")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "snowtar" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00m1s8i4d46ibbav5dqiwflm6xa2d5kydss1jsxx0sv8948c8iyc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "snowtar"))
+ (synopsis "TAR file format packing and unpacking.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/snowtar")
+ (description "TAR file format packing and unpacking.")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1+)))
+ chicken-mpi
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mpi")
+ (version "2.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mpi" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ca91ny4cqgd69f62l0slg8f9dvnchy6c289nmik7wnnr8ns1g13"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mpi"))
+ (synopsis "Message-passing Interface (MPI)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mpi")
+ (description "Message-passing Interface (MPI)")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-graph-bfs
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-graph-bfs")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "graph-bfs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0kw1xszqnph2b2p8mzf8gskd6g3v3a5shvm7bndwwkly2l8p178a"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-iset
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-yasos
+ chicken-digraph))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "graph-bfs"))
+ (synopsis "Breadth-first search in a graph.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/graph-bfs")
+ (description "Breadth-first search in a graph.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-web-colors
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-web-colors")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "web-colors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05q5rrw4dmnswrb2sfzyvn970s9xclwhcvzybs0qdb15qq89g4jn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "web-colors"))
+ (synopsis "Parse and write HTML/CSS color strings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/web-colors")
+ (description "Parse and write HTML/CSS color strings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-fmt
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-fmt")
+ (version "")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "fmt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0w04zfkhh8cnns6n0m1s9zh8jn7nvm3h4nzvfzxiih84i6y13yx1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-69 chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "fmt"))
+ (synopsis "Combinator Formatting")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/fmt")
+ (description "Combinator Formatting")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-60
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-60")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-60" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18cfqkq5pfgfh21c1m1n6m10imqnpfljmwzzzy15wrzgbqw04z8n"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bitwise-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-60"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 60: Integers as bits")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-60")
+ (description "SRFI 60: Integers as bits")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-mathh
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mathh")
+ (version "4.6.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mathh" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zdm58a950vslyjkw4w04c70vhjwf5bdxw79mp3cq65ik474gi8d"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils chicken-vector-lib))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mathh"))
+ (synopsis
+ "ISO C math functions, miscellaneous math utilities, and constants")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mathh")
+ (description
+ "ISO C math functions, miscellaneous math utilities, and constants")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-jsmin
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-jsmin")
+ (version "2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "jsmin" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0spkddwisamn8mwjl4ayqy8g233vcmsrgar8aqk83dv3p5ax8kmi"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "jsmin"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Implementation of Douglas Crockford's JavaScript minifier in CHICKEN Scheme")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/jsmin")
+ (description
+ "Implementation of Douglas Crockford's JavaScript minifier in CHICKEN Scheme")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-chicken-doc
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chicken-doc")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chicken-doc" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1p7i5dsi9x8kfchh3xdw9ww9pz2p861v8vynqzwmbclpqjrspllh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-fmt
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-doc"))
+ (synopsis "Explore Chicken documentation locally")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chicken-doc")
+ (description "Explore Chicken documentation locally")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-kd-tree
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-kd-tree")
+ (version "6.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "kd-tree" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14b1v6smk3gx1n0mqldnfjr5n6r9xhs56c8gvrssh5k0a41nk8j4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-datatype chicken-yasos))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-random-mtzig))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "kd-tree"))
+ (synopsis "K-D tree spatial indexing structure.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/kd-tree")
+ (description "K-D tree spatial indexing structure.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-gochan
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gochan")
+ (version "5.2.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gochan" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pyzr387zbbw7x9zk524qcs368hzxv4c46p24cz3x2nl30y84d5h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-18 chicken-queues))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gochan"))
+ (synopsis "golang channels in CHICKEN")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gochan")
+ (description "golang channels in CHICKEN")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-http-session
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-http-session")
+ (version "2.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "http-session" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yjzkax2m3jz05640la0ry11vafrqwdhn2sd1jr0w8yhgbwwfprs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-spiffy
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-uri-common))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "http-session"))
+ (synopsis "Facilities for managing HTTP sessions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/http-session")
+ (description "Facilities for managing HTTP sessions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sxml-transforms")
+ (version "1.4.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sxml-transforms" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cvpqgjwz1p5vg8jwjr2p1l3hx9s02f083g84v16wv88y3d5rsbg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sxml-transforms"))
+ (synopsis
+ "The SXML transformations (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sxml-transforms")
+ (description
+ "The SXML transformations (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-115
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-115")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-115" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "19vy0rbvmq7si758zlqqys94c2dicl8546fv3xhlpagas38wb4lb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-14 chicken-srfi-152))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-115"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 115: Scheme Regular Expressions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-115")
+ (description "SRFI 115: Scheme Regular Expressions")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-strse
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-strse")
+ (version "1.39")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "strse" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1abwb27l8ms7cwdc03wfa51jdqngjdfxdfayjynsvbhw5hp4rxmf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-13 chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "strse"))
+ (synopsis "A string DSL")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/strse")
+ (description "A string DSL")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-natural-sort
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-natural-sort")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "natural-sort" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "002xxdqydn20aynsimgi3p5m7cm28c1cdyqmwxg6k59pd5c2djpx"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "natural-sort"))
+ (synopsis "Natural sorting procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/natural-sort")
+ (description "Natural sorting procedures")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-arrays
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-arrays")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "arrays" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15ccg54vfimz8pn6rzvr7p2wgs8jarszkcs5wqahy7vy7w4r1pfr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "arrays"))
+ (synopsis "Functional arrays and sets")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/arrays")
+ (description "Functional arrays and sets")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-debugger-protocol
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-debugger-protocol")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "debugger-protocol" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02iq3s4j2ar6hrqds6k3m9h4s3a6viwm4gj4m6fkrw0bpcyb6cny"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "debugger-protocol"))
+ (synopsis "Low-level interface to debugger-protocol")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/debugger-protocol")
+ (description "Low-level interface to debugger-protocol")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-iup
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-iup")
+ (version "1.9.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "iup" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1b7pqkmqkavzjaf7hiyvyvqizrkx3l9j7dk449cnas27p5sczsgn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "iup"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the IUP GUI library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/iup")
+ (description "Bindings to the IUP GUI library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-vlist
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-vlist")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "vlist" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vmxll3x7b4inp3jwzvkzjkvqw79imkmsaygwvn9r3l1hzypxmas"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "vlist"))
+ (synopsis
+ "An implementation of vlists, a functional list-like data structure.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/vlist")
+ (description
+ "An implementation of vlists, a functional list-like data structure.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-timed-resource
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-timed-resource")
+ (version "2.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "timed-resource" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jycpy7vxl8d3acnjyz531nqyhgy4n8baqjzd5af1kxy69qvmzgs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-record-variants
+ chicken-check-errors
+ chicken-thread-utils
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-synch
+ chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-18))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "timed-resource"))
+ (synopsis "Resource w/ Timeout")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/timed-resource")
+ (description "Resource w/ Timeout")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-henrietta-cache-git
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-henrietta-cache-git")
+ (version "0.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "henrietta-cache-git" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mmx7b0xi0b95gz0z2j93r6fmm04y3m22x4n0n1klq8vm71vg5rx"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "henrietta-cache-git"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A tool to convert and keep henrietta's cache in a git repository")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/henrietta-cache-git")
+ (description
