no message
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 42 additions and 165 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class AppWrap extends Application {
String ns, fn;
private String ns, fn;
public AppWrap(String ns, String fn) {
@ -2,40 +2,41 @@
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[ :as io]
[ :as zip]
[clojurefx.protocols :as p]
[ :refer :all])
(:import (clojurefx AppWrap)))
[clojurefx.protocols :as p]))
;; Fuck you, whoever made that API design.
(defonce force-toolkit-init (javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.))
(import '(clojurefx AppWrap)
'(javafx.scene.control Labeled Label TextField TextArea CheckBox ComboBox Menu MenuItem MenuBar
MenuButton ContextMenu ToolBar SplitPane ScrollPane Accordion
TitledPane TabPane Tab TableColumnBase Labeled ButtonBase)
'(javafx.scene Node Scene Parent)
'(javafx.scene.layout Pane VBox)
'(javafx.stage Stage)
'(javafx.collections FXCollections ObservableList)
'(javafx.css Styleable)
'(javafx.event Event ActionEvent EventTarget)
'(java.util Collection))
(defn gen-stage! [nspc fun]
(let [appwrap (AppWrap. nspc fun)]
(.launch appwrap)))
(.launch appwrap nil)))
;; ## Threading helpers
(defn run-later*"
Simple wrapper for Platform/runLater. You should use run-later.
" [f]
(assert (instance? Runnable f))
(javafx.application.Platform/runLater f)
(defmacro run-later "Simple wrapper for Platform/runLater." [& body]
`(javafx.application.Platform/runLater (fn [] ~@body)))
(defmacro run-later [& body]
`(run-later* (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn run-now* "
A modification of run-later waiting for the running method to return. You should use run-now.
" [f]
(if (javafx.application.Platform/isFxApplicationThread)
(apply f [])
(let [result (promise)]
(deliver result (try (f) (catch Throwable e e))))
(defmacro run-now "
Runs the code on the FX application thread and waits until the return value is delivered.
" [& body]
`(run-now* (fn [] ~@body)))
(defmacro run-now "Runs the code on the FX application thread and waits until the return value is delivered."
[& body]
`(if (javafx.application.Platform/isFxApplicationThread)
(apply (fn [] ~@body) [])
(let [result (promise)]
(run-later (deliver result (try (fn [] ~@body) (catch Throwable e e))))
(defn collize "
Turns the input into a collection, if it isn't already.
@ -44,19 +45,6 @@
(list input)))
(import (javafx.scene.control Labeled Label TextField TextArea CheckBox ComboBox Menu MenuItem MenuBar
MenuButton ContextMenu ToolBar SplitPane ScrollPane Accordion
TitledPane TabPane Tab TableColumnBase Labeled ButtonBase)
(javafx.scene Node Scene Parent)
(javafx.scene.layout Pane VBox)
(javafx.stage Stage)
(javafx.collections FXCollections ObservableList)
(javafx.css Styleable)
(javafx.event Event ActionEvent EventTarget)
(java.util Collection))
(defn pred-protocol [proto check]
(let [impls (keys (proto :impls))
check (type check)]
@ -53,10 +53,6 @@
(trace "Key:" k " " (type k) "Value:" v " " (type v))
(when (nil? translation)
(throw (Exception. (str "Property" k "not available in translation map."))))
