listener macro

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Ziltener 2013-08-29 08:36:32 +00:00
parent 82f84222de
commit 3bd58af56a
2 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -89,25 +89,34 @@ Don't use this yourself; See the macros \"build\" and \"deffx\" below.
(if (not (empty? (filter #(= % builder) (get pkgs k))))
(symbol (str k "." (camel (name builder))))))))))
(defmacro build
"This helper macro makes it easier to use the [JavaFX builder classes]( You can also use a map, so it is possible to compose the arguments for the builder over time.
(defmacro build"This helper macro makes it easier to use the [JavaFX builder classes]( You can also use a map, so it is possible to compose the arguments for the builder over time.
* `(build button (text \"Close me.\") (cancelButton true))`
* `(build button {:text \"Close me.\" :cancelButton true})`"
[what & args]
* `(build button {:text \"Close me.\" :cancelButton true})`
"[what & args]
(if (and (= 1 (count args))
(map? (first args)))
`(build ~what ~@(for [entry# (keys (first args))]
`(~(symbol (name entry#)) ~((first args) entry#))))
`(.. ~(get-qualified what) create
`(run-now (.. ~(get-qualified what) ~(symbol "create")
~(symbol "build")))))
(defmacro deffx
"Uses build and assigns the result to a symbol."
[name what & args]
(defmacro deffx "
Uses build and assigns the result to a symbol.
"[name what & args]
`(def ~name
(build ~what ~@args)))
;; # Event handling
(defmacro add-listener "
Adds a listener to prop (\"Property\" gets added automatically) of obj, gets the value and passes it to fun.
"[obj prop fun]
`(.. ~obj
~(symbol (str (name prop) "Property"))
(addListener (reify javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener
(changed [c#]
(~fun (.getValue c#)))))))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
([:dependencies ([org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"] [ "2.2.0"] [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.3"] [clojure-complete/clojure-complete "0.2.3"])])