Fixed: Nested run-now (and therefore nested build) won't work.

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Daniel Ziltener 2013-08-31 11:18:54 +00:00
parent b6a2f308fa
commit 20aac63215
2 changed files with 12 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
(defproject clojurefx "0.0.1"
(defproject clojurefx "0.0.2"
:description "Helper functions and probably a wrapper to simplify usage of JavaFX in Clojure.
You'll need to have jfxrt.jar in your local maven repository. See [this coderwall protip]( for how to make this happen.
**Installation: `[clojurefx \"0.0.1\"]`**"
**Installation: `[clojurefx \"0.0.2\"]`**"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}

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@ -11,16 +11,20 @@ Simple wrapper for Platform/runLater. You should use run-later.
(defmacro run-later [& body]
`(run-later* (fn [] ~@body)))
(declare ^:dynamic *nested?*)
(defn run-now*"
A modification of run-later waiting for the running method to return. You should use run-now.
" [f]
(let [result (promise)]
(let [result (promise)]
(deliver result (try (f) (catch Throwable e e))))
(defmacro run-now [& body]
`(run-now* (fn [] ~@body)))
(if *nested?*
`((fn [] ~@body))
(binding [*nested?* true]
`(run-now* (fn [] ~@body)))))
(defn- camel [in]
(let [in (name in)
@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ Don't use this yourself; See the macros \"build\" and \"deffx\" below.
(if (not (empty? (filter #(= % builder) (get pkgs k))))
(symbol (str k "." (camel (name builder))))))))))
(defmacro build"This helper macro makes it easier to use the [JavaFX builder classes]( You can also use a map, so it is possible to compose the arguments for the builder over time.
(defmacro build "This helper macro makes it easier to use the [JavaFX builder classes]( You can also use a map, so it is possible to compose the arguments for the builder over time.
@ -90,7 +94,6 @@ Don't use this yourself; See the macros \"build\" and \"deffx\" below.
(map? (first args)))
`(build ~what ~@(for [entry# (keys (first args))]
`(~(symbol (name entry#)) ~((first args) entry#))))
`(run-now (.. ~(get-qualified what) ~(symbol "create")
~(symbol "build")))))