+ "A tool to convert and keep henrietta's cache in a git repository")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-byte-blob
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-byte-blob")
+ (version "2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "byte-blob" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18zppf0ikpj5mrc0kpgxbkcrk259xsl2s46snw1q73f7qnh0k8hv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "byte-blob"))
+ (synopsis "Byte array utility procedures for blobs.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/byte-blob")
+ (description "Byte array utility procedures for blobs.")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-regex-case
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-regex-case")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "regex-case" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1w6hs81ibjl0bc51c3sm9h5knkws5665mbhwi9akazfflfjgia5p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "regex-case"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Provides an easy to use case
construct for regular expression matching")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/regex-case")
+ (description
+ "Provides an easy to use case
construct for regular expression matching")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-henrietta-cache
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-henrietta-cache")
+ (version "1.6.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "henrietta-cache" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0lkjrvldxps7ld4fv2c8p1vaw1nb4lbk85agq529j0ix7nzwfwxm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "henrietta-cache"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/henrietta-cache")
+ (description
+ "Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-slib-compat
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-slib-compat")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "slib-compat" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pk00087wbxwyyrn0qa1261ry2c55mxz9jgh95adl6lvgdvajchy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "slib-compat"))
+ (synopsis "CHICKEN SLIB compatibility library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/slib-compat")
+ (description "CHICKEN SLIB compatibility library")
+ (license license:clarified-artistic)))
+ chicken-hopefully
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-hopefully")
+ (version "0.2.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "hopefully" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1f0jas0liwbsd2gr7iirmxx357hykxjy0c2zw9d3j92g2c59xk77"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-18 chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "hopefully"))
+ (synopsis "Simple software transactional memory.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/hopefully")
+ (description "Simple software transactional memory.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sequences
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sequences")
+ (version "0.6.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sequences" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pg1y49r6mb68vky4vq1izvdk9aq911czc5sk8xyyyz3n1qg7dpl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-fast-generic chicken-srfi-42))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sequences"))
+ (synopsis "Generic sequence operators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sequences")
+ (description "Generic sequence operators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-colorize
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-colorize")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "colorize" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1js0lrs9vksjk40acm29409k3837987iacim790lbsrhcr9cjb2v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "colorize"))
+ (synopsis "Colorize programming code as HTML")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/colorize")
+ (description "Colorize programming code as HTML")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-stb-image-resize
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stb-image-resize")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stb-image-resize" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lajh5gfwvxzi9x7jwzzfdq462ns5nvpqcdwr44v8j0fqcgjrdcb"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stb-image-resize"))
+ (synopsis "resize raw u8/u16/u32/f32-vector images")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stb-image-resize")
+ (description "resize raw u8/u16/u32/f32-vector images")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-uuid
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-uuid")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "uuid" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0iv8z83zdpwxrvjrxjnvflqy5hj4x03ivm3f2dmcf82ylhvx0gd8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "uuid"))
+ (synopsis "native chicken uuid library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/uuid")
+ (description "native chicken uuid library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-111
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-111")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-111" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09nng5irszi02ly9gscczi1pjnffxl3s9sv9hn48iij7lqw2b47j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-box))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-111"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-111: Boxes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-111")
+ (description "SRFI-111: Boxes")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-graph-cycles
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-graph-cycles")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "graph-cycles" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "084hfzx8m9vy3z3l7ipvbsp0j4rs80yx43zajbhnj0p5h38vkz90"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-iset
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-yasos
+ chicken-digraph
+ chicken-graph-scc))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "graph-cycles"))
+ (synopsis "Enumerate all simple cycles in a graph.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/graph-cycles")
+ (description "Enumerate all simple cycles in a graph.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-records
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-records")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "records" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00nk7gyk8ikp6z5vlxb0my1a3b4fb9ym8x2dfqlh4gkf0r97rb61"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "records"))
+ (synopsis "Procedural record-type interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/records")
+ (description "Procedural record-type interface")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-121
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-121")
+ (version "1.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-121" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jsf5h8yf53qygj8mygs0hdy89442d7cv19vmmaklylq2g0xq7ii"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-121"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-121: Generators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-121")
+ (description "SRFI-121: Generators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-174
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-174")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-174" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0kl9x7q1wcy7jzjkajmqpf748aqfjysh0ygdvnbvg5bxzdfs4gh9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-19))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-174"))
+ (synopsis "srfi-174")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-174")
+ (description "srfi-174")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-ssax
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ssax")
+ (version "5.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ssax" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yfaxi9wxsjj6mlf5m6zh7x1xafgglyzq3fbhx1zlf13zhvadjsj"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-input-parse chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ssax"))
+ (synopsis "Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ssax")
+ (description "Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-srfi-37
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-37")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-37" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10n2qyyv7n4r0m20wyzd8y6s6knc67kdh9i8gp8jgz8b05p7xy8g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-37"))
+ (synopsis "A simple and flexible command-line option parsing facility")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-37")
+ (description "A simple and flexible command-line option parsing facility")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-shell
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-shell")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "shell" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "04gn93nsf3g8bxd7jb498qr629y7ql6j548s4c46wfwc5f4gjn5c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "shell"))
+ (synopsis "Convenient shell-command invocation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/shell")
+ (description "Convenient shell-command invocation")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-test
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-test")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "test" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1l88lb8cnb0i49qvpdj1rnlj06srp5myg0vhs0fv23gzrzjspxh8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "test"))
+ (synopsis "Yet Another Testing Utility")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/test")
+ (description "Yet Another Testing Utility")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-141
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-141")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-141" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1d4glc5zw7aidv2c294acvd18vjvmrrffd2dk0gchpaab93l24mg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-141"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 141: Integer division")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-141")
+ (description "SRFI 141: Integer division")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tcp-server
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tcp-server")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tcp-server" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lm7gd7s57d6vdb0xyd1mk3z213w8fisj7fl3cw1cbhmnqvfzqbf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tcp-server"))
+ (synopsis "A simple generic multithreaded tcp-server")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tcp-server")
+ (description "A simple generic multithreaded tcp-server")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-match-generics
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-match-generics")
+ (version "2.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "match-generics" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1js4kq8hp6n8182mzyrs7q7aa6hf9q5y8q3zp2lkplpp862x2sks"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-quasiwalk
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "match-generics"))
+ (synopsis "matchable generics")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/match-generics")
+ (description "matchable generics")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-args
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-args")
+ (version "1.6.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "args" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0knkg31d4dq9a8rq9g3ycmj0z6j9l7zp93qa9cnqc8ixd6jsymkm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-37))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "args"))
+ (synopsis "Command-line argument handling, on top of SRFI 37")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/args")
+ (description "Command-line argument handling, on top of SRFI 37")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-csm
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-csm")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "csm" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1bvawrbslsfzxlhal5abyss0nj0jddqbs5ran58nygfc1myn3vfs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-miscmacros))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "csm"))
+ (synopsis "a build system")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/csm")
+ (description "a build system")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-topham
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-topham")
