Almost-working find-by-class

This commit is contained in:
zilti 2018-10-26 15:15:20 +00:00
parent 04b7e79d35
commit 49202d1d45
2 changed files with 48 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
;; ## Specs
(s/def ::node (partial instance? javafx.scene.Node))
(s/def ::node (fn [x] (or (instance? javafx.scene.Node x) (instance? javafx.scene.Scene x))))
;; ## Functional interfaces
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@
(info "Constructing" clazz "with" (first args))
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor clazz (into-array args)))
;; ## Scene graph walker
(defn- has-method? [node method]
(not (empty? (clojure.lang.Reflector/getMethods (class node) 0 method false))))
@ -156,29 +155,33 @@
(has-method? node "getColumns")
(has-method? node "getContent")
(has-method? node "getTabs")
(has-method? node "getItems"))
(has-method? node "getItems")
(has-method? node "getRoot"))
(defn- graph-node-get-children [node]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::node node)]
:post [coll?]}
(debug "Getting children from" node)
(cond (has-method? node "getChildren") (.getChildren node)
(has-method? node "getGraphic") (.getGraphic node)
(has-method? node "getGraphic") [(.getGraphic node)]
(has-method? node "getMenus") (.getMenus node)
(has-method? node "getContent") (.getContent node)
(has-method? node "getContent") [(.getContent node)]
(has-method? node "getTabs") (.getTabs node)
(has-method? node "getColumns") (.getColumns node)
(has-method? node "getItems") (.getItems node))
(has-method? node "getItems") (.getItems node)
(has-method? node "getRoot") [(.getRoot node)])
;; (def struct (compile [Scene {:root [VBox {:children [Label {:text "Hi!" :style-class ["test"]}]}]}]))
(defn scenegraph-zipper [node]
(zip/zipper graph-node-has-children? graph-node-get-children nil node))
(defn- flat-zipper [zipper]
(let [next (zip/next zipper)]
(if (zip/end? next)
(node next)
(lazy-seq (cons (node next) next)))))
(if (or (zip/end? (zip/next zipper)) (nil? (zip/next zipper)))
(zip/node zipper)
(lazy-seq (cons (zip/node zipper) (flat-zipper (zip/next zipper))))))
(defn find-child-by-id [node id]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::node node)
@ -187,15 +190,23 @@
(let [zipper (scenegraph-zipper node)]
(filter #(= id (.getId %)) (flat-zipper zipper))))
(defn- contains-class? [coll clazz]
(> 0 (count (filter #(= % clazz) coll))))
(defn- contains-class? [node clazz]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::node node) (string? clazz)]
:post [boolean?]}
(debug "NODETEST:" node)
(s/valid? ::node node)
(if (instance? javafx.scene.Scene node)
(> 0 (count (filter #(= % clazz) (.getStyleClass node))))))
(defn find-child-by-class [node clazz]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::node node)
(string? id)]
(string? clazz)]
:post [#(or (s/valid? ::node node) nil?)]}
(debug "NODE:" node)
(let [zipper (scenegraph-zipper node)]
(filter #(contains-class? (.getStyleClass %) clazz) (flat-zipper zipper))))
(debug "ZIPPER:" zipper)
(filter #(contains-class? % clazz) (flat-zipper zipper))))
;; ## Properties
@ -220,6 +231,7 @@
(doseq [[k v] propmap]
(case k
:children (.add (.getChildren nodeobj) (compile-o-matic v))
:style-class (.addAll (.getStyleClass nodeobj) (compile-o-matic v))
(set-property-value nodeobj k (compile-o-matic v))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(ns clojurefx.scenegraph-test
(:require [clojurefx.clojurefx :refer :all]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! chan go go-loop]]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[clojure.test :as t]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre
:refer [info]])
(:import (javafx.scene.control Label)
(javafx.scene Scene)
(javafx.scene.layout VBox)))
(go (defonce force-toolkit-init (javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.)))
(Thread/sleep 500)
(t/deftest basics
(t/is (instance? Label (compile [Label {:text "Hi!"}]))))
(t/deftest test-find-child-by-class
(t/is (instance? Label
(first (find-child-by-class (compile [Scene {:root [VBox {:children [Label {:text "Hi!" :style-class ["test"]}]}]}])