;; Run with {{awful example2.scm}}. ;; Open two web browsers and point both to [[http://localhost:8080/client]]. ;; Try clicking on the blue and the red div and see them changing their ;; boolean values on BOTH browsers. (use awful-sse awful spiffy json posix srfi-18) ;; Global variables are not good practice, but will suffice for the moment. (define one #t) (define two #f) (define (swap1!) (set! one (not one))) (define (swap2!) (set! two (not two))) (define (prepare-json one two) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (json-write (list->vector `(("one" . ,one) ("two" . ,two))))))) (define (sse-proc) (let loop () (send-sse-data (prepare-json one two)) (thread-sleep! 1) (loop))) (define-page/sse "/client" (lambda () (add-javascript "var source = new EventSource('/sse'); source.addEventListener('message', function(e) { var data = JSON.parse(e.data); document.getElementById('one').innerHTML = data.one; document.getElementById('two').innerHTML = data.two; }, false);") (add-css "div #one, #two { padding: 1em; margin: 1em; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; }") (ajax "one" 'one 'click (lambda () (swap1!))) (ajax "two" 'two 'click (lambda () (swap2!))) `((div (div (@ (id "one") (style "border-color: blue;")) "") (div (@ (id "two") (style "border-color: red;")) "")))) "/sse" sse-proc use-sxml: #t use-ajax: #t)