Webdriver implementation in Chicken Scheme
Table of Contents
1. Dependencies
Dependency | Description |
srfi-34 | Exception Handling |
srfi-35 | Exception Types |
base64 | decoding screenshot data |
http-client | API interaction |
intarweb | Supporting HTTP functionality |
uri-common | Supporting HTTP functionality |
coops | Object system |
alist-lib | Handling alists from JSON objects |
medea | JSON handling |
2. Error Conditions
(define-condition-type &wd-exception &error wd-exception? (stacktrace wd-stacktrace) (data wd-data))
Every API error code (key “error” in the returned JSON data) gets its own condition type, prefixed by &
. They all inherit from &wd-exception
Name | API Error Code |
detached-shadow-root | detached shadow root |
element-click-intercepted | element click intercepted |
element-not-interactable | element not interactable |
insecure-certificate | insecure certificate |
invalid-argument | invalid argument |
invalid-cookie-domain | invalid cookie domain |
invalid-element-state | invalid element state |
invalid-selector | invalid selector |
invalid-session-id | invalid session id |
javascript-error | javascript error |
move-target-out-of-bounds | move target out of bounds |
no-such-alert | no such alert |
no-such-cookie | no such cookie |
no-such-element | no such element |
no-such-frame | no such frame |
no-such-shadow-root | no such shadow root |
no-such-window | no such window |
script-timeout | script timeout |
session-not-created | session not created |
stale-element-reference | stale element reference |
timeout | timeout |
unable-to-capture-screen | unable to capture screen |
unable-to-set-cookie | unable to set cookie |
unexpected-alert-open | unexpected alert open |
unknown-command | unknown command |
unknown-error | unknown error |
unknown-method | unknown method |
unsupported-operation | unsupported operation |
3. WebDriver
The core element of the library is the <WebDriver>
class and its subclasses. The class has the following fields:
(define-class <WebDriver> () ((browser #f) (active? #f) (browser-pid #f) (server #f) (port #f) (session-id #f) (prefs #f) (capabilities #f)))
The parent class provides a handful of methods, but does not implement all of them; some are the sole responsibility of the subclass. The launch
method, on the other hand, bears shared responsibility. It sets a finalizer to ensure termination of the web driver process in case the class is disposed of with a still-open driver.
(define-method (launch #:after (instance <WebDriver>) options) (set-finalizer! instance (lambda (obj) (when (slot-value instance 'active?) (terminate instance))))) (define-method (terminate (instance <WebDriver>)) (terminate-session instance) (process-signal (slot-value instance 'browser-pid)) (set! (slot-value instance 'browser-pid) #f) (set! (slot-value instance 'active?) #f)) (define-method (construct-capabilities (instance <WebDriver>) #!optional caps) (raise 'subclass-responsibility)) (define-method (postprocess-result (instance <WebDriver>) result) result)
Main initialization is done by calling the new-WebDriver
procedure with the respective class name and optionally an alist of options.
(define (new-WebDriver browser #!optional options) (let ((instance (make browser))) (launch instance options) (sleep 1) instance))
3.1. Geckodriver
The Geckodriver is used to control Firefox.
(define-class <Gecko> (<WebDriver>) ((browser #:firefox) (server "") (port 4444))) (define-method (launch (instance <Gecko>) options) (let ((pid (process-run "geckodriver > /dev/null 2>&1"))) (set! (slot-value instance 'browser-pid) pid) (set! (slot-value instance 'active?) #t) (set! (slot-value instance 'capabilities) options)))
The capabilities object for Geckodriver is of the form {"capabilities": {...}}
For more information on capabilities, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Capabilities.
(define-method (construct-capabilities (instance <Gecko>)) (let ((caps (or (slot-value instance 'capabilities) (list)))) `((capabilities . ,caps))))
Sometimes, Geckodriver returns the results of a command in a JSON object with the sole key "value"
. We have to correct that before returning the data to the user.
(define-method (postprocess-result (instance <Gecko>) result) (alist-ref/default result 'value result))
4. WebDriver API
4.1. Communication
Data is sent to the API via a central class method. For convenience, there is a send-with-session
variant that automatically adds the session id.
(define-method (send (instance <WebDriver>) data uri method) (let* ((remote (string-append "http://" (slot-value instance 'server) ":" (->string (slot-value instance 'port)) "/")) (result (postprocess-result instance (with-input-from-request (make-request #:method method #:uri (uri-reference (string-append remote uri)) #:headers (headers `((content-type application/json)))) (if data (json->string data) "") read-json)))) (if (and (list? result) (alist-ref/default result 'error #f)) (wd-throw result) result))) (define-method (send-with-session (instance <WebDriver>) data uri method) (send instance data (string-append "session/" (slot-value instance 'session-id) "/" uri) method))
4.2. Session management
Session management is very simple. There is just one method to initialize a new session. Everything else is handled automatically.
