Added controllergen for actions.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 146 additions and 50 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
:url ""
:url ""
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[swiss-arrows "1.0.0"]
[swiss-arrows "1.0.0"]
[camel-snake-kebab "0.4.0"]
[org.controlsfx/controlsfx "8.40.13"]
[org.controlsfx/controlsfx "8.40.13"]
[com.taoensso/timbre "4.7.4" :exclusions [com.taoensso/carmine]]
[com.taoensso/timbre "4.7.4" :exclusions [com.taoensso/carmine]]
[net.openhft/compiler "2.3.0"]
[clojure-jsr-223 "0.1.0"]]
[clojure-jsr-223 "0.1.0"]]
;; :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}}
;; :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}}
:source-paths ["src"]
:source-paths ["src"]
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(defonce force-toolkit-init (javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.))
;; (defonce force-toolkit-init (javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel.))
;; ## Scenegraph
;; ## Scenegraph
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(debug "method-sym:" method-sym)
(debug "method-sym:" method-sym)
(when-not (= (count methods) 1)
(when-not (= (count methods) 1)
(throw (new Exception (str "can't take an interface with more then one method:" (pr-str methods)))))
(throw (new Exception (str "can't take an interface with more than one method:" (pr-str methods)))))
(debug (pr-str `(proxy [~interface] []
(debug (pr-str `(proxy [~interface] []
(~method-sym ~args ~@code))))
(~method-sym ~args ~@code))))
@ -34,41 +34,46 @@
(~method-sym ~args
(~method-sym ~args
(defn branch? [obj]
(defmacro handle [obj prop fun]
(or (and (instance? javafx.scene.Parent obj)
(let [argument (->> fun (drop 1) first)
(not (instance? org.controlsfx.control.StatusBar obj)))
code (drop 2 fun)]
(instance? javafx.scene.control.MenuBar obj)
`(.setValue (~(symbol (str (name obj) "/" (name prop)))) (fi javafx.event.ActionEvent ~argument ~@code))))
(instance? javafx.scene.control.Menu obj)))
(defn make-node [node children]
;; (defn branch? [obj]
;; (or (and (instance? javafx.scene.Parent obj)
;; (not (instance? org.controlsfx.control.StatusBar obj)))
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.MenuBar obj)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.Menu obj)))
(defn down [x]
;; (defn make-node [node children]
;; nil)
(instance? javafx.scene.control.Label x) (.getGraphic x)
(instance? javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator x) (.getContextMenu x)
(instance? javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane x) (.getContent x)
(instance? javafx.scene.control.MenuBar x) (.getMenus x)
(instance? javafx.scene.control.Menu x) (.getItems x)
(instance? javafx.scene.Parent x) (.getChildren x)
:else nil))
(defn sgzipper [root]
;; (defn down [x]
(zip/zipper branch? down make-node root))
;; (cond
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.Label x) (.getGraphic x)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator x) (.getContextMenu x)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane x) (.getContent x)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.MenuBar x) (.getMenus x)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.control.Menu x) (.getItems x)
;; (instance? javafx.scene.Parent x) (.getChildren x)
;; :else nil))
(defn by-id [root id]
;; (defn sgzipper [root]
;; (zip/zipper branch? down make-node root))
(not (instance? clojure.lang.IFn root)) (do (trace "Raw input confirmed. Starting.")
;; (defn by-id [root id]
(by-id (sgzipper root) id))
;; (try
(zip/end? root) (do (trace "Search ended without result.")
;; (cond
;; (not (instance? clojure.lang.IFn root)) (do (trace "Raw input confirmed. Starting.")
(nil? (zip/node root)) (by-id (zip/next root) id)
;; (by-id (sgzipper root) id))
(= id (.getId (zip/node root))) (do (debug "Found item:" (zip/node root))
;; (zip/end? root) (do (trace "Search ended without result.")