+ (version "0.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "topham" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18p3gjbzi95djyn1rm230ag5g4n4q70pqi670b215icjx91za63i"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-http-client
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-medea
+ chicken-openssl
+ chicken-optimism
+ chicken-simple-exceptions
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "topham"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings for the sr.ht REST API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/topham")
+ (description "Bindings for the sr.ht REST API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-elliptic-curves
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-elliptic-curves")
+ (version "1.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "elliptic-curves" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05jr977kx11dbs1lfxpkghi38hn37s9z526kg523ca5r1vamqzgh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-99
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-modular-arithmetic))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "elliptic-curves"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Arithmetic and Cryptography on Elliptic Curve Groups over Finite Fields")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/elliptic-curves")
+ (description
+ "Arithmetic and Cryptography on Elliptic Curve Groups over Finite Fields")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-checks
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-checks")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "checks" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16m7s2iab5kvbkgkgyhnaclychx4pf8ar11ghdsflvnhm15yl9vq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-simple-exceptions))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "checks"))
+ (synopsis
+ "easy to use procondition and postcondition checks of procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/checks")
+ (description
+ "easy to use procondition and postcondition checks of procedures")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sxml-modifications
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sxml-modifications")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sxml-modifications" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0g9j8v0fqj6066rxn6fs8qg13bc4hi1bygf9bxx49hfwhh06178v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-sxpath))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sxml-modifications"))
+ (synopsis
+ "The sxml-modification bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sxml-modifications")
+ (description
+ "The sxml-modification bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-toml
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-toml")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "toml" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10isk4rxcjabm16g59nxafm2vx0vidjq1alaxbih3gw9w2kc11l4"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-rfc3339 chicken-coops))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "toml"))
+ (synopsis "A Chicken binding to read TOML configuration files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/toml")
+ (description "A Chicken binding to read TOML configuration files")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-comparse
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-comparse")
+ (version "3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "comparse" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1marysqqvriycky83s6zh1nwiryrdwwi69l1jl0n090lg817mnzn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-lazy-seq
+ chicken-trie
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-14 chicken-test chicken-lazy-seq))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "comparse"))
+ (synopsis "Schemely parser combinators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/comparse")
+ (description "Schemely parser combinators")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pwdb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pwdb")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pwdb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pj5s6xb34026mg5qajrsanvn4f05qh4zdj69900md1rm4d033na"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-stty
+ chicken-tweetnacl
+ chicken-args
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pwdb"))
+ (synopsis "A command-line-based password manager")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pwdb")
+ (description "A command-line-based password manager")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-gtk-server
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gtk-server")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gtk-server" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1c5gwypmhs2r6lcd30vycabqcccma5vgagrdxcfskfpzychv7lnk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gtk-server"))
+ (synopsis "GTK-server binding")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gtk-server")
+ (description "GTK-server binding")
+ (license #f)))
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-svnwiki-sxml")
+ (version "0.2.14")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "svnwiki-sxml" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12pb7liy0g9kkhc5gci9q7569qy92m5cgkp9x09mpzxna4n0b18z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "svnwiki-sxml"))
+ (synopsis "Parse svnwiki to sxml")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/svnwiki-sxml")
+ (description "Parse svnwiki to sxml")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-plot
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-plot")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "plot" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12f0jrj0xhaj6yggf8d89iqznc30j4bhivl25p5b4vrdkd4mac2v"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-datatype chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "plot"))
+ (synopsis
+ "An interface to GNU libplot, a library for device-independent two-dimensional vector graphics.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/plot")
+ (description
+ "An interface to GNU libplot, a library for device-independent two-dimensional vector graphics.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-apropos
(name "chicken-apropos")
(version "3.8.3")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "apropos" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "01zdifhqc0jfm810106sh87w0fmpchf4dph0k8v1lyjzbj1ivmi4"))))
- ;; TODO do we really have to make these propagated?
- ;; I don't know Chicken's module system well enough to tell
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "apropos" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01zdifhqc0jfm810106sh87w0fmpchf4dph0k8v1lyjzbj1ivmi4"))))
- (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-check-errors chicken-symbol-utils
- chicken-string-utils))
- (native-inputs
- (list chicken-test
- chicken-test-utils))
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-string-utils
+ chicken-symbol-utils
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
(build-system chicken-build-system)
(arguments '(#:egg-name "apropos"))
- (synopsis "An apropos facility for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (synopsis "CHICKEN apropos")
(home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/apropos")
- (description
- "An apropos facility for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (description "CHICKEN apropos")
(license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-chicken-doc
+ chicken-siphash
- (name "chicken-chicken-doc")
- (version "0.7.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "chicken-doc" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1p7i5dsi9x8kfchh3xdw9ww9pz2p861v8vynqzwmbclpqjrspllh"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-matchable
- chicken-fmt
- chicken-sxml-transforms
- chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-srfi-13
- chicken-srfi-69))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-doc"))
- (synopsis "chicken-doc is a tool for exploring Chicken documentation.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/doc")
- (description "chicken-doc is a tool for exploring Chicken documentation.")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
-(define-public chicken-input-parse
+ (name "chicken-siphash")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "siphash" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0g2is573xvli6cs6n8cppr9d5aq0dksa51n5d4cj983phnpylai5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "siphash"))
+ (synopsis "The SipHash family of hash functions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/siphash")
+ (description "The SipHash family of hash functions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-r7rs-tools
- (name "chicken-input-parse")
- (version "1.2")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "input-parse" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "195ghf8qk3w7wxvdra3gi653p57y3hdadngjz599ym14rcfxq61q"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-srfi-13))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "input-parse"))
- (synopsis "Oleg Kiselyov's basic input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/input-parse")
- (description "Oleg Kiselyov's basic input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines.")
- (license license:public-domain)))
-(define-public chicken-ssax
+ (name "chicken-r7rs-tools")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "r7rs-tools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09l2h810av8l2ql0jv08jghdk3wvswddx6qxsxibv2frz1mplqi0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "r7rs-tools"))
+ (synopsis "\"Pure\" r7rs compiler and interpreter")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/r7rs-tools")
+ (description "\"Pure\" r7rs compiler and interpreter")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-message-digest
- (name "chicken-ssax")
- (version "5.1.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "ssax" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1yfaxi9wxsjj6mlf5m6zh7x1xafgglyzq3fbhx1zlf13zhvadjsj"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-input-parse
- chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-srfi-13))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "ssax"))
- (synopsis "Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser.")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ssax")
- (description "Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser.")
- (license license:public-domain)))
-(define-public chicken-rss
+ (name "chicken-message-digest")
+ (version "4.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "message-digest" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0fv3w34rqs2v4rh2haa0r9kfk1s2fzxrvsn33jsnzxxkdhm3zz4m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ chicken-message-digest-type
+ chicken-message-digest-utils))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "message-digest"))
+ (synopsis "Message Digest (omnibus)")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/message-digest")
+ (description "Message Digest (omnibus)")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-132
- (name "chicken-rss")
- (version "1.7")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (egg-uri "rss" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1xk5v3cz1wvsryd3vkckqz0iw03l4w564y22dq0i5275vvyvb64w"))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list chicken-matchable
- chicken-srfi-1
- chicken-ssax))
- (native-inputs
- (list ))
- (build-system chicken-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:egg-name "rss"))
- (synopsis "An RSS parser")
- (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rss")
- (description "An RSS parser")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
+ (name "chicken-srfi-132")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-132" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dp4m60zj8y8x4a6624xd1nk5kbdfyfb9alzp71yrna78ddmvikr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-133))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-133 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-132"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-132: Sort Libraries")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-132")
+ (description "SRFI-132: Sort Libraries")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-salmonella-feeds
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-salmonella-feeds")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "salmonella-feeds" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00p5j9sz862djl4xpj64cs2glxc6z8v3ifrsw1lzgxpv4flk9w03"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-atom
+ chicken-rfc3339
+ chicken-salmonella
+ chicken-salmonella-diff
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "salmonella-feeds"))
+ (synopsis "A tool to generate atom feeds out of salmonella log files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/salmonella-feeds")
+ (description "A tool to generate atom feeds out of salmonella log files")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-noise
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-noise")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "noise" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10m0mfr02qx439mdniljsr98wgz26vz7dxpzw6wrv7rrkhsmsy6c"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-glls))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "noise"))
+ (synopsis "Noise generation functions on the GPU")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/noise")
+ (description "Noise generation functions on the GPU")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-ssl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-ssl")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-ssl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1grfh0jlxmnhs4ic4qpiq2xaqwprmr52xwkl9r8mnhcw5d2ygwfc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-openssl))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-ssl"))
+ (synopsis "SSL support for awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-ssl")
+ (description "SSL support for awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-locale
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-locale")
+ (version "0.9.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "locale" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1mqdr1bw5w6nnrg5dxzc4m5qnbrvvkk9v8nm3a6y0qmpscaim9z5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-utf8 chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "locale"))
+ (synopsis "Provides locale operations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/locale")
+ (description "Provides locale operations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-232
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-232")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-232" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07639jfqa4y4c6prh3w364mmlyvi0z3pqcr3ampaabsmz527rxpg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-232"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 232: Flexible curried procedures")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-232")
+ (description "SRFI 232: Flexible curried procedures")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-bitstring
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-bitstring")
+ (version "1.37")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "bitstring" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "102w2fbh3slksh55sb718wg2mimjgzb0xrchdl711w8lrxbrfjf8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "bitstring"))
+ (synopsis "Binary pattern matching")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/bitstring")
+ (description "Binary pattern matching")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-glfw3
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-glfw3")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "glfw3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vfjd3j908cclxnkkrj8g8ql8vhbfrs6ll4ryar6132yi1fs91ba"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "glfw3"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Bindings to the GLFW3 OpenGL window and event management library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/glfw3")
+ (description
+ "Bindings to the GLFW3 OpenGL window and event management library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-spiffy-cookies
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spiffy-cookies")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spiffy-cookies" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jf0g1i8sz09gwmvrvhp9kq0dr0cv2g4j1jhqf5z0177506z9x0j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-spiffy chicken-intarweb))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spiffy-cookies"))
+ (synopsis "Procedures for managing cookies")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spiffy-cookies")
+ (description "Procedures for managing cookies")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-epoxy
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-epoxy")
+ (version "0.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "epoxy" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "036h1jm37chkcxzs95ypvsz3363qkszv1pr1sby3z4izck5039rl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "epoxy"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to OpenGL and OpenGL ES through the Epoxy library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/epoxy")
+ (description "Bindings to OpenGL and OpenGL ES through the Epoxy library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-comic-snarfer
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-comic-snarfer")
+ (version "1.23")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "comic-snarfer" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pa566vfgwxl5nr56brn7rwkj63m2mgpqw1ma2228g4wyya7c8qn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-anaphora
+ chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-define-options
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-mathh
+ chicken-srfi-42
+ chicken-sxpath
+ chicken-strse
+ chicken-uri-generic))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "comic-snarfer"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Download files (such as web comic images) by recursing on XPath")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/comic-snarfer")
+ (description
+ "Download files (such as web comic images) by recursing on XPath")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-rlimit
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rlimit")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rlimit" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yxdn9y11i8s9mj5dknlpz588d48bklylxcq73v0s48a5m7vfpwp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rlimit"))
+ (synopsis "Setting resource limits")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rlimit")
+ (description "Setting resource limits")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-135
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-135")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-135" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0iwhh3m99d2wl2wzcl6xzynyx2c5g62ck0svrlah5x7vh7vh8f9p"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs chicken-utf8 chicken-srfi-141 chicken-typed-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-r7rs chicken-srfi-158 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-135"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 135: Immutable Texts")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-135")
+ (description "SRFI 135: Immutable Texts")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-botan
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-botan")
+ (version "2.13.20191214-0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "botan" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1j2h6hhvwdr7d7kgm5b0nc5nmx23a35av7rvwcajlxxv9iafmdh2"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "botan"))
+ (synopsis "Bindings to the Botan cryptographic library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/botan")
+ (description "Bindings to the Botan cryptographic library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-redis
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-redis")
+ (version "0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "redis" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1z8pr6dgz652h14zn1vkdm3av48lifk4vf7jzacrq0f0k14i5bc2"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-r7rs
+ chicken-srfi-34
+ chicken-srfi-35
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-srfi-99
+ chicken-srfi-113
+ chicken-srfi-128
+ chicken-srfi-133
+ chicken-srfi-152
+ chicken-srfi-158))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "redis"))
+ (synopsis "A Redis client library for Chicken Scheme")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/redis")
+ (description "A Redis client library for Chicken Scheme")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rbf
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rbf")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rbf" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r41kpsw4syarj9fnajazhs4q1z8hxvh0zd4wf8q5yjv2jgc6pls"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rbf"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Bindings for the Radial Basis Function interpolation routines by John Burkardt.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rbf")
+ (description
+ "Bindings for the Radial Basis Function interpolation routines by John Burkardt.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-arcadedb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-arcadedb")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "arcadedb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1w2iqylz0wfn7is8vss5dkwmi3pxhbh2h7ywzg39x45z2c91sd28"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-uri-common chicken-medea))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "arcadedb"))
+ (synopsis "An ArcadeDB database driver for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/arcadedb")
+ (description "An ArcadeDB database driver for CHICKEN Scheme.")
+ (license license:zlib)))
+ chicken-module-declarations
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-module-declarations")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "module-declarations" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "079zs0cc7bmc1macvsh79q1x4rbjqw25hcvlcis8xxg3952vlqfg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "module-declarations"))
+ (synopsis "Module declarations")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/module-declarations")
+ (description "Module declarations")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-foreigners
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-foreigners")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "foreigners" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jl1cdd34qwsd9x7vqw2aqqgd2m2mii898ilg2vkb39nqfvg35b5"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "foreigners"))
+ (synopsis "Foreign helper macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/foreigners")
+ (description "Foreign helper macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-henrietta
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-henrietta")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "henrietta" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17ibkk6pq81hw2ydwd00jgg0zzbrcfzcbni60x95479c1xnzdb64"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-regex chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "henrietta"))
+ (synopsis "Serve extensions over HTTP")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/henrietta")
+ (description "Serve extensions over HTTP")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-tests
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-tests")
+ (version "3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-tests" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "168n51hkmzxx5rl9qf8l739nbr1xcf7rrsngqj9sqygra4kgya0m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-tests"))
+ (synopsis "Some simple test routines")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-tests")
+ (description "Some simple test routines")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-105
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-105")
+ (version "0.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-105" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wf57aiam3ym5qjhsz4sckdqsfp8lfqasb8jbgjblx77xzb3b3ad"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-123))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-105"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-105 - curly infix expressions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-105")
+ (description "SRFI-105 - curly infix expressions")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-dwim-sort
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dwim-sort")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dwim-sort" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07xvngm9k3rlnhbgr0675xha3szyg4wn4y7x811fxycps9kq9lwn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate
+ chicken-sequences
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-match-generics))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dwim-sort"))
+ (synopsis "dwimmy sort")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dwim-sort")
+ (description "dwimmy sort")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-trie
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-trie")
+ (version "2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "trie" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1k7hq31px236s25wqfqh22wb4kpm97hl2kcvj4amsyvlxc1y4w96"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "trie"))
+ (synopsis "A trie (prefix tree) implementation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/trie")
+ (description "A trie (prefix tree) implementation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-amb
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-amb")
+ (version "3.0.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "amb" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kkzmbym1xhgxby9grjamjs3yajz5l32v3wg2b6xsl7v0infkszs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "amb"))
+ (synopsis "The non-deterministic backtracking ambivalence operator")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/amb")
+ (description "The non-deterministic backtracking ambivalence operator")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-minissh
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-minissh")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "minissh" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1s1yy4wzwcg3g32dhz8al6h56mjnl34fzccl41513v0shlgmkk6q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-tweetnacl
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-gochan
+ chicken-base64
+ chicken-queues
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-sha2))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-matchable))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "minissh"))
+ (synopsis "An SSH-2 server and client implementation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/minissh")
+ (description "An SSH-2 server and client implementation")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ws-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ws-client")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ws-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1w6cpf52ipw0irx7xhh9gnz13hp6h9babi7ymiwwn9k798mhc063"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-string-utils
+ chicken-base64
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-openssl))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ws-client"))
+ (synopsis "websocket client library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ws-client")
+ (description "websocket client library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-qt-light
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-qt-light")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "qt-light" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1m84b11ak23z6vpi3hqs5b4v5c1n1yq5p4l31m8v8ajqayi6n0rm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-bind
+ chicken-protobj
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-shell))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "qt-light"))
+ (synopsis "A lightweight Qt 5 interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/qt-light")
+ (description "A lightweight Qt 5 interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-filepath
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-filepath")
+ (version "1.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "filepath" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14mrpq6g4hirj2qsirnxpj4b9b48m8fk80r23wm95wrcir9cjqmr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "filepath"))
+ (synopsis "Cross-platform file path manipulation.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/filepath")
+ (description "Cross-platform file path manipulation.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-directory-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-directory-utils")
+ (version "2.2.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "directory-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jaj7pi27d65wz1zpfxiphkdnk4an5yahhhxs28svsqprq0v0ay1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-moremacros
+ chicken-list-utils
+ chicken-stack
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "directory-utils"))
+ (synopsis "directory-utils")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/directory-utils")
+ (description "directory-utils")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-premodules
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-premodules")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "premodules" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ajip86bq872k8k7jra7nsm76vp3zzwwcy5n6467pvr3z16nsw2h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "premodules"))
+ (synopsis "Converting a premodule into module, test and doc files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/premodules")
+ (description "Converting a premodule into module, test and doc files")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-nanomsg
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-nanomsg")
+ (version "")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "nanomsg" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01ma6cxmbc0bmk4598q3ag28pnbqlmcfq11mbs4c87ir82bkvz7h"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "nanomsg"))
+ (synopsis "unknown")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/nanomsg")
+ (description "unknown")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-sundials
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sundials")
+ (version "2.17")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sundials" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0v9bxclbm11glbv47pqbwi2gxx9555c04njy1cxigs6wyrvg54yh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test chicken-mathh chicken-srfi-13 chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sundials"))
+ (synopsis
+ "An interface to SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sundials")
+ (description
+ "An interface to SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-crypt
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-crypt")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "crypt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1x7il9qz6m8kicgz57iw2yykfn9x6pa56m33rp5z70z4yfkrxqwz"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "crypt"))
+ (synopsis "Secure password hashing through the Unix crypt() function")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/crypt")
+ (description "Secure password hashing through the Unix crypt() function")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-skiplists
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-skiplists")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "skiplists" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0fi7x7yxavvjmg7nw0fzzba4sifvpifzxs5d1if93fiwbb0fmwc6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "skiplists"))
+ (synopsis "An implementation of skiplists")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/skiplists")
+ (description "An implementation of skiplists")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-137
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-137")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-137" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10cdlzpr1yid8549d0zfzkmrw9k7qwgy0k5rs744vy65bfmq0k4g"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-137"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-137: Minimal Unique Types")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-137")
+ (description "SRFI-137: Minimal Unique Types")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-stty
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-stty")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "stty" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "195qkj1ckji115ih9ccfsn52hg8cbbwn19vblcggv3g0xmpncdak"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "stty"))
+ (synopsis "stty-style interface to termios")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/stty")
+ (description "stty-style interface to termios")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-blas
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-blas")
+ (version "4.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "blas" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gx22ycqc3jpcmv16644ay9cygh535di4j7znqjqxn2dyq29dmkm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "blas"))
+ (synopsis "An interface to level 1, 2 and 3 BLAS routines")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/blas")
+ (description "An interface to level 1, 2 and 3 BLAS routines")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-awful-postgresql
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-awful-postgresql")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "awful-postgresql" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "084n39rz3m2sjpah3hq03iybdf1z2af64cv5fb8kphqr6cb3m5d8"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-awful chicken-postgresql))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "awful-postgresql"))
+ (synopsis "Postgresql support for awful")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/awful-postgresql")
+ (description "Postgresql support for awful")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-operations
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-operations")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "operations" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0zqcvbc4f6576y61kmyd9xz99pkj09fnb2mjdb8dfnxn5w3s8i86"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "operations"))
+ (synopsis "The T object system")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/operations")
+ (description "The T object system")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sdl-base
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sdl-base")
+ (version "0.9.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sdl-base" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17kgjy2mmhvnm07kvavp2injvbjsn57kz72b9krkm5p4q3jvlvjf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sdl-base"))
+ (synopsis "Basic SDL support")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sdl-base")
+ (description "Basic SDL support")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
+ chicken-concurrent-native-callbacks
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-concurrent-native-callbacks")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "concurrent-native-callbacks" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1v333c7wm51bj24s52h5vr2yvznm4hzg9gjqg5sssjnnq08pfwym"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-typed-records
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-bind
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-shell chicken-make))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "concurrent-native-callbacks"))
+ (synopsis "Invoke callbacks from other native threads")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/concurrent-native-callbacks")
+ (description "Invoke callbacks from other native threads")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-simple-loops
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-simple-loops")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "simple-loops" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1mlya8mgpsf4irwba2ybv4s6z0y2hr4xfv4ghs8j0nifndzy18zf"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-simple-tests))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "simple-loops"))
+ (synopsis "Some simple looping macros")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/simple-loops")
+ (description "Some simple looping macros")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-dbus
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dbus")
+ (version "0.97")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dbus" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a1850gark0xjn8cw1gwxgqjpk17zjmk6wc5g23ikjh9gib8ry1q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-miscmacros chicken-srfi-18 chicken-foreigners))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-scsh-process chicken-srfi-13 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dbus"))
+ (synopsis "A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dbus")
+ (description "A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-coops
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-coops")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "coops" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "183pp1g5m06ss94ba1rq2rs4hqj92v6qz7ik3kzvl3b2aq77jk3z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-record-variants
+ chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "coops"))
+ (synopsis "A featureful object system")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/coops")
+ (description "A featureful object system")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-monocypher
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-monocypher")
+ (version "4.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "monocypher" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09q33a6b8v306j93kd67wk5gisca7sij0p98i7pd10xnimllc5hh"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "monocypher"))
+ (synopsis "Monocypher cryptographic library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/monocypher")
+ (description "Monocypher cryptographic library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-z3
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-z3")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "z3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "147f2401ngpgg6pg0gf60vkj1gvhgmbjc3l8v5mqkyd47p5zjxgl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "z3"))
+ (synopsis "A gzip (RFC1952) compression and decompression library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/z3")
+ (description "A gzip (RFC1952) compression and decompression library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-spock
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-spock")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "spock" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0m17x7nbfp237mkn0l8nrcaqpf8nfkqcg5ws3p3jjdvr0zwaxjj3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-jsmin chicken-matchable chicken-make))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "spock"))
+ (synopsis
+ "A compiler and runtime system for R5RS Scheme on top of JavaScript")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/spock")
+ (description
+ "A compiler and runtime system for R5RS Scheme on top of JavaScript")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-linenoise
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-linenoise")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "linenoise" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0is9j6hq6nmnsrn2g01ssxg8hwndc3y6fx02hsvfdsqqzj8qzjvr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "linenoise"))
+ (synopsis "A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/linenoise")
+ (description "A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-brev-separate
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-brev-separate")
+ (version "1.95")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "brev-separate" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ycm95vcf1dj6m3kqii7b2a5kxyd1m6lzksz77ispay14srgw8rd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-69))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "brev-separate"))
+ (synopsis "Hodge podge of macros and combinators")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/brev-separate")
+ (description "Hodge podge of macros and combinators")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-levenshtein
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-levenshtein")
+ (version "2.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "levenshtein" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07jwz006c6yhibg7d9nb35rif04810820pss5mg7c7mbn2nzmq1q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-63
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-record-variants
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "levenshtein"))
+ (synopsis "Levenshtein edit distance")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/levenshtein")
+ (description "Levenshtein edit distance")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-salmonella-html-report
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-salmonella-html-report")
+ (version "1.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "salmonella-html-report" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "107n7sgzk91s25ih3k40y649fnv9n37xnf7igkkn5c642hjmfr6d"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-salmonella
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-sxml-transforms))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "salmonella-html-report"))
+ (synopsis "A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/salmonella-html-report")
+ (description "A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-sha1
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sha1")
+ (version "4.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sha1" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0p48vv59lr1ydrn529fkpd7ybny9h4hggaav0b7zwyvpkhyd565q"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-type
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sha1"))
+ (synopsis "Computes SHA1 (FIPS-180-1) checksums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sha1")
+ (description "Computes SHA1 (FIPS-180-1) checksums")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-slib-arraymap
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-slib-arraymap")
+ (version "1.1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "slib-arraymap" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08djsc0j6kacf07a59f58clka94wq4lp8ry3p8203sx3lbx1s8qw"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-63 chicken-slib-compat))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "slib-arraymap"))
+ (synopsis "The SLIB applicative routines for the arrays library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/slib-arraymap")
+ (description "The SLIB applicative routines for the arrays library")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-forcible
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-forcible")
+ (version "0.3.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "forcible" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0vsgfk5x247grwmn6vky0d43s76qiys8sd41bvk4gqv6yww4y1a7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-18 chicken-pigeon-hole chicken-simple-timer))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "forcible"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/forcible")
+ (description
+ "Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-graph-separators
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-graph-separators")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "graph-separators" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18w16lwxq4285ms4lm6j55wm14ggprsh3al106rx3480qz5wkvh0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-yasos chicken-digraph))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-srfi-1))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "graph-separators"))
+ (synopsis "Determine the separation vertices of a graph.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/graph-separators")
+ (description "Determine the separation vertices of a graph.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-mistie
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mistie")
+ (version "1.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mistie" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qfz8zc41wm2afwwbg1c8gmpzlph07nsj4r86lx01af9s03nvpfa"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mistie"))
+ (synopsis "A programmable filter")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mistie")
+ (description "A programmable filter")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-dollar
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-dollar")
+ (version "3.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "dollar" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nlsjri7fbf8jcxghvd47imqhc24rdfkik985md8h5d1h2j2mdqn"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-shell))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "dollar"))
+ (synopsis "FFI convenience macro")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/dollar")
+ (description "FFI convenience macro")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-tcp6
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-tcp6")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "tcp6" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03amc9wfpk2r3aybm8llh0l89kiqi5bri132987jj59d4qvmv1rq"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-socket chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "tcp6"))
+ (synopsis "Interface to TCP over IPv4 and IPv6")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/tcp6")
+ (description "Interface to TCP over IPv4 and IPv6")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ldif-sexpr
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ldif-sexpr")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ldif-sexpr" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "123d95vxkn11zdqfy73l2n26f6i8zcj97zhcc6yhia6f1x4qb61n"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-uri-common
+ chicken-base64
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-14
+ chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ldif-sexpr"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Convert (parse&write) LDIF, rfc4514 and LDAP filters (rfc2254) into S-expressions.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ldif-sexpr")
+ (description
+ "Convert (parse&write) LDIF, rfc4514 and LDAP filters (rfc2254) into S-expressions.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-make-tests
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-make-tests")
+ (version "1.10")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "make-tests" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ca8fx40x42zqqsp3dmw5cb9xsjlz4cp71yh9kgcb29n4ig80r97"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-brev-separate chicken-srfi-1 chicken-uri-common))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "make-tests"))
+ (synopsis "Create unit tests from a file of expressions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/make-tests")
+ (description "Create unit tests from a file of expressions")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-ioctl
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ioctl")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ioctl" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qs2daw16zw4jpqnb0q2nnb0qanki7nl0k437b9m4a7qslhdqw6r"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-foreigners))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ioctl"))
+ (synopsis "ioctl system call interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ioctl")
+ (description "ioctl system call interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-internet-message
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-internet-message")
+ (version "7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "internet-message" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h2avknylg7kyhi7z7vpvs9qzw7kh5k7yrwqv6lgqdsdzbjygni9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-yasos chicken-utf8 chicken-abnf))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-srfi-14 chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "internet-message"))
+ (synopsis "Parser combinators for Internet Message Format (RFC 5322).")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/internet-message")
+ (description "Parser combinators for Internet Message Format (RFC 5322).")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-gmi
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gmi")
+ (version "0.0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gmi" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08c89r4cz4nh66crkfsxwdj1lxjmbxr2lls92ncnqlxd0mnmplq0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gmi"))
+ (synopsis "Gemtext reader and writer")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gmi")
+ (description "Gemtext reader and writer")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
+ chicken-gemini-client
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-gemini-client")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "gemini-client" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0l4rs91jsczjnna0yf8d1bsi9k1789jhjqcnhci2i63ls93p2iww"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-openssl chicken-r7rs chicken-uri-generic))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "gemini-client"))
+ (synopsis "Client library for the gemini:// protocol")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gemini-client")
+ (description "Client library for the gemini:// protocol")
+ (license license:isc)))
+ chicken-big-chicken
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-big-chicken")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "big-chicken" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1f36y05mz4hwp1jkkl9wawn72rql13cz7q6394zfpf008dizq69z"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "big-chicken"))
+ (synopsis "Wrapper module for all core modules")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/big-chicken")
+ (description "Wrapper module for all core modules")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-posix-regex
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-posix-regex")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "posix-regex" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zswh1d96q24271mkzx7fc8802z9h9bkcb8nmakpf8prl1d2yjvg"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-r7rs))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "posix-regex"))
+ (synopsis "A thin wrapper around POSIX regular expression matching")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/posix-regex")
+ (description "A thin wrapper around POSIX regular expression matching")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-freetype
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-freetype")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "freetype" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h072r758yjqz9msq49plkrgqm9xxlmx8fd15gvv9pkpiwp8jf41"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-foreigners
+ chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "freetype"))
+ (synopsis "Freetype2 Interface")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/freetype")
+ (description "Freetype2 Interface")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-unitex-named-chars
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-unitex-named-chars")
+ (version "0.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "unitex-named-chars" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "00i7bax8mgw2r8l61iwvircxpynjf2d2yjxlaaa4l4m1mc12bzsv"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-utf8))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "unitex-named-chars"))
+ (synopsis "Unicode & LaTeX Named Chars")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/unitex-named-chars")
+ (description "Unicode & LaTeX Named Chars")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-27
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-27")
+ (version "4.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-27" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "11hb0hxhm74yjg7d95nj1wxjpi3hgkns7zy64as3xl3jbq3wlh60"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-vector-lib
+ chicken-timed-resource
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-check-errors))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-27"))
+ (synopsis "Sources of Random Bits")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-27")
+ (description "Sources of Random Bits")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-zstd
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-zstd")
+ (version "1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "zstd" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "06gvbk03xbrs5hihrysl2qaf7aag7zk3nvsyaqvfiaa6zg5y80mk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "zstd"))
+ (synopsis "ZStandard bindings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/zstd")
+ (description "ZStandard bindings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-x11-colors
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-x11-colors")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "x11-colors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fj8swh4s4gwif2dp59ls0vbdi2d5w50b2q2q00yiyvlr7smm4hs"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "x11-colors"))
+ (synopsis "named standard colors as available in X11")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/x11-colors")
+ (description "named standard colors as available in X11")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-rss
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-rss")
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "rss" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1xk5v3cz1wvsryd3vkckqz0iw03l4w564y22dq0i5275vvyvb64w"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-ssax))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "rss"))
+ (synopsis "A RSS parser")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/rss")
+ (description "A RSS parser")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-ssql
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-ssql")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "ssql" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ps7kawzhg1yln0pn2jg1ka7nbcpi84k2cl8mnza6nza3g0bplwm"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable chicken-srfi-1 chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "ssql"))
+ (synopsis "SQL as S-expressions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ssql")
+ (description "SQL as S-expressions")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-pthreads
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pthreads")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pthreads" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0972hryj13av238dwp02ich3sdydk4nivrqf3qkp3pvrlalpy5rl"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pthreads"))
+ (synopsis "Maintain and talk to a pthread pool.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pthreads")
+ (description "Maintain and talk to a pthread pool.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-multipart-form-data
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-multipart-form-data")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "multipart-form-data" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10ik64k5hi7i78nwnc3q9ms49zvn794n6k3imnjr6hhvi9hxy0vy"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-intarweb chicken-comparse chicken-records))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "multipart-form-data"))
+ (synopsis "Reads & decodes HTTP multipart/form-data requests.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/multipart-form-data")
+ (description "Reads & decodes HTTP multipart/form-data requests.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-66
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-66")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-66" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bin3cmgr4r7m3kp6amapqsxaizav3d4alijcfl3q9ahx23di67m"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-66"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI-66: Octet Vectors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-66")
+ (description "SRFI-66: Octet Vectors")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-posix-mq
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-posix-mq")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "posix-mq" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "19la5grxxrlx853kcgnr47987yrrbmh1l5kbs5x6absj45ivzllk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-compile-file))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "posix-mq"))
+ (synopsis "POSIX message queues API")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/posix-mq")
+ (description "POSIX message queues API")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-64
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-64")
+ (version "1.0.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-64" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ga9qksagm3fcvg3427w7zhl7g9lbxfb6sb98vl8b0swwz8wz8hr"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-64"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 64:\"A Scheme API for test suites\" implementation")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-64")
+ (description "SRFI 64:\"A Scheme API for test suites\" implementation")
+ (license license:bsd-1)))
+ chicken-lalr
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-lalr")
+ (version "2.5.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "lalr" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1v4v2xzax7izhl6gnc2lpm8bw2igbp7m4d7n6c2iibm4422mv3nc"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "lalr"))
+ (synopsis "An efficient LALR(1) parser generator")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/lalr")
+ (description "An efficient LALR(1) parser generator")
+ (license license:lgpl3)))
+ chicken-sha2
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-sha2")
+ (version "4.2.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "sha2" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "054bjn8wqqxn142cryp0jm18axr237lq9w6gip6hw37y66wpc6h6"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-message-digest-primitive))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-test
+ chicken-test-utils
+ chicken-message-digest-primitive
+ chicken-message-digest-utils
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "sha2"))
+ (synopsis "Computes 256-, 385- and 512-bit SHA2 checksums")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/sha2")
+ (description "Computes 256-, 385- and 512-bit SHA2 checksums")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-typeclass
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-typeclass")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "typeclass" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zpf8dvyh8wfrilvnwmna8223g64brp6pvxpz9gx5vb9nb8yq7jk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1 chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "typeclass"))
+ (synopsis "Type classes")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/typeclass")
+ (description "Type classes")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-advice
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-advice")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "advice" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sc9lwkc8pa06v30vhi1srfjsgxn4c4g57zbj6wk1y9adyvda9x7"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "advice"))
+ (synopsis "'advise' functionality")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/advice")
+ (description "'advise' functionality")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-thread-utils
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-thread-utils")
+ (version "2.2.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "thread-utils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0avr7r6caacmbr3gbb8rp23ddi0g74yz2jc2w2bbhxrqr01vqj0l"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-queues
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-18
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-moremacros
+ chicken-record-variants
+ chicken-check-errors
+ chicken-synch))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "thread-utils"))
+ (synopsis "Thread Utilities")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/thread-utils")
+ (description "Thread Utilities")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-srfi-94
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-srfi-94")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "srfi-94" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vz8g09csl9jlr0828p9z1p4mxrnlzz0qq4rwkadidcmr9mjfbwp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-60))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "srfi-94"))
+ (synopsis "SRFI 94: Type-Restricted Numerical Functions")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/srfi-94")
+ (description "SRFI 94: Type-Restricted Numerical Functions")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-packrat
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-packrat")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "packrat" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d7ly5zvswg07gzm504min730qy16yafz3acyq45smd7q52s47fp"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-1))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "packrat"))
+ (synopsis "A packrat parsing library")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/packrat")
+ (description "A packrat parsing library")
+ (license license:expat)))
+ chicken-with-current-directory
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-with-current-directory")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "with-current-directory" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ryl7l2jw5m34fmvv1nr0rf2mwkxrds8xkz7msfzi4gy36i5zja9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-module-declarations))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "with-current-directory"))
+ (synopsis "Convenience procedure for temporarily changing directories")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/with-current-directory")
+ (description "Convenience procedure for temporarily changing directories")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-xj
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-xj")
+ (version "1.29")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "xj" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15a7p9qq33mlxa3h50s142zy9zchpdpkdkx51kfcadh0rbj0x7bi"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-fmt
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-utf8
+ chicken-brev-separate))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-scsh-process))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "xj"))
+ (synopsis "Unix filter that turns XML into JSON")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/xj")
+ (description "Unix filter that turns XML into JSON")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+ chicken-clucker
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-clucker")
+ (version "0.12")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "clucker" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0b61yfh4m3xigipwjrp476nx1i8xyhwdv1cpyiaz9pfzfhmfd59x"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-oauth chicken-uri-common chicken-rest-bind))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "clucker"))
+ (synopsis "Twitter API for Chicken Scheme")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/clucker")
+ (description "Twitter API for Chicken Scheme")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-mdh
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-mdh")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "mdh" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xkrjq9ng0rxcxllmn9nvjqilkdgmliwaw9pbrgyqsxdi9s9z7z3"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "mdh"))
+ (synopsis "interface to the MDH database")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/mdh")
+ (description "interface to the MDH database")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-pastiche
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pastiche")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pastiche" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1y5bi6zghymz3k3ynj21by4p6550qc2sk2a2xxgbiifz56pkh786"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-awful
+ chicken-awful-sql-de-lite
+ chicken-simple-sha1
+ chicken-intarweb
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-colorize
+ chicken-miscmacros
+ chicken-utf8))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-http-client
+ chicken-test
+ chicken-server-test
+ chicken-sxpath))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pastiche"))
+ (synopsis "A small awful app implementing a pastebin service")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pastiche")
+ (description "A small awful app implementing a pastebin service")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+ chicken-salt
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-salt")
+ (version "0.28")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "salt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "17vzsip5xyfqhyrhsrzda0bkqp6pxfday3idrgjqxm5lnm0wbzns"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-datatype
+ chicken-matchable
+ chicken-make
+ chicken-mathh
+ chicken-lalr
+ chicken-datatype
+ chicken-unitconv
+ chicken-fmt))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "salt"))
+ (synopsis "Hybrid dynamical systems modeling.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/salt")
+ (description "Hybrid dynamical systems modeling.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-accents-substitute
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-accents-substitute")
+ (version "0.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "accents-substitute" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fbvm18m6ik1x4wn1q226lhv03pvhzgcdzzy4i0xns3c9pyqi7g0"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "accents-substitute"))
+ (synopsis "Substitute accented characters in strings")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/accents-substitute")
+ (description "Substitute accented characters in strings")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-nanosleep
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-nanosleep")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "nanosleep" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nynvd6sv8ffxk0jlvr77mgm0r1rww4c1n5k5m799b36w4gs6df9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "nanosleep"))
+ (synopsis "Interface to POSIX nanosleep")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/nanosleep")
+ (description "Interface to POSIX nanosleep")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-check-errors
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-check-errors")
+ (version "3.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "check-errors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ra8pvs0qnfqsjbrsn0k94drwx5ydvhapziv6dcqcb118iimnrmd"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test chicken-test-utils))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "check-errors"))
+ (synopsis "Argument checks & errors")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/check-errors")
+ (description "Argument checks & errors")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-espeak
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-espeak")
+ (version "0.1.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "espeak" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cd0viivrvjz3qq8v9nrlix2jryghyg338g9ihnc43xsmmgfdcz9"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-utf8 chicken-foreigners chicken-srfi-18))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "espeak"))
+ (synopsis "Chicken bindings for espeak-ng's speak_lib.h")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/espeak")
+ (description "Chicken bindings for espeak-ng's speak_lib.h")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+ chicken-pathname-expand
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-pathname-expand")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "pathname-expand" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dywjbim23k12fcvdiypq2g5p8wyljgq7zmsvlf8h2anaaq34sm1"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-srfi-13))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "pathname-expand"))
+ (synopsis "unknown")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/pathname-expand")
+ (description "unknown")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+ chicken-live-define
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-live-define")
+ (version "1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "live-define" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07jlsrw0v9d1584zqn6clbyc5qawmibqjnzpn7vb6z65smk4036j"))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list chicken-matchable))
+ (native-inputs (list chicken-test))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "live-define"))
+ (synopsis
+ "Hack that replaces “define” with a version that mutates existing procedures.")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/live-define")
+ (description
+ "Hack that replaces “define” with a version that mutates existing procedures.")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+ chicken-chicken-doc-admin
+ (package
+ (name "chicken-chicken-doc-admin")
+ (version "0.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri "chicken-doc-admin" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jv9809cxhw5qj21w0ja12dqv9qavl3d8084rcd4dn8mia382qmk"))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list chicken-matchable
+ chicken-chicken-doc
+ chicken-html-parser
+ chicken-sxml-transforms
+ chicken-svnwiki-sxml
+ chicken-srfi-1
+ chicken-srfi-13
+ chicken-srfi-69
+ chicken-regex))
+ (native-inputs (list))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name "chicken-doc-admin"))
+ (synopsis "Administer Chicken documentation locally")
+ (home-page "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/chicken-doc-admin")
+ (description "Administer Chicken documentation locally")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
diff --git a/zilti/packages/egg-generator.cscm b/zilti/packages/egg-generator.cscm
index de1268c..b0e1f47 100644
--- a/zilti/packages/egg-generator.cscm
+++ b/zilti/packages/egg-generator.cscm
@@ -1,6 +1,131 @@
;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation: chicken; mode: scheme; -*-
-(import (rss))
+(import (rss)
+ (chicken io)
+ (chicken port)
+ (chicken pretty-print)
+ (chicken process)
+ (chicken string))
+(define licenses
+ '((AGPL . license:agpl3+)
+ (Artistic . license:clarified-artistic)
+ (BSD . license:bsd-2)
+ (BSD-1 . license:bsd-1)
+ (|BSD 1-clause| . license:bsd-1)
+ (BSD-2-Clause . license:bsd-2)
+ (BSD3 . license:bsd-3)
+ (|BSD 3-clause| . license:bsd-3)
+ (bsd . license:bsd-3)
+ (GPL . license:gpl3)
+ (GPL-2 . license:gpl2)
+ (GPLv2 . license:gpl2)
+ (GPL-3 . license:gpl3)
+ (GPLv3 . license:gpl3)
+ (GPL-3.0 . license:gpl3)
+ (ISC . license:isc)
+ (LGPL . license:lgpl3+)
+ (LGPL-2 . license:lgpl2.0)
+ (LGPL-2.0+ . license:lgpl2.0+)
+ (LGPL-2.1 . license:lgpl2.1)
+ (LGPL-2.1-or-later . license:lgpl2.1+)
+ (LGPL-3 . license:lgpl3)
+ (LGPLv3 . license:lgpl3)
+ (MIT . license:expat)
+ (OpenLDAP . license:openldap2.8)
+ (SRFI . license:bsd-1)
+ (zlib . license:zlib)
+ (ZLIB-Acknowledgement . license:zlib)
+ (public-domain . license:public-domain)
+ (|Public Domain| . license:public-domain)
+ (|public domain| . license:public-domain)
+ (unknown . license:unlicense)
+ (unlicense . license:unlicense)))
+(define egg-blacklist
+ '(("procedural-macros" . #f)))
+(define (process-egg? eggrec)
+ (alist-ref (egg-name eggrec) egg-blacklist
+ string=? #t))
+(define (rss-feed-item->title+version+desc feed-item)
+ (let ((chunks (string-split (rss:item-title feed-item)))
+ (desc (rss:item-description feed-item)))
+ (make-egg (car chunks) (cadr chunks) desc #f #f #f #f #f #f )))
+(define (symbolify in)
+ (if (string? in)
+ (string->symbol in)
+ in))
+(define (ref-or-keep x)
+ (alist-ref x licenses eqv? x))
+(define (egg-add-deps+license eggrec)
+ (when (process-egg? eggrec)
+ (print "Parsing " (egg-name eggrec) " version " (egg-version eggrec))
+ (with-input-from-pipe
+ (string-append
+ "/home/zilti/projects/guixchannel/zilti/packages/eggfile-fetcher.sh "
+ (egg-name eggrec) " " (egg-version eggrec))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((egg-alist (read))
+ (checksum (read)))
+ (egg-checksum-set! eggrec checksum)
+ (egg-dependencies-set! eggrec (alist-ref 'dependencies egg-alist eqv? '()))
+ (egg-test-dependencies-set! eggrec (alist-ref 'test-dependencies egg-alist eqv? '()))
+ (egg-build-dependencies-set! eggrec (alist-ref 'build-dependencies egg-alist eqv? '()))
+ (egg-foreign-dependencies-set! eggrec (alist-ref 'foreign-dependencies egg-alist eqv? '()))
+ (egg-license-set! eggrec (alist-ref (symbolify (car (alist-ref 'license egg-alist))) licenses)))))))
+(define-record egg name version description checksum dependencies test-dependencies build-dependencies foreign-dependencies license)
+(define (parse-rss)
+ (let
+ ((eggrecs (map rss-feed-item->title+version+desc
+ (rss:feed-items
+ (with-input-from-file "/home/zilti/projects/guixchannel/zilti/packages/chicken-eggs-5.xml"
+ rss:read)))))
+ (set! eggs eggrecs)
+ (map egg-add-deps+license eggrecs)
+ eggrecs))
+(define (prepend-chicken-to-dependency x)
+ (if (not (symbol? x))
+ (prepend-chicken-to-dependency (car x))
+ (string->symbol (string-append "chicken-" (symbol->string x)))))
+(define (generate-guix-package eggrec)
+ (when (process-egg? eggrec)
+ (print "Generating " (egg-name eggrec) " version " (egg-version eggrec))
+ (with-output-to-file "chicken.scm"
+ (lambda ()
+ (pretty-print
+ `(define-public ,(string->symbol (string-append "chicken-" (egg-name eggrec)))
+ (package
+ (name ,(string-append "chicken-" (egg-name eggrec)))
+ (version ,(egg-version eggrec))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (egg-uri ,(egg-name eggrec) version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ ,(egg-checksum eggrec)))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list ,@(map prepend-chicken-to-dependency (egg-dependencies eggrec))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list ,@(map prepend-chicken-to-dependency (egg-test-dependencies eggrec))
+ ,@(map prepend-chicken-to-dependency (egg-build-dependencies eggrec))))
+ (build-system chicken-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:egg-name ,(egg-name eggrec)))
+ (synopsis ,(egg-description eggrec))
+ (home-page ,(string-append
+ "https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/" (egg-name eggrec)))
+ (description ,(egg-description eggrec))
+ (license ,(egg-license eggrec))))))
+ #:text #:append)))
+(define (main #!optional args)
+ (map generate-guix-package (parse-rss)))
diff --git a/zilti/packages/eggfile-fetcher.sh b/zilti/packages/eggfile-fetcher.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c28b9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zilti/packages/eggfile-fetcher.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
+trap "rm -rf '$tmptar'" exit;
+trap "rm -rf '$tmpdir'" exit;
+curl -L "https://code.call-cc.org/egg-tarballs/5/$1/$1-$2.tar.gz" > $tmptar
+cd $tmpdir
+tar xzf $tmptar
+cat $1-$2/$1.egg
+echo "\"$(guix hash $tmptar)\""