;; (when-not ((pred-substitute argument) v)
;; (throw (Exception. (str "Input type" v "is not compatible with expected type for" k))))
;; (when-not ((pred-substitute parent) node)
;; (throw (Exception. (str "Property" k "not available for class" (class node)))))
((setter translation) node v)))
@ -73,14 +69,6 @@
(apply dissoc props mandatory))))
;; (ann resolv-o-matic [(U String Keyword Symbol Class) -> Class])
;; (defn resolv-o-matic [thing]
;; (cond
;; (symbol? thing) (ns-resolve (the-ns 'clojurefx.clojurefx) thing)
;; (keyword? thing) (recur (name thing))
;; (string? thing) (recur (symbol thing))
;; :else thing))
(defn compile
([args] (compile args []))
([[obj & other] accu]
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
(ns clojurefx.clojurefx-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile meta with-meta])
(:require [clojurefx.factory :as factory]
[clojurefx.protocols :refer :all])
(:use midje.sweet
(import (javafx.scene.layout VBox)
(javafx.scene.control ScrollPane Button Label))
;;## Element testing
;;## Event testing
;;(def button (new Button))
(def button (atom nil))
(def fired? (atom false))
(facts "Events"
(fact "Creating button with event handler"
(class (reset! button (factory/compile [Button {:action (fn [_] (reset! fired? true))}]))) => javafx.scene.control.Button)
(fact "Firing the event and checking the result"
(do (fire! @button)
@fired?) => true))
;;## IdMapper
(def example-graph
[VBox {:id "topBox"
:children [Button {:id "button"
:text "Close"}
ScrollPane {:content [Label {:id "label"
:text "This rocks."}]}]}]))
(facts "Id mapper"
(fact "Getting a top-level entry"
(type (get-node-by-id example-graph "topBox")) => javafx.scene.layout.VBox)
(fact "Getting an entry in an FXParent"
(type (get-node-by-id example-graph "button")) => javafx.scene.control.Button)
(fact "Getting an entry in an FXParent and an FXContainer"
(type (get-node-by-id example-graph "label")) => javafx.scene.control.Label)
(fact "Fetching the whole id map."
(map? (get-id-map example-graph)) => true)
(fact "Fetching label text from id-map."
(-> (get-id-map example-graph)
get-value) => "This rocks."))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TextField?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.Pane?>
<Pane maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="677.0" prefWidth="890.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
<TextField id="simpleTextField" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="14.0" />
<Button id="simpleButton" layoutX="163.0" layoutY="14.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Button" />
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
(ns clojurefx.factory-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile meta with-meta])
(:require [clojurefx.protocols :refer :all])
(:use midje.sweet
(:import (javafx.scene.control Button Label ScrollPane)
(javafx.scene.layout VBox)))
(def fxml-node (atom nil))
(facts "FXML loading"
(fact "Load the fxml file"
(type (reset! fxml-node (load-fxml "resources/test.fxml"))) => javafx.scene.layout.VBox)
(fact "Get VBox id"
(.getId @fxml-node) => "topBox"))
(def example-graph
[VBox {:id "topBox"
:children [Button {:id "button"
:text "Close"}
ScrollPane {:content [Label {:id "label"
:text "This rocks."}]}]}])
(def example-graph2
[VBox {:id "topBox"
:children [Button {:id "button"
:text "Close"}
(new javafx.scene.control.Label "Precompiled")
Button {:id "button2"
:text "OK"}
ScrollPane {:content [Label {:id "label"
:text "This rocks."}]}]}])
(def example-graph3
[VBox {:id "topBox"
:children [Button {:id "button"
:text "Close"}]}])
(def scene-graph (atom nil))
(facts "Vector compilation"
(fact "Simple element"
(type (compile [Label {:text "Hello ClojureFX"}])) => javafx.scene.control.Label)
(fact "Simple precompiled element"
(type (compile [(new Label "Hello Precompiled")])) => javafx.scene.control.Label)
(fact "Nested structure"
(type (reset! scene-graph (compile example-graph))) => javafx.scene.layout.VBox
(get-id @scene-graph) => "topBox")
(fact "Partially precompiled nested structure"
(type (reset! scene-graph (compile example-graph2))) => javafx.scene.layout.VBox)
(fact "Nested structure where FXParent only has one child"
(type (reset! scene-graph (compile example-graph3))) => javafx.scene.layout.VBox))
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.geometry.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.text.*?>
<?language clojure?>
<VBox xmlns:fx="" alignment="center" fx:id="topBox">
<Button fx:id="button" text="Close"/>
<Label fx:id="label" text="This rocks."/>
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