(zip/node root))
;; nil)
:else (do (trace "id of" (zip/node root) "does not match, proceeding to" (zip/node (zip/next root)))
;; (nil? (zip/node root)) (by-id (zip/next root) id)
(by-id (zip/next root) id)))
;; (= id (.getId (zip/node root))) (do (debug "Found item:" (zip/node root))
(catch Exception e (error e))))
;; (zip/node root))
;; :else (do (trace "id of" (zip/node root) "does not match, proceeding to" (zip/node (zip/next root)))
;; (by-id (zip/next root) id)))
;; (catch Exception e (error e))))
;; ## Data
;; ## Data
@ -119,13 +124,6 @@
check (type check)]
check (type check)]
(reduce #(or %1 (isa? check %2)) false impls)))
(reduce #(or %1 (isa? check %2)) false impls)))
;; ## FXMLLoader
(defn load-fxml [filename]
(let [loader (new javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader)]
(.setLocation loader (io/resource ""))
(.load loader (-> filename io/resource io/input-stream))))
;; ## Constructors
;; ## Constructors
(defn find-constructor [clazz cargs]
(defn find-constructor [clazz cargs]
@ -1,16 +1,112 @@
(ns clojurefx.controllergen
(ns clojurefx.controllergen
(import (net.openhft.compiler CachedCompiler CompilerUtils))
(:use swiss.arrows)
(:require [clojure.xml :as xml]
(:require [clojure.xml :as xml]
[ :as zip]
[ :as zip]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]))
[clojure.string :as str]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]))
(def xmlzip (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "/Users/danielziltener/projects/lizenztool/resources/fxml/mainwindow.fxml")))
(def xmlzip (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "/home/zilti/projects/lizenztool/resources/fxml/mainwindow.fxml")))
(defn get-fxid-elems
;; Compiler
([ziptree] (get-fxid-elems ziptree []))
([ziptree elems]
(defonce cached-compiler (CachedCompiler. nil nil))
(zip/end? ziptree) (do (debug "End reached, returning.") elems)
(defn makeclass [pkg classname code]
(contains? (:attrs (zip/node ziptree)) :fx:id) (do (debug "Found a match!\n" (zip/node ziptree))
(debug (str "\n" code))
(recur (zip/next ziptree) (conj elems (zip/node ziptree))))
:else (do (debug "No match, continuing:" (zip/node ziptree)) (recur (zip/next ziptree) elems)))))
(.loadFromJava cached-compiler (str/join "." [pkg classname]) code)
(catch java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e (error e))))
;; Parser
(def stockimports "import;\nimport clojure.lang.IFn;\nimport;\nimport java.util.ResourceBundle;\nimport javafx.fxml.FXML;\n")
(def stockprops " @FXML
private ResourceBundle resources;
private URL location;\n\n")
(defn get-imports [filename]
(->> (slurp filename)
(filter #(str/starts-with? % "<?import"))
(map #(str/replace % #"<\?" ""))
(map #(str/replace % #"\?>" ";"))
(str/join "\n")))
(defn zip-tree-seq [node]
(tree-seq (complement string?)
(defn get-handler-props [{:keys [attrs]}]
(->> attrs
(filter #(str/starts-with? (name (key %)) "on"))
(map val)))
(defn get-handler-fns [ziptree]
(->> ziptree
(map get-handler-props)
(remove empty?)
(defn get-fxid-elems [ziptree]
(->> ziptree
(filter #(contains? (:attrs %) :fx:id))))
(defn get-controller-class [fxmlzip]
(->> fxmlzip
(filter #(contains? (:attrs %) :fx:controller))
(defn gen-props [coll]
(let [props-str
(->> (flatten coll)
(map #(format " @FXML\n public %s %s;\n\n"
(name (:tag %)) (get-in % [:attrs :fx:id])))
(str/join ""))]
(debug (type props-str))
(defn gen-handlers [coll clj-ns]
(->> (flatten coll)
(map #(format " @FXML\n void %s(Object event) {\n Clojure.var(\"%s\", \"%s\").invoke(event);\n }\n\n"
(subs % 1) clj-ns (csk/->kebab-case (subs % 1))))
(str/join "")))
(defn gen-initializer [cns cfn]
(format " @FXML
void initialize() {
Clojure.var(\"%s\", \"%s\").invoke(this);
}" cns cfn))
(defn gen-fx-controller [fxmlzip fxmlpath [clj-ns clj-fn]]
(let [clazz (get-controller-class fxmlzip)
[pkg classname] (reverse (map str/reverse (str/split (str/reverse clazz) #"\." 2)))
fxid-elems (get-fxid-elems fxmlzip)
handler-fns (get-handler-fns fxmlzip)]
(debug "fxid-elems:" (pr-str fxid-elems))
(debug "handler-fns:" (pr-str handler-fns))
(str (format "package %s;\n\n" pkg)
(get-imports fxmlpath)
(format "\n\npublic class %s {\n\n" classname)
(gen-props fxid-elems)
(gen-handlers handler-fns clj-ns)
(gen-initializer clj-ns clj-fn)
;; Plumber
(defn gen-fx-controller-class [fxmlpath clj-fn]
(let [fxmlzip (zip-tree-seq (xml/parse fxmlpath))
clazz (get-controller-class fxmlzip)
[pkg classname] (reverse (map str/reverse (str/split (str/reverse clazz) #"\." 2)))
cljvec (str/split clj-fn #"/")]
(makeclass pkg classname (gen-fx-controller fxmlzip fxmlpath cljvec))))
Reference in a new issue