(define-method (initialize-session (instance <WebDriver>)) (let ((result (send instance (construct-capabilities instance) "session" 'POST))) (set! (slot-value instance 'session-id) (alist-ref result 'sessionId))))
(define-method (terminate-session (instance <WebDriver>)) (when (slot-value instance 'session-id) (send instance #f (string-append "session/" (slot-value instance 'session-id)) 'DELETE)) (set! (slot-value instance 'session-id) #f))
-- testing session ----------------------------------------------------------- Initial state ........................................................ [ PASS] Session id check ..................................................... [ PASS] Session id after termination ......................................... [ PASS] 3 tests completed in 4.952 seconds. 3 out of 3 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing session ------------------------------------------------------
4.3. API Access Methods
(define-method (set-url (instance <WebDriver>) url) (send-with-session instance `((url . ,url)) "url" 'POST)) (define-method (url (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "url" 'GET))
-- testing url --------------------------------------------------------------- Initial state ........................................................ [ PASS] Navigating to the first website ...................................... [ PASS] 2 tests completed in 5.471 seconds. 2 out of 2 (100%) tests passed. -- done testing url ----------------------------------------------------------
(define-method (back (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "back" 'POST))
(define-method (forward (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "forward" 'POST))
(define-method (forward (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "refresh" 'POST))
(define-method (title (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "title" 'GET))
(define-method (status (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "status" 'GET))
(define-method (source (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "source" 'GET))
(define-method (screenshot (instance <WebDriver>)) (base64-decode (send-with-session instance #f "screenshot" 'GET)))
(define-method (print-page (instance <WebDriver>)) (send-with-session instance #f "print" 'POST))
(define-method (execute-async (instance <WebDriver>) script args) (send-with-session instance `((script . ,script) (args . ,args)) "execute/async" 'POST))
(define-method (execute-sync (instance <WebDriver>) script args) (send-with-session instance `((script . ,script) (args . ,args)) "execute/sync" 'POST))
4.4. Timeouts
The following timeouts are defined:
: defaults to 30’000, specifies when to interrupt a script that is being evaluated. A nil value implies that scripts should never be interrupted, but instead run indefinitely.pageLoad
: defaults to 300’000, provides the timeout limit used to interrupt an explicit navigation attempt.implicit
: defaults to 0, specifies a time to wait for the element location strategy to complete when locating an element.
(define-class <WDTimeouts> () ((script 30000) (pageLoad 300000) (implicit 0)))
(define-method (extract (instance <WDTimeouts>)) `((script . ,(slot-value instance 'script)) (pageLoad . ,(slot-value instance 'pageLoad)) (implicit . ,(slot-value instance 'implicit))))
4.4.1. Setting and getting timeouts
(define-method (set-timeouts (instance <WebDriver>) (timeouts <WDTimeouts>)) (send-with-session instance (extract timeouts) "timeouts" 'POST)) (define-method (timeouts (instance <WebDriver>)) (let ((result (send-with-session instance #f "timeouts" 'GET))) (make <WDTimeouts> 'script (alist-ref result 'script) 'pageLoad (alist-ref result 'pageLoad) 'implicit (alist-ref result 'implicit))))
4.5. Elements
4.5.1. Element Class
(define-class <WDElement> () ((driver #f) (element #f)))
(define-method (send-with-session (instance <WDElement>) data uri method) (send-with-session (slot-value instance 'driver) data (string-append "element/" (slot-value instance 'element) "/" uri) method))
4.5.2. Finding Elements
- Location Strategies
(define css-selector "css selector") (define link-text "link text") (define partial-link-text "partial link text") (define tag-name "tag name") (define xpath "xpath")
- Accessor Methods
(define-method (find-element (instance <WebDriver>) strategy selector) (let ((result (send-with-session instance `((using . ,strategy) (value . ,selector)) "element" 'POST))) (make <WDElement> 'driver instance 'element (car (alist-values result))) element))
(define-method (find-elements (instance <WebDriver>) strategy selector) (let ((result (send-with-session instance `((using . ,strategy) (value . ,selector)) "elements" 'POST))) (map (lambda (elem) (make <WDElement> 'driver instance 'element (car (alist-values elem)))) result)))
(define-method (find-element (instance <WDElement>) strategy selector) (let ((result (send-with-session instance `((using . ,strategy) (value . ,selector)) "element" 'POST))) (make <WDElement> 'driver (slot-value instance 'driver) 'element (car (alist-values result))) element))
(define-method (find-elements (instance <WDElement>) strategy selector) (let ((result (send-with-session instance `((using . ,strategy) (value . ,selector)) "elements" 'POST))) (map (lambda (elem) (make <WDElement> 'driver (slot-value instance 'driver) 'element (car (alist-values elem)))) result)))
4.5.3. Working with Elements
(define-method (attribute (instance <WDElement>) attribute) (let ((result (send-with-session instance #f (string-append "attribute/" attribute) 'GET))) (if (equal? "true" result) #t result)))
(define-method (property (instance <WDElement>) property) (send-with-session instance #f (string-append "property/" property) 'GET))
(define-method (clear (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "clear" 'POST))
(define-method (click (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "click" 'POST))
(define-method (computed-label (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "computedlabel" 'GET))
(define-method (computed-role (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "computedrole" 'GET))
(define-method (enabled? (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "enabled" 'GET))
(define-method (selected? (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "selected" 'GET))
(define-method (name (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "name" 'GET))
(define-method (rect (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "rect" 'GET))
(define-method (screenshot (instance <WDElement>)) (base64-decode (send-with-session instance #f "screenshot" 'GET)))
(define-method (text (instance <WDElement>)) (send-with-session instance #f "text" 'GET))
(define-method (set-value (instance <WDElement>) value) (send-with-session instance `((text . ,value)) "value" 